Bill Moyers Says It Beautifully

When I grow up I aspire to write as well as Bill Moyers: We have yet another remarkable revelation of the mindset ofWashington's ruling clique of neoconservative elites—the people whotook us to war from the safety of their Beltway bunkers. Even as Iraqgrows bloodier by the day, their passion of the week is to keep one oftheir own from going to jail. It is well known that I.

Shorter Schloz and the IG

I'd like to point out something about TPMM's story on the two complaints (and do read the complaints--they're infuriating) submitted to DOJ's IG on Brad Schlozman. It's unclear if the Department's inspector general ever pursued theallegations from the December, 2005 letter at the time. But the officecertainly is now. In a letter to the judiciary committee chairmen lastmonth, Glenn Fine and Office of Professional Responsibility counselMarshall Jarrett announcedthat their joint probe

New Emails: Taylor, Griffin Gone, and McNulty Testifying Again

Just a super quick comment about the new emails released today. These are all, AFAIK from a quick scan, emails listed on the list of documents not turned over. This trend has actually been true for a while--that DOJ has dribbled out documents that they said, no way, no how, they weren't going to release.