The Gray Lady Hides the Disagreement

This is kind of creepy. After learning yesterday that the Administration conned the NYT out of publishing details of the domestic wiretap program by telling the NYT that there had been no significant disagreement about the program …

The first known assertion by administration officials that there hadbeen no serious disagreement within the government about the legalityof the N.S.A. program came in talks with New York Times editors in2004. In an effort to persuade the editors not to disclose theeavesdropping program, senior officials repeatedly cited the lack ofdissent as evidence of the program’s lawfulness.


Mr. Gonzales’s 2006 testimony went unchallenged publicly until May of this year, when James B. Comey, the former deputy attorney general, described the March 2004 confrontation to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

I thought I’d review what the NYT said about Gonzales’ public claim when they reported on his testimony in February 2006. The NYT provided extensive coverage of Gonzales’ testimony, providing:

And in spite of all that attention to the testimony, the NYT didn’t mention Gonzales’ claim that there was no disagreement about the program–not once.

  1. Anonymous says:

    actually — while i agree with EW’s fine
    analysis of how terribly late to the party
    the paper of record has been — and that
    they could have written more today, about
    what they knew, but did not write, then. . .

    i actually appreciate that a national
    newspaper’s editorial board is calling
    for alberto gonzales’ impeachment, should
    paul clement fail to appoint a special
    prosecutor (as he, no doubt, will).

    so i have this to say, today, about that:

    â€the new york times’. . . story last
    evening — while printing an
    administration-endorsed explanation
    for alberto gonzales’ dissembling
    before congress, last tuesday
    — had the
    salutory effect, to the discerning eye,
    at least, of making plain[er] what many
    of us have already come to accept
    as true. alberto gonzales is a liar.

    and not about his golf handicap, or
    whether he two-, or three-putted, on
    the fourth green. . .

    no, he has lied about cheney’s (and bush’s)
    efforts to snoop on americans in violation
    of their contitutionally guaranteed rights.

    rights he — and his office — had sworn to
    protect. the times called for his impeach-
    ment, at the end of the above editorial.

    personally — as with cheney — i am calling
    for his indictment. that is what the special
    prosecutor ought to do. . .â€

    great stuff, as ever, EW!

  2. orionATL says:

    ah, the ghost of â€brill content†hovers, smiling.

    it is so rewarding to see the sly, evasive behavior of the nytimes leaders laid out in

    such extensive detail.

    the â€paper of record†is not,

    nor has it ever been.

    that term is self-serving, self-applied, and historically inaccurate to a degree that should be shameful to sulzberger and family –

    but never is.

    the ny(twit)times is just a corporate media creature which has demonstrated repeatedly that

    its highest goal

    is schmoozing,

    or playing footsie,

    with republican political power.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am having trouble understanding what is new here. We’ve known for awhile that the Times suppressed the story until well after the 2004 elections. That was a crime against the nation because the news, if released prior to the election, might have changed the outcome.

    Now we have another revelation in that same vein. Is this new story about additional details which the Times suppressed? If so, what are the key new details that have just emerged?

    Sorry to be so thick-headed!

  4. emptywheel says:


    My focus here is on the ways the NYT should have been intervening in debates about Gonzales’ testimony. Had they said, â€This is the second time the Admin is using this excuse, but we now consider it false.†It would have made it a lot harder for BushCo to sustain Gonzales’ claim for over a year until it got to this point.

  5. scarecrow says:

    Another thing the NYT does not disclose is how the Administration described to the editors back in 2004 â€the program†over which they claimed there was no disagreement. Yet that is precisely the focus on today’s debate. Did the Admininstration claim then that the entire â€program†was beyond disagreement? Or did they use weasle words then that would support the distinction the Gonzales’ defenders are using today? The NYT knows that’s a key question, and they know the answer, but they won’t answer the question nor even acknowledge that they might know the answer.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Scarecrow, that was exactly the point of my response yesterday. There isn’t that much new here and all the NYT is doing is CYA. They won’t answer that question because the answer makes them look lame.

  7. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    I get irritated with the newz media as well, but I’d like to see them put more resources into the ’synthesis’ and ’contrast/compare’, database-driven content that they’ve begun to develop in the past 18 months. For a fine example, see how they’ve compared Bush’s â€State of the Unionâ€:…..NION.html.

    The NYT should something like this with Alberto Gonzales’s remarks to Congress.

    Congress, the media, and even many in the military and government failed to recognize the inner logic of Bu$hCo, because it’s so far outside the normal framework for many Americans that we were punk’d.

    Bu$hCo doesn’t give a rat’s ass about ’traditional American values’; it’s about shareholder dividends and international power politics. The logic of Privatization and Market Theology in a globalized economy require secrecy, subverting the military to corporate interests (â€I pledge allegiance to the Oil Fields of the Middle East, and the necessary conflagration for which they stand…â€), and privatizing public resources like electricity (which started in Bush I, and blew up in Bush II). I’m still getting up to speed on Iran-Contra, but even a cursory view suggests that the neocons and the Bush Family concluded that mercenary armies, ability to spy on one’s economic and political competitors, and money-laundering are fundamental to whatever structures they hide behind a patina of wealth, respectability, and flag-waving.

    Congress, the US, and the medi now confront a monster that grew because of their own negligence, misplaced duty, misplaced trust, and misplaced goodwill. Let’s hope that, unlike the NYT, the Congress will refuse to continue being punk’d by Gonzo and his handlers.

    I’m not sure what the full nature and scope of the rogue, globalized Bu$hCo threat really is, but it’s not ’American’ in any traditional, decent, citizen-legislator sense of the term. Not one bit.

  8. Anonymous says:

    readerOfTeaLeaves — Do you really think it’s possible to stop the monster now that it has grown so big? I have trouble believing that Democrats won’t succumb to the siren song of corporate power, not because I know any arcane details of how that corporate power is sold to politicians — that’s still a mystery to me — but just by the evidence of the number of Republicans have come to be totally controlled. Can Democrats really be that different?

    I’m a lifelong Democrat and it’s obvious to me that by and large the Democrats are better, more capable people than (especially) the current crop of Republican zombies. That’s not the point. I’m just afraid they too will fall down the rabbit hole.

  9. Anonymous says:

    oops, disagreement was over data mining not eavesdropping

    lets go for single digit congressional approval

    keep up the good work Marcy