Vagina’s Revenge: MI’s Women Changing their Mind about Rick Santorum

Go figure. Us womenfolk don’t like people to tell us what to do with our bodies.

PPP poll, February 13:

PPP Poll, February 19:

And here’s an interesting detail from the February 19 poll: MI’s Catholics don’t like their fellow Catholic, Rick Santorum (or, for that matter, Catholic convert Newt Gingrich):

9 replies
  1. William Ockham says:

    Normally I would caution that the margin of error is so big on subgroups in these polls that there might not really be anything here, but the measured movement is big and likely driven by something real. This does not bode well for the Republican party if Santorum is the nominee.

  2. geoschmidt says:

    these religeous bastards are all rotten, whether they would be nominal protestants, who supposedley were adverse to the Roman Catholics… or the Jews either or, so these “Protesteants” as we see them in a very sorry state… with the likes of the… you know the likes of…. assholes who cry their eyes out and all that!~!

  3. geoschmidt says:

    @geoschmidt: Probably thinking of J Swagart on that one, but another thing to my mind is: Jeesus, the best thing about the president is… that he did at one time, adhere to a damn good preacher… the reverend Jeremiah Write, which I really like!! I really like that man, he says it like it is, that is crucial for this world.

  4. Peterr says:

    OTOH, the MI menfolk do seem to like what Santorum’s selling. Not enough of them to make up for the loss of support from the women, mind you, but enough to be worth pointing out.

    It’s curious to me that Romney is the big recipient of the women’s support, though when the other major alternative is Newt “Three Strikes” Gingrich, maybe it’s not so curious after all.

    What *will* be curious is to look at the polling once a GOP nominee is in place. Will the MI GOP women choose Obama over whoever that is?

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