December 19, 2008 / by emptywheel


Blagojevich Presser Live-Blog

Watching MSNBC leading up to the Blago presser. Blago has announced he is not going to take questions. Go figure.

Blago’s lawyer has already suggested that the wiretaps that caught him trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat were illegal. Expect some righteous outrage over that–though I think that’s a ploy to try to get the affidavit that justified those wiretaps, which would, in turn, reveal more about the people cooperation with Fitz.

Not guilty of any criminal wrong-doing. I will fight (repeated a bunch of times). I have done nothing wrong. And I’m not going to quit a job people hired to do bc of false accusations and political lynch mob. 

Not going to talk about case in 30-second sound bites. Dying to show you how innocent I am. I intend to answer them in appropriate forum, court of law. Absolutely certain that I will be vindicated. 

Kipling? He’s quoting Kipling?

Most powerful ally there is, and it’s the truth. I have the personal knowledge I have not done anything wrong. Please reserve judgment. Afford me same rights that you and your children have: presumption of innocence.

One last thing: to all of those who have expressed support, thank you for your prayers and good wishes. Patti and I cannot express how grateful we are. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.

Well, that was short.

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