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105 search results for: usa purge


I Con the Record: Drop the Lawsuits and We’ll Release the Data Hostages

I Con the Record just announced that the NSA will make the phone dragnet data it has “analytically unavailable” after the new system goes live in November, and unavailable even to techs three months later. On June 29, 2015, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved the Government’s application to resume the Section 215 bulk telephony metadata program […]


The Timing of the Contemplated Upstream Cyber-Grab

There’s an aspect missing thus far from the discussion of NSA’s possible bid for a cyber certification under Section 702 for primary use in the collection of attack signatures that could not be attributed to a foreign government. The timing. The discussion of creating a new Section 702 certificate came in the aftermath of the […]


Sony, the White House, and 10 Downing Street: What’s the Quid Pro Quo?

Lots of ugly things crawled out of Sony Pictures Entertainment’s emails leaked by hackers this past autumn. The leak of emails and intellectual property, including then-unreleased film The Interview, was labeled “a serious national security matter” by the White House. In January this year, President Obama issued an executive order increasing sanctions against North Korea, […]


A Guide to the 5+ Known Intelligence Community Telecommunications Metadata Dragnets

I’ve been laying this explanation out since USA Today provided new details on DEA’s International Dragnet, but it’s clear it needs to be done in more systematic fashion, because really smart people continue to mistakenly treat the Section 215 database as the analogue to the DEA dragnet described by USAT, which it’s not. There are […]


Is There a Programmatic Stingray?

The NYT yesterday had a story on the secrecy surrounding Stingrays including these admissions from an FBI affidavit to explain the secrecy. A fuller explanation of the F.B.I.’s position is provided in two publicly sworn affidavits about StingRay, including one filed in 2014 in Virginia. In the affidavit, a supervisory special agent, Bradley S. Morrison, […]


NSA Only Finds 59% of Its Targeting of US Persons

This will be a minor point, but one that should be made. The Privacies and Civil Liberties Oversight Board report on Section 702 included this little detail: In 2013, the DOJ undertook a review designed to assess how often the foreignness determinations that the NSA made under the targeting procedures as described above turned out […]


Working Thread, PCLOB Report

The pre-release PCLOB report on Section 702 is here. This will be a working thread. PDF 16: First recommendation is to include more enunciation of foreign intel purpose. This was actually a Snowden revelation the govt poo pooed. PDF 17: Recommends new limits on non-FI criminal use of FBI back door searches, and some better […]