Road Trip: Democratic National Convention Edition

lake-superior.jpgIt’s that time of year again where I go off grid for a period of time and people resign or other momentous stuff happens while I’m away from the Toobz.

I’ll be leaving Friday evening for a road trip with mr. emptywheel and McCaffrey the MilleniaLab, up over the top of Lake Superior, through South Dakota so mr. emptywheel can see Abraham Lincoln in a rock, and from there down to Denver for the Convention (and to visit my family, some of whom live there). I can’t promise you mr. emptywheel will let me check on the Toobz until I get to Denver a week from tomorrow, though perhaps if I go into withdrawal I’ll liveblog Wall Drug for you (you think Wall Drug has wifi??). And McCaffrey the MilleniaLab, who was named after Eddie McCaffrey of the Denver Broncos, is hoping to be able to see Barack Obama accept the nomination in Mile High.

It’s bound to be a particularly momentous absence, as Calculated Risk will also be gone from the Toobz for some of the same dates as I’ll be gone–and when he goes off  grid, banks tend to fail. Obviously, one of the things I’ll be missing is the announcement of Obama’s Veep (and no, I didn’t sign up to get a text as soon as it’s announced), but who knows, maybe we’ll be lucky and another high level Bushie will resign to spend more time with his family.

In the meantime, bmaz will have the keys (yes, to the blog and to the liquor cabinet, you lushes), and I’ve instructed him he can do with those keys as he sees fit–so behave! You don’t want him to key your car. We’ll also have a few posts from another surprise guest poster next week, so you’ll be in great hands while I’m gone.

Anyone have any tips for must-see things along the way?

(Photo of Lake Superior Provincial Park, where I plan to do a day hike on Saturday, by loimere.)