Donald Trump: The Jamaica Jerkoff




Seriously, this asshole with a dead ferret on his head thinks he is going to run for President? Of the United States? Um, no. And why supposedly credible news organizations are giving this crapola one fleeting second of credibility not only beggars comprehension, but proves what pathetic swamp sludge the traditional media in the United States have become.

Oh, not to mention that the Republican party, who apparently takes Trump at face value (which given the ferret on his head and multiple bankruptcies is a value somewhere less than zero), is on the crazy train too.

So, where is The Donald from? What does HIS birth certificate show? Well, it demonstrates that he is from Jamaica. That’s right, the loud mouth clown with a ferret toupee is from Jamaica. Sure, it may look like it is Jamaica New York as opposed to the country of Jamaica; but, seriously, without seeing the REAL certificate – you know, the one NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN – how is anybody to know??




Jamaica. Uh huh. Sure. The Donald has been smokin some large spliff mon.

[The most awesome graphic up top is courtesy of the one, the only, DARKBLACK. If you do not know DB, he is a looong time friend of both Emptywheel and Firedoglake, and does brilliant work and is in to some superb music to boot. Check out the DarkBlack blog]

[PS – Yes, I could have gone with the original Elton John version of Jamaica Jerkoff, but I thought this version by The Pioneers was teh awesome]

  1. Suzanne says:

    wow, darkblack made trump look better with dreds than trump usually looks with that forking dead squirrel on top of his head.

    mbaz, you are right — we need to see the original. trump could have added the new york to that copy.

  2. orionATL says:

    now that’s some real nice characature, darkblack – scare his dead mother to death.

    still, he needs something hanging out one nostril **, maybe a bede.

    **in real life, maybe just drops from a running nose.

  3. Teddy Partridge says:

    This guy has as much credibility as… the rest of the GOP “field.” I mean, really: Bachmann, Newt, Willard, Mike “history at the point of a gun” Huckleby? Really? They’re gonna need a miracle, and I just don’t see it yet.

  4. darkblack says:

    In the end, he’s just a trust fund baby filling his I.O.U.-filled nappie, and shaking some loot loose from the fearfully dumb while he mewls.

    He’s either too smart (and I doubt it – painting self promotional still lifes with low-hanging fruit doesn’t rate) or too broke to run for office…But he’s smarter than the meat wallets of the G.O.Tea P., so let them spend their children’s meager inheritance on his upkeep.

    Thanks, Bmaz for the shoutout.


  5. Gitcheegumee says:

    A Friday afternoon Trump Dump….

    Yeah, that blacker than black’s site is teh “fierce”…especially the tunes. They just keep gettin’ better and better.

  6. JohnLopresti says:

    I dont read mainstreamed media, so I had to gogol who Trump is, based on a few audio snippets from 2005 I heard while driving to the accompaniment of the trusty NPR. Continuing my way, here; I discovered Trump more or less displaced Gingrich as a figurine on Fox*s propaganda television station.

    So, not the guy I thought I remembered from the 2005 program. That was a Terri Gross interview with Jane Fonda; and the person mentioned was her husband Ted Turner. I liked the part about his having founded Cable Network News; the philanthropy; the recycled sparkling glass pavement he had the City of New York install in front of his office building. Wrong guy for bmaz*s story; but, a thought.

    My guess is the Republicans need cover for another vice presidency run by Palin; someone to be the top name; a People Magazine sort of president candidate more vibrant than the mellowed senator from AZ who tried to provide Palin cover last in 2008. It will be pretty wierd if the Republicans* new-look big tent of 2012 is tabloid through and through. So, must be the old guys in the Republican Party dont mind reality as spliced by James O*Keefe. Well, the tea party faction attracted some lawyers to explain which amendments to the constitution to repeal to reduce the competency and reach of the government.

    • marksb says:

      Late to the party…
      I think the GOP PTB are shaking their heads and either laughing or crying at the “idea” that Trump could actually form a committee, raise money, and run.

      No, this is Dead Squirrel’s brilliant idea. He’s got the ego to think he can win, a sufficiently delusional personality to think he’s capable of doing the job, and the nose for Free Money to think “well, that looks like a juicy gig…”

      What a joke this whole president thing is turning out to be. All the way around. If I pinch myself will I wake up?