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Mark Sanford Goes Galt

Clearly Jon Meacham and his deputy editors at Newsweek could use a refresher course in compelling journalism from their sister ship test proctors at the Stanley Kaplan Corporation. Newsweek, you see, has just seen fit to publish a lengthy interpretation…
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Little Legal Recourse For Artists' Rage Against Musical Torture

One of the obvious questions from the announcement of the musicians Rage Against Musical Torture, and one that several people have been asking, is what avenues of legal recourse do the musicians have? It turns out remarkably few, if any. Here is why.
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More Insane Rantings from the Crazy Man in the Attic

Someone let Dick "PapaDick" Cheney out of his undisclosed location last night--they even gave him an award for being a "keeper of the flame." In spite of the fact that the press is covering it as another serious attack from Cheney, I find it…

Rage Against Musical Torture

Close Gitmo Now goes after the government's use of music in torture.

Rattner's Bailout

Steve Rattner's narrative of the auto bailout provides a heroic story of how the banksters pulled off the Chrysler and GM bankruptcies. But it also betrays the continued ignorance of the banksters about their own industry.

Durham's Investigation and the Non-Exempt IG Files

Apparently, there are non-exempt CIA IG documents that are part of John Durham's investigation into the destruction of the torture tapes.

Ezra: Workers Don't Understand So an Excise Tax Will Work

Ezra has another "workers don't understand" post arguing for the benefit of the excise tax to fund health care. There's good reason to think that if health-care costs can be tamed, wages will rise. But one of the big problems in health-care…

House Judiciary Committee to Propose PATRIOT and FISA Reforms

John Conyers, Jerry Nadler, and Bobby Scott just introduced bills that will provide needed reforms to PATRIOT and FISA while reauthorizing most of the sunsetting authorities this year. From the Committee press release, the PATRIOT bill does…

The Generals Recommit to Closing Gitmo

A group of generals and veterans are ratcheting up the pressure on Congress to close Gitmo.

Christie's Taxpayer-Funded Mets Games

There's one more detail in that NYT article that deserves attention: Christie was apparently charging you and I for his personal trips to Mets games.
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Get The Lead Out: Crime Reduction In America

Mark Kleiman describes in his book "When Brute Force Fails" how the exposure to lead in a society may be the single biggest factor affecting the crime rate. It is an important discussion point.

Christie's Cookie Crumbles

The looming scandals that we've been expecting to break on the Christie front are beginning to break.
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CNN Helps Mike Hayden Uncork A Fine Whine

Michael Hayden is at it again. This time it is CNN that has donated the bandwidth to his continued petty whining about the release of the OLC Torture Memos. After acknowledging that the matter is over and now simply a matter of history, Hayden,…

More Broccoli Soup from the WaPo

The WaPo continues its institutional whitewash of its Pay2Play scandal.

Treachery At The Red Rocks Sweat Lodge

You may have seen the story of the deaths at an Arizona retreat sweat lodge in the news over the last week. It is not necessarily our normal fare, but I am oddly captivated by it on several levels. A self help, wealth and awareness "guru"…

The WaPo's Broccoli Soup

Do you think the leak of Marcus Brauchli's letter to Charles Pelton's lawyer has anything to do with the fact that Brauchli was in charge of the "investigation"?
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Movin Trash

Marcy has been moving, and moving sucks. I hate moving. Only positive thing about it is that it makes you sort through your stuff and get rid of crap that you should have thrown out a decade or two ago. Other than that, bleech. Kobe is…

Hear No Evil, See No Evil

In case you haven't figured out, I've been swamped this week (I drove to CO to help my mom pack up her house so I've been packing boxes for the last several days). Thanks to bmaz for minding the liquor cabinet (and more importantly, for keeping…