Anthrax Timeline, Two

My anthrax timeline updated with the dates from the DOJ document dump. Boy, if I were Steven Hatfill, I'd be pissed, even with my $5 million.

"It Was Ivins, With a Flask, 200 Miles from the Site of the Crime"

So our crack DOJ wants us to believe that, by providing a lot of circumstantial evidence that places Bruce Ivins in the same room as a flask full of anthrax used in the attack, they've proven not only that Ivins was involved in the crime, but that he was the only one involved in the crime. In other words, they haven't solved this crime, but they want us to all go away

The Case Against Ivins, Search Warrant One

A summary of the FBI's case as it existed in October 2007.

The Anthrax Prosecutor: The Daughter of the Defense Attorney for BushCo's "Germ Boy"

The most credible reason people have suggested for Ivins' murders of five people was that he wanted the country to be more proactive about anthrax vaccines. But there's someone else who was pushing that issue much harder than Ivins. And, astoundingly, the daughter of that person's defense attorney is one of the prosecutors working this case. That person? Scooter Libby.

DOJ Wants to Have Its Culprit and Withhold Some Materials, Too

News reports say something is going to happen today with the anthrax case. But it's not sure what. NPR reports that DOJ is going to declared its case solved--even while it doesn't close the case. Officials close to the anthrax investigation have told NPR that the FBI will declare the case of the 2001 anthrax letters solved Wednesday, but that the case will remain open so agents can follow up on some

Tenet and the "Creamy White House Stationery"

Tenet says the Iraqi referred to in Ron Suskind's book, Tahir Jalil Habbush al-Tikriti, wasn't believable. What I want to know, though, is why Tenet is only now admitting he got intelligence from Habbush.

Disestablishmentarianism, CIFA Version

Remember that word? As a kid you probably proudly claimed to have learned its opposite, antidisestablishmentarianism, not long after you learned how to spell M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I. You may vaguely remember that the word pertains directly to state sanctioning--or unsanctioning--of religion. According to Warren Strobel, the Pentagon has decided to use the term "disestablished" to refer to the closure of the CIFA program.

Once Again, Forgeries?

The news that the CIA may have forged a letter alleging ties between Al Qaeda and Iraq reminds me that OVP--particularly Scooter Libby--was the one behind many of the Iraq-Al Qaeda claims.

Anthrax Timeline

The media is finally beginning to question the story about Bruce Ivins (though Glenn is still schooling them). But here's a question I see no one asking, much less answering. The LAT reported that attention began to focus on Ivins in "late 2006" only after FBI Director Mueller changed the leadership team on the investigation. Federal investigators moved away from Hatfill -- for years the only publicly identified "person of interest" --

Michael Isikoff's Chat with Cheney's Lawyer

Michael Isikoff took a whole bunch of contradictions in Scooter Libby's cover story and just dismissed them as irrelevant based on the explanation offered by one anonymous source. The anonymous source? Terry O'Donnell, Dick Cheney's own lawyer.

Jane Mayer, the CIA Inspector General's Report, and the Torture Tapes

Jane Mayer's Dark Side corroborates something I've been arguing. The CIA IG's report on torture--which concluded that CIA's interrogation methods were cruel and inhumane--was one of the things that made the CIA panic and destroy the torture tapes.

Ivins and the Anthrax Investigation

There were at least two points where, by virtue of being a top expert on anthrax, Bruce Ivins may have been able to monitor and perhaps influence the anthrax investigation.

Who First Spread the Iraqi Anthrax Claim?

The likely sources for the earliest stories claiming Iraq had a role in the anthrax attack are pretty telling.

Conyers to Luskin: We Told You So

Like Pat Leahy did last night, John Conyers takes a victory lap after yesterday's ruling that Miers and Bolten don't have absolute immunity.

Whitehouse and Feingold Strike Back at Pixie Dust

Feingold and Whitehouse are finally trying to end the process of Pixie Dusting.

Scott McClellan Dismantles Cheney's Plame Firewall

Dick Cheney has always claimed he could have declassified Plame's identity. But at the same time he was making such claims, Harriet Miers, as White House Counsel, disagreed with that claim.

The Count of Monte Cristo Was Not Fiction

As someone who received her PhD in Comparative Literature just months before Bush was selected and who has read maybe ten fictional books since I stopped teaching fiction, I feel obliged to point to--and comment on--Chris Bowers' post on "The Rise of the Non-Fictional Aesthetic." This decade seems to have brought on a broad shift in the leftist aesthetic in America.

Suspect Anthrax Terrorist Apparently Kills Self

The FBI apparently thinks they've solved the anthrax case. But they guy they were about to charge just killed himself.

"For your convenience, I attach a copy of the court’s opinion"

Patrick Leahy wasted no time in pushing all those cowering behind bad OLC memos to send notice of Judge Bates' ruling today.

Nixon Sez: Karl Rove Must Testify

According to US v. Nixon, John Bates says, Karl Rove must show up before HJC and answer all the questions he is asked.