AJ Rossmiller: Why Bloggers Are Better Informed than Condi Rice

still-broken.jpgAJ Rossmiller (of AmericaBlog fame) nailed the results of the 2005 Iraqi election. You might recall that as the election where, after it had long become clear Ahmad Chalabi had little base of support in Iraq, some anonymous sources in the Administration nevertheless had great hopes that somehow Chalabi might end up as Prime Minister.

Though he lacks any mass appeal, some U.S. diplomats even cite the secular Shi’ite as a possible compromise candidate for prime minister in a coalition government.

But Chalabi won just .5% of the vote. Iyad Allawi, in whom the Administration also invested their hopes, won just 8% of the vote. And the Shiite coalition dominated by SCIRI and the Sadrists got 41% of the votes. In his book, Still Broken, AJ describes that he saw this coming.

After Iraq’s winter elections, the results validated the predictions contained in the paper I’d written in the fall. It created something of a stir because the paper turned out to be remarkably accurate, far more so than the forecasts of other agencies and departments. Before the election occurred, a high-ranking official requested a follow-up evaluation of our assessments, and I wrote a memo that described our precision. The memo made its way up through the chain, and a few days later the office got a note from Stephen Cambone, the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, praising both the prediction and the self-evaluation.

Unfortunately, the bulk of the last half of AJ’s book describes how such accurate predictions are generally weeded out by higher-ranking analysts worried that their office’s work product might piss off the Administration. For example, AJ describes some of the conversations leading up to the election (edited to take out classified information), where people argued against his analysis because it didn’t accord with that of other intelligence agencies.

"You’re being too pessimistic. [The secularists] are gaining strength."

"There’s no way Iraqis will vote for [those in power] again. We can’t pass this up the chain."

"[Other agencies] are predicting something totally different and we need to make sure we’re not too far off message with this."

You can’t predict the Shiite parties will win the election, apparently, because that is considered pessimistic, because it doesn’t accord with the Administration’s great hopes that they’ll somehow salvage a secular, moderate Iraq out of their disastrous war.

AJ’s description of events leading up to the 2005 Iraqi election gets to the core of the problem with the Administration’s efforts to invent its own reality. The byzantine vetting process for intelligence virtually guarantees that when you conclude something counter to the Administration’s grand hopes, those conclusions will–at a minimum–be watered down long before someone in power ever sees them.

It was pretty clear to me, leading up to the elections, that sheer force of numbers would guarantee that Shiites would win that election (though I can’t claim to have predicted the actual tallies). But those running this country sustained a completely contrary belief, partly because of the perversion of the intelligence vetting process. In addition to their own refusal to see facts in front of their face, top Administration officials are literally shielded from the most important (and fairly obvious) facts. And the politicization of intelligence ensures that few people are even going to try to present the unvarnished truth to top officials.

When AJ was asked how he got the 2005 election right, one of the things he pointed to, half-seriously, was the open source work of Juan Cole.

I began to write the explanation of our methodology, and I tried to resist the temptation to criticize other agencies while explaining how and why we did things differently. State, in particular, was very sensitive about their screwup, and I didn’t want to piss anybody off.

"Sir, can’t I just say that I copied and pasted Juan Cole?"

You see, those running the most powerful country in the world aren’t reading Juan Cole directly, or at least they weren’t. If they’re lucky, some analyst like AJ will read him and allow Cole’s expertise to influence his analysis. And if they’re lucky, that analysis might bubble up to decision-makers without being censored by the vetting process. But AJ’s book demonstrates that those are two very big "if’s."

AJ will talk about his book at FDL’s book salon today at 5PM ET; as a special treat, former counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke will host the discussion. I imagine this is one book salon not to be missed. And don’t forget to buy AJ’s book!

13 replies
  1. jackie says:

    Good morning EW great post..
    Sort of connected, but doesn’t Cheney get to vet everything/most of the ‘raw data’ and also pretty much gets to decide who sees what/when? He has folks/friends/fear in all sorts of places. Sorry, a bit rambley, but still?

  2. klynn says:

    What a great combination, Richard Clarke hosting and A.J. the guest. I have to tell you EW, I’ve been a Juan Cole fan for a long time and tend to link to him quite a bit when commenting on Iraq.

    His posting today may give light to the discussion:

    Contrary to the glowing depictions of Iraq in the US press, Baghdad is engulfed in a lake of sewage so big it can be seen on Google Earth, many neighborhoods lack water, and electricity supply is insufficient and spotty. Although the Iraqi government crows about building clinics, the fact is that most nurses and physicians have fled, and medicines are in short supply. Last I knew, water purification was being impeded by US blockades on chlorine trucks coming in from Jordan. Some 70% of Iraqis do not have access to clean water, and there have been 100 recent cases of cholera in the capital, especially in the slum of Sadr City.

    In nearby Baquba to the northeast, most children cannot go to school because of the poor security and some of those who can faint from hunger. The lack of services, poor security and perceived US favoritism to Shiite have stirred anger and resentment in Baqubah against the US


    Here’s the whole post:


    A smart presidential canidate might start reading Juan and get a clue on policy for Iraq…

    Thia will be great EW. Thanks!

    • klynn says:

      Above should read…

      This will be great EW.

      In response to myself…See, the surge IS working!

      Sure it is…

    • klynn says:

      Uh selise aren’t you being just a little harsh? I mean come on, Condi practices a pretty high intellectual form of foreign policy…

      Playing the piano…

      • manys says:

        Playing the piano…

        From my understanding, she’s a classical pianist. To the degree that classical music admits interpretation, there is an institutional reliance on the interpretations of others, especially those who are more established pianists and musicologists. She is playing back the work of others, and not just with the ivories.

  3. Mnemosyne says:

    This one line says everything about what is wrong with this administration, in every aspect of its dealings:

    “[Other agencies] are predicting something totally different and we need to make sure we’re not too far off message with this.”

    Group think, conformity, total absence of intellectual curiosity or intestinal fortitude. Follow Dear Leader in lockstep.

  4. klynn says:

    AJ’s description of events leading up to the 2005 Iraqi election gets to the core of the problem with the Administration’s efforts to invent its own reality. The byzantine vetting process for intelligence virtually guarantees that when you conclude something counter to the Administration’s grand hopes, those conclusions will–at a minimum–be watered down long before someone in power ever sees them.

    Or they “out” your wife…if they do see the counter intelligence.

    Perhaps Plame explains why the intelligence process is broken.

  5. PJEvans says:

    people argued against his analysis because it didn’t accord with that of other intelligence agencies

    ‘Lie about it, because we can’t disagree with Cheney.’

    • MarieRoget says:

      I am (faux) shocked also. Who could have predicted this? Pat Lang & his friend Prof. Juan Cole, if they’d been allowed by Cheneydom to do so for this nation, plus many others including a huge fist sized clutch of other former & current intel experts who are completely fed up w/BushCo’s “governance/leadership” of the US, or lack thereof:


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