I Should Go Away More Often

Do you think if I had stayed away a week, Cheney would have resigned too?

I’ll have some more comments once I clean the long road trip stink out of my hair.

  1. Anonymous says:

    In answer to your question EW; NO.

    Is this the same â€anon†that posted long rambling disjointed comments here for about a week and then disappeared?

  2. BlueStateRedhead says:

    Who knows which anon is which! the Muck’s anon gets high marks on FDL from TiredFed. check out the link for more of postings by that anon.

    May EW can apply her literary sleuthing skills to the texts and see if they are from ’the same hand’.

  3. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Whew. Nurses, docs, and hospital patients nationwide can breath a deep sigh of relief today.

  4. AZ Matt says:

    EW, Maybe you should stop writing about and thinking about Cheney for two weeks and take an extra long weekend off somewhere at the end of that time. It might work.

  5. Chris says:

    Welcome back, hope you had fun. What do you know…we get Gonzo and a hypocrite Senator all in one Day. Maybe Cheney will check out in the next couple of months.

    But serious question….since Alberto404error will resign on Sept 17th, who will be come the second set of eyes on wiretaps? It says AG Alberto Gonzo and DNI McConnell. Will it now be Chertoff and McConnell.

    Inquiring minds want to know

  6. bluebird says:

    I missed you too, but I am thinking you should take another long weekend so that Cheney resigns!

  7. leinie says:

    Ooooh, she’s back!

    I already suspect you to be a goddess. Ignore Cheney til he goes away and I’ll be convinced!

  8. pdaly says:

    Welcome back, EW.

    Any idea why yet another Manic Monday?

    Seems Friday is not good enough for these folks anymore. Or is the gooder stuff still slipping out the back door on Fridays? Hard to image.

    Bush’s lament over the loss of Gonzales â€because his good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons†can be parsed as an admission that the WH asked AGAG do political deeds (signing the torture memo, signing off on the NSA warrentless eavesdropping, firing assistant US attorneys whom deigned to investigate and prosecute corrupt Republican politicians) for the good of the Neocon cabal. And the phrase â€his good name was dragged through the mud†is code for â€AGAG took the bullet for usâ€. Or is ’mud’ a veiled reference to a meatgrinder?

  9. anwaya says:

    Nah, the timing is perfect. The-soon-to-be-former AGAG hit the trifecta: Marcie, Jon and Steven were all off the clock.