Entries by emptywheel

Back to War Against Eastasia…

In addition to trying to start a war based on the blatherings of Filipino Monkey, the Administration has reverted to its claims that the hammered ashtrays it is finding in Iraq are a sign that Iran is supplying insurgents.

Tweety’s Angst

This is something I’ve been meaning to raise, what with all the discussion of the Tweety effect. One of the reasons Tweety is being such a blowhard this campaign season (aside from the fact that it prominently features someone named Clinton), one of the reasons he’s saying such godforsakenly stupid things is that he’s absolutely infuriated that Olbermann, not Tweety, is the anchor of the network’s election coverage.

Bank of America Buys a Big Chunk of the Shitpile

There are several things that concern me about the news that Bank of America has agreed to buy a big chunk of the shitpile. It allows BoA to take on a risky proportion of all the deposits in this country. And–people speculate–that its risk in this deal will be back by the Federal Government.

Are we just consolidating the risk of the Shitpile?

Is Dick Stealing from the US and Giving to His Friends, Again?

The Minerals Management Service has been one of the most corrupt parts of the very corrupt Bush Administration, repeatedly finding ways to give taxpayer oil to Dick and Bush’s friends for free (or cut rates). It looks like they’re at it again; a recent Department of Energy IG audit found that 28% of the oil that the MMS was supposed to deliver into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve never made it into the Reserve.
