How Many Podunk Local DAs Ought to Arrogate Themselves Federal Election Police?
For anybody that has read me here, or followed me on Twitter, you know I have maintained from the start that Fani Willis, and her “investigation” is a complete joke.
Have also maintained the Trump conspiracy actions in Arizona were as bad as Georgia, if not worse.
Apparently the national media has caught on to what informed Arizonans have known from the start.
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey was hit up by Trump (so was the then Secretary of State).
So, why is the ladder climbing Fani Willis the only local DA trying to enforce federal election law, much less her completely bogus RICO posit?
There are now people in Arizona clamoring for this horse manure. Thanks to Fani Willis and her self serving showboating garbage.
Fulton County, where Fani Willis is the local DA, has approximately 1.1 million county residents. Maricopa County, where all significant acts in AZ occurred, has nearly 5 million.
So, should every pissant local county prosecutor arrogate upon themselves to control and charge federal election crimes?
No. Nor should local AGs. Leave this to the Feds.
Things are getting just absurd.