James Clapper Thinks Fictitious Email Metadata Is Properly Classified

If you didn’t already need proof that the FISA Court needs to consult technical advisors before they permit the government to collect all of Americans’ metadata, consider this lesson DOJ offered as part of its initial application for the Internet dragnet (see page 16).

Fictional Metadata


Of course, you’re prohibited from seeing the better part of that lesson — the fictional example of metadata they offered — because James Clapper has deemed it classified.

Funny. Eric Holder recently claimed in a Congressional hearing that if something’s not true it’s not classified. I guess the fictions they tell FISC judges are another matter.

4 replies
  1. jerryy says:

    Did he really say that? Really?
    If so, then he is not just lying, he is senile to the point he needs to be immediately removed from office because he is a danger to others and to himself. He probably should not be allowed to have sharp objects nor operate machinery.
    Open your computer’s email program and select an email message. One of your menu options will be ‘view all headers’. (Cell phone email programs may not display this info, it depends, but just about all computer email programs do.) That is the meta-data. It is routing information. You, as sender, can encrypt the body of the message, the attachments, even the subject line, but not this stuff, it accumulates as your email travels the internet to get to your recipient. If this part is ‘classified’, the entire email system for the whole world goes off-line. If this is ‘classified’ then every person that can view the headers is receiving classified information.

  2. David Brower says:

    I fully expect there were indelicate, embarrassing things, such as “From: Ahmed Towelhead” that we’ve seen before.

  3. wallace says:

    quote”Funny. Eric Holder recently claimed in a Congressional hearing that if something’s not true it’s not classified. I guess the fictions they tell FISC judges are another matter.”unquote”

    meanwhile, unbeknownst to Eric and the WDC police, in the back row of the hearing audience, the true nature of Eric’s statements fell on the ears of a couple of real human beings …


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