Palin Suggests She Doesn’t Want Uncle Toobz’ Seat
She notes that she didn’t do too well under the "white hot" spotlight of DC.
MATT LAUER: Let me talk about your future. There is a possibility that, in the state of Alaska, there will be a special election. If Ted Stevens goes back the Senate, and his colleagues decide to banish him, then the state of Alaska has to come up with a new senator. And it is conceivable that you could run for that seat. Are you interested?
SARAH PALIN: I’m not planning on that.
MATT LAUER: That’s a good politician’s answer. Most people say, "I’m not planning on it." But the people of Alaska said, "You’d be the right person"?
SARAH PALIN: No, I’m not planning on it because I think the people of Alaska will best be served with me as their governor. Making sure that we are prudently spending the tax dollars. That we are making sure that our resources are being developed responsibly and ethically. And all those things that are a part of my agenda as governor. I think the people of Alaska appreciate me where I am today as their governor.
MATT LAUER: But wouldn’t there be some sense that you’d just seen what it was like in the White House spotlight. And doesn’t some part of you, I mean, I read an article about you that said you’re pretty ambitious. Doesn’t some part of you want more of that?
SARAH PALIN: You know, when you talk about that white hot spotlight– that’s not really attractive to me. Because, again, you know, you gave some examples of– look what that white hot spotlight…
MATT LAUER: It’s a double edged sword.
SARAH PALIN: …does to one’s family, you know. And does to one’s credibility and record and word. So that’s not the attraction to me. The attraction is where can I best serve people whom I work for and am accountable to. Right now I am accountable to the people of Alaska. They hired me as their governor. I’m blessed to have the opportunity that I have to serve them as governor. It’s a great job. I love it. [my emphasis]
Shorter Sarah: I’m going back to Alaska where I can hide my incompetence, ethical issues, and ignorance behind my pretty face. Also.
I’m not sure Sarah will remember the "white hot spotlight" in three months or so, when she’d have to decide on a special election. But let it be noted that, at least for the moment, she doesn’t want Uncle Toobz’ seat.
Maybe Todd will go for it?
I dunno. She keeps saying “I’m not planning,” “today,” “right now.”
I think we can assume she’s keeping an eye out for any opportunity.
The comment is more interesting, really, for her admission that she bombed her first national audition.
She does not have to do anything. God opens the door for her. She recognizes that unlike God, she is not omniscient (which is quite an admission for her), so there is a slight danger of her missing the opportunity he prepares for her.
From the Fox interview:
Doesn’t she have to knock first?
once you’ve walked directly INTO it with an IMPACT,
there’s no need to knock.
ask dumbya!
No, no. God guides her through, kinda like a ghost.
Not at all. According to the McCain campaign, she was vetted by the FBI. That short and entirely imaginary experience —because the FBI, even Bush’s FBI, does not work for political parties–gave her FBI-like powers. She will probably hand deliver God a National Security Letter obliging him to do open that door.
The NYT has an article on Palin’s interviews with Fox and Lauer on its electronic front page. Pathetic.
I feel like I’m quoting scripture to my own purpose here.
He who wants to do good knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gate open. -Rabindranath Tagore
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. Rabindranath Tagore
nobody wants to talk bad about toobz
he’s still got a lot of friends in Alaska
wanna bet princess pandora is courtin some of em ???
I heard she was moving to Canada.
Well she can practically see it if she turns 180 degrees from Russia…
And this is why Sarah is on the road again to Florida on Wednesday for the Republican Governors Association conference.
Because it is a Governors meeting, and certainly not because she likes being in that national white hot spotlight.
And anyways, tanning beds do a better job faster.
Didn’t spray-on tan lotion end up on a RNC receipt? Or was it a tanning bed?
Spray on. Sarah couldn’t fit the tanning bed in her RNC-paid Louis Vuitton carryon.
That’s right. Dang, the luggage…
I suspect her career decisions going forward will be a contest between her powerful ambition and her preference for talking only to safely screened adoring supporters. I further predict that her ambition combined with a Bushlike inability to accept any responsibility for her shortcomings and learn from them will result in repeated disastrous attempts at higher office, followed by retreats into the comfort of wingnuttia.
That sure doesn’t sound like a Shermanesque statement to me. Stay tuned.
She’ll appear on the Washington scene when her handlers tell her to, and not a moment before.
I would just like to note the deafening silence about the most important, critical, earth changing moment that is coming to a head, right here in our midst, this week.
The throwdown of throwdowns.
Y’all better be ready; it is going to be big.
Well, out with it.
Jets v Pats?
Whaaaa? It is not evident? My oh my.
The Bretts vesus the Ex-Bradys. Thursday night. Beantown turns to Greentown.
All in for the Patsies…
After that comment I bet you’re going to work a Kung Fu Monkey reference into this thread too aren’t you?
Sarah makes you silly…but I digress…
Still thinking about the Clothes and other services such as hairdresser…
Once Obama is in Office, he can appoint the elections commission people, including the chair, and it would be that body that would review the RNC’s spending on fancy clothes. Audits and things like that…
You know, they might even ask questions, send investigators to Alaska in mid-winter — stuff like that. They might not do it right away, they might wait till late 2009 or 2010 — you know closer to re-election dates, and they might ask for details about how things got lost. It could be a low grade fever going on for months.
Mondale’s Campaign in 1984 had to pay a major fine because they brought campaign workers to Minnesota for Training, and then authorized rental cars from Minnesota into Iowa, and charged them to a Minnesota account rather than an Iowa one. The fine was something like three times the value of the rentals. But the ruling came two years after he lost the election.
FEC has already announced no audit for Obama, but there will be an audit for McCain (on account of him taking public financing).
Which is probably why they have lawyers doing teh audits on Palin’s wardrobe.
Here’s the money quote: “..maybe prematurely plough through it, but don’t let me miss an open door.’”
Yep, being able to “see Russia from her porch(or bathroom window or wherever it was”…all her “executive experience” etc. etc. and on and on and on…but now she can say that maybe that ‘door’ was something she was not ready to ‘plough through’? Hmmm. Nice. Well, it shows that perhaps she has more self-awareness than people have given her credit for. She should spend some time thinking on that one while she’s sorting all of those clothes that she claims she ‘never asked for’ from the RNC(and she’s right; she did not ‘ask’ for them; she just went out and BOUGHT them and had someone else pay for them.
Um, er… yeah that mean old spotlight! See what it does to my credibility and my record?
Thanks ew.
Boo Radley. You are a really borish jack-ass. But at least I’m not the dumbest tool in the shed with you popping in to sell your spam on every damn thread.
PS – Your site sucks.
Whoa, what’s that about? What is boorish about the comment at 27? The troll was @34, let’s keep our eye on the ball…..
there’s gonna be a BALL ???
oh boy …
Yes. It will be a beach ball.
No speedos.
and where did ya find this “blue light special” troll ???
that fricken thing was mostly bones
ya better start fattening those things up
Attackerman has made an offer, that’s all I’m sayin … says he’s got fat tasty trolls …
but we love bmaz, don’t we precious …
Oh-oh, Bmaz, you haven’t finished reading the secret stealth agenda manual yet, have you? You’re all European Socialists now, and European Socialists have a dress code. And speedos are de rigeur.
Hey, nobody said wrecking America would be a cakewalk…
what’s wrong with the “Digs” dude ???
they seem harmless
do the degrade the protection level of tin foil or somethin ???
BooRadley is okay
frisky needs to wear a helmet
but Boo is fine
and I need to make a correction
20122010, MUTHERFUCKERSwanna make sure I hit the freepi in both balls …
what did anybody expect princess pandora to say ???
come on, even a clueless moose stuffer finds an occasional acorn
Paging freep…
Your troll-cleanup services could be helpful at #34 when you have a moment… although I’m still hooting with laughter over the notion that Palin is a ‘threat’. FOTFLMAO!
Joke? Absolutely.
Threat? Not so much.
I’m with you, EW. I think this woman would not seek the kind of position where her ignorance would show. She’s really pretty lazy. And legislating would not give her the dictatorial kind of role she seems to prefer: One where she does very little, but show up and look pretty and appear in front of adoring crowds. One where she can exercise her “powers” to get something extra for the family.
I’d guess she’ll prefer a job where she can hide her ignorance and appear to be charge. And the Senate does not offer a whole lot of that.
This lady needs continual adoration. Maybe those who think she’d do ok on tv are right. Plus, they’d surely give her a ward robe for tv!
I am so totally fine with Newtie as head of the RNC and Caribou Barbie as the Repug standard bearer. All I wanna do is watch. Note to self: Lay in popcorn supply.
She forgot the rest of the lyrics:
Because you had to be a big shot, didn’t cha
You had to open up your mouth
You had to be a big shot, didn’t cha
All your friends were so knocked out
You had to have the last word, last night
You know what everything’s about
You had to have a white hot spotlight
You had to be a big shot last night
OT – curious and curiouser
J. Wm. Leonard, after his battle with Cheney and resignation, has beenhelping out defense lawyers in the AIPAC trial
and the DOJ was in a snit over it this spring and it is all heating up a bit more.
I have to say, the thought of this DOJ hauling up anyone for criminal prosecution on ethics charges is pretty high farce – except for the part where it is real and real people are suffering real consequences.
Liberals are always preaching about getting along and there is so much hate for Palin. It shows how much a threat she is. Sarah Palin would make a better president than McCain or Obama. She’s got more class than any of the candidates.
Do I hate our Sarah? No. How could you hate someone who gave that Couric interview, which resulted in one of the best SNL skits evah? And all Tina Fey had to do was quote our Sarah?
Maybe you’d like to use one of your lifelines and call a friend?
The only thing I hate are idiots that don’t know their rear end from a hole in the ground about what people here think. I believe we may have been visited by one of these up thread.
ummmm… am I the only one wondering what’s got into Tweety?
Has the election liberated him from having to tolerate the long-winded, bullshitty whiny excuses of GOP operatives….? If so, that’s one more good outcome of this election (!).
Anyone know whether Randy Scheuemann is still ‘handling’ Sarah Palin?
I’m in agreement with TheraP: the US Senate doesn’t have enough grandstanding opportunities for Sarah Palin. At least, not till Schumer retires….
She’s got class alright. But exactly which class remains to be determined. Certainly not one in which reading newspapers or understanding the constitutional powers of the vice president is required.
In my day, that would have been the 8th grade.
But exactly which class remains to be determined
third class
only cuz steerage was full
yep, eighth grade
We the people of these United States in order to …
in High School the bastards made us go to a city council meeting and a meeting of the county board of supervisors meeting
I went to a city council meeting on December 8, 1980 …
Good on you, and you may not like this, good on them. You are readier to be the VP candidate than the former small town mayor.
Did Lauer or the Fox facelift lady report seeing Russia from her porch?
So says Frisky of Alabama, through a keyboard sticky from moon pies.
I ain’t ever preached about gettin along
I’m a “kick your ass and I don’t care about your name” kinda liberal
and if you think princess pandora would make a better President that Barack Obama, you’re a fucking moran
sister sarah couldn fuck up a two-car parade
and Barack Obama is gonna teach your stupid ass what a competent President is
IMHO, the wilderness is too good for the likes of you
enjoy the next 4 years of your sorry existence
Obama Biden in 2012
and SIXTY SEVEN Democrats in the senate in 2012, mutherfuckers
(humming the Internationali)
and if ya want a second opinion:
yer ugly too
Freep? FREEPATRIOT? Where the hell are you?
There are a few people out there, Dumber Than Mud, that will see Palin, who is merely as Dumb As Mud, as a suitable leader for them.
The rest of US will simply enjoy the show of the Palinites claiming Environmental Expertise because of it…
The senator race may be decided when 65,000 of 90,000 mailed ballots are counted this week.
Why do I read this in a sing-songy, whineyass tone?
really ???
a commando beach ball ???
a great diary on opposition to Palin. As full of facts as the belly of the plane was full of clothes and the head is full of hay and the mouth of straight out lies.…..377/659666
As for her lies, Keith did a rebuttal to them in his airing of parts of the Lauer interview. For example, on firing the librarian: Harry Potter wasn’t even published when I was mayor. KO. Yes he was. began in 1998.
and so on.
Hey, paw. Ellie Mae’s referring to herself in the third person again.
I guess we’re done with pretending to be a simple woman of the people and back to pretending to be educated for now.
that might be what she’s saying but I am doubting that is what she is meaning
she’s doing these interviews for a reason, maybe her talent agents are insisting to see where they are gonna market her, maybe her handlers want her to be a pundit.
she does not know she was a laughing stock, she actually blames the media for “gotcha” questions.
now here is what the handlers might be thinking;
if she can keep her nose clean and keep her name in the papers, learn a little bit about how to speak english, learn something about politics, then she has a shot at winning the nomination in oh twelve
if however she runs for senator and loses, then she is a has been
she is gonna have to be guaranteed a win if she runs for senator and I don’t think anyone would gaurantee her of winning
Maybe she doesn’t know what the job is./s
Then again maybe she doesn’t want Biden to be her boss.
so we wont have
nixonprincess pandora to kick around anymore ???technically, nixon died in a race for Governor, but it’s almost the same as a senate race, and that fucker sure didn’t stay dead long
princess pandora is a lot dumber than tricky dick, but today’s repuglitard party is a lot dumber too
Good point. Today’s Repubs seem to be rather lost in that ‘reality’ they created to feed their egos and justify their looting and theft; given what they’ve perpetrated, viewing the world as it is must be a terrifying prospect.
(And as Sully observes, it IS a struggle simply to see clearly what is in front of one’s nose. He’s way ahead of wingnuttia conservatives.)
Freep, thx for your most excellent cleanup skills.
(May I never get sidewise of the whupass you dish out to keep things unclogged around these threads!)
freepatriot – bouncer extraordinaire!
so ya better not try an sneak into the commando beach ball with clothes on …
OT and GOOD NEWS. obscure law will allow reversal of Bush laws and regs enacted even those in place before Nov. 1 using Filibuster-proof action by Congress.…..Page2.html
That’s interesting. I wonder, does that Act use a different definition of Congress being in session that the one on which the Ds have been relying to forestall recess appointments? Hope so, because if not, they would seem to be treading a bit into cake-eating-but-also-having territory there.
She can’t even talk. Reading the transcripts, she makes no sense. It’s open to interpretation.
I’m struck in watching palin’s post-election interviews that she is decidely NOT self-reflexive. She blames primarily the media and other rogues, but does not critique herself. For example, she doesn’t relate the trashing of her to her trashing of others like Obama, professor Rashid Khalidi, Bill Ayers and the rest of us unpatriotic ’souls’.
She in also intellectually lazy, as noted in an earlier thread…(paraphraseed) “Just give me bullet points and I’ll run with it.”
So, if and when God cracks open the door for her to make a comeback, it will probably be the same non-thinking attack dog coming through. She doesn’t seem to have the capacity for intellectual growth…
One of her coherts made an interesting point. In Alaskan papers, only named sources are used; no unnamed sources are quoted. Therefore, there were few criticism of her in the press. She was entirely unprepared for the ananomous attacks in the lower 48, and was rendered almost helpless. She had not had to deal with that before. No wonder she wanted to go back to Alaska…
She’s a beauty pageant queen. Why would she have any self-reflexivity? It’s all about maintaining your posture, isn’t it?
Wondering why she isn’t going to GA for Chambliss, especially since she is in the vicinity. Could it be what is left of the McCain camp didn’t want her to steal the spotlight while Mac is stumping for Saxby?
She won’t have a chance at the seat.
When all the absentee, etc., ballots are finished being counted, Begich will win. All the remaining ballots are from Begich majority districts. Stevens is a goner.