August 2, 2009 / by emptywheel


Breaking! Crazy Pete Hoekstra Wants to Refuse New Jobs for Michiganders

picture-121.thumbnail.pngJust saw this on Twitter:

petehoekstra If press reports on moving Gitmo detainees to Mich are accurate my answer is no. I will do everything possible to stop this.

Mind you, John Engler, Carl Levin, and Bart Stupak have all spoken favorably of moving Gitmo detainees to Michigan. Bipartisan support! And why not? We’ve got the empty prisons, the remote areas. And lots and lots of Michiganders who need a job.

But Crazy Pete apparently thinks he needs to fearmonger on terrorism more than Michiganders need jobs (or America needs to restore its reputation internationally).

And he wants to run for Governor of Michigan?

Update: I’ve put a map of where the prison in question is located–basically the pointer finger knuckle, in mitten-speak. 

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