Lanny Davis Fudges and Shills His Way Through Another Op-Ed

Being away to San Francisco to cover the Prop 8 Closing Arguments this week, I am just catching up on a few things. One I would like to point out is the contemptible and disingenuous op-ed Lanny Davis deposited at The Hill:

Two events last week involving elements of the Democratic Party who call themselves the “true progressives” show a danger they represent to the progressive change they say they want to effect. Together they offer President Barack Obama an opportunity for a “Sister Souljah moment” — perhaps to save the Democratic Party majority in both houses of Congress, as well as his progressive agenda in the last two years of his administration.

First was the success of Sen. Blanche Lincoln in June 8’s Arkansas Democratic primary, despite a campaign organized by these self-described progressives, along with certain labor unions.
The second event was a conference on that June 8 primary day, held in Washington and organized by the Campaign for America’s Future, a self-described “progressive” organization, which cheered denunciations of Obama for “retreat on Guantánamo [and] no movement on worker rights or comprehensive immigration reform,” according to The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, and shouted down and nearly prevented liberal House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) from speaking.
President Obama can confirm that the Democratic Party still stands for the centrist, Clintonian combination of fiscal conservatism, cultural moderation and progressive social programs that favor the middle class over the extremely wealthy — the best chance the Democrats have to hold their majorities in both houses of Congress and to enact the progressive changes that the critics on the left say they truly want.

The holier than thou arrogance and self entitled belligerence of Davis is simply stunning. As if Obama has not scorned the progressives and netroots enough already. Davis apparently feels he is the one who gets to decide who is, and who is not, a “true Progressive” and those he deems unfit are due the “Sister Souljah” execution hit. Nice. In the process of whining about progressive activism destroying Democratic party unity, he wants to divide, marginalize and destroy a significant sector of the Democratic party. Clearly Davis’ clarity of thought has been so addled by the toxic brine of the inbred Washington Beltway elitism he cannot see he is committing the very sins he complains of. Either that or he is so cravenly duplicitous he does not care. Davis has a history of such duplicity.

Davis similarly accuses the netroots of being “long on innuendo and personal attacks and short on substance”, which is hilarious for a man lobbing unlinked, uncited and unsupported screed in such a deceptive manner. For instance Davis directly intimates that if/when Blanche Lincoln loses in the general election it will because of the netroot and labor supported primary challenge of Bill Halter in Arkansas. This bit of self serving dishonesty of course neglects the fact that if Davis and his fellow centrist corporate shills really cared about retaining the seat in the general election, they should have supported Halter who arguably was a stronger candidate in the general than Lincoln. Not to mention that, in the general, Lincoln will be the only, and unified, Democratic candidate and thus will be judged on her record by the voters of Arkansas. Apparently Mr. Davis does not approve of the democratic concept of voters being able to express their choice in a primary and thinks only the wise sages of the Washington Beltway get to say who the party choice is.

As to his specific arguments in relation to Lincoln, Davis neglects to mention that the majority of Arkansas voters supported the public option, it is just that he and his corporatist doppelganger Blanche Lincoln who did not. Mr. Davis also failed to admit the only version of “health reform” Lincoln would grudgingly vote for was one that gave her constituents expensive health insurance but little in the way of more or usable health care. Par for Davis’ disingenuous course.

The other manufactured poutrage Davis throws down from his grandiose high horse related to the CAF presser where Nancy Pelosi was heckled by a noisy group of protesters on June 8th. Davis dishonestly intimates in his op-ed that the subject hecklers were the progressive netroots and CAF members he so despises protesting over the public option.

But if Davis had possessed any intellectual integrity or journalistic professionalism, he would have researched and realized the hecklers were not the netroots/CAF crowd, but instead were a separate and limited single issue group of nursing home professionals from an unrelated association known as ADAPT who were concerned about the Community Choice Act relating to long term care provisions for the elderly. Instead, Davis relied on an emailed report from a friend who was not at the event, but sent Davis a missive after reading about the conference from an unknown source. Oh, and a terminally shallow Washington Post column by the supposed humorist Dana Milbank. What a paragon of reportage Lanny Davis is.

Davis closes out his fine whine with this sage wisdom:

President Obama can confirm that the Democratic Party still stands for the centrist, Clintonian combination of fiscal conservatism, cultural moderation and progressive social programs that favor the middle class over the extremely wealthy — the best chance the Democrats have to hold their majorities in both houses of Congress and to enact the progressive changes that the critics on the left say they truly want.

Well, yeah, I guess. Or Mr. Obama could, alternatively, pull out of his hazy downward spiral and demonstrate he is the leader of the whole party, and entire country, and not just the centrist corporatist hacks like Lanny Davis.

Go “Sister Souljah” yourself Lanny Davis, you plutocratic Beltway corporatist huckster.

[The attached video is from a December 17, 2009 encounter Jane Hamsher had with Lanny Davis on MSNBC]

56 replies
  1. PJEvans says:

    Lanny is a closet Republican, I think. Along with a lot of Blue Dogs and at least some of the ‘centrist’ Dems.

    • TarheelDem says:

      Only in the sense that Lanny Davis follows the money and the money usually leads to lobbying firms that work both sides of the aisle with “bipartisan” principals.

  2. GulfCoastPirate says:

    President Obama can confirm that the Democratic Party still stands for the centrist, Clintonian combination of fiscal conservatism, cultural moderation and progressive social programs

    Personally, I never liked Clinton all that much. He sold out every Democratic constituency he could find. He talks a good game alright but other than that ……………..

    So what are people going to do come Novemeber and 2012? Unless you’re prepared to throw this Obama crowd overboard unless they come up with some progressive legislation then guys like this weasel will never change and 1, 2, 5, years from now we’ll be writing and commenting on the same subject.

    • PJEvans says:

      Listen to Lanny Davis and you will hear what Democrat formerly Republican insiders in Washington are saying.

      FTFY. (He sounds something like the Ouija board version of Tricky Dicky, IMO.)

  3. Arbusto says:

    So Lanny, how’s the go along to get along, bipartisan, pragmatic, “centrist” governance working for Obama, Democrats, or the nation.

      • Hmmm says:

        Apparently they are convinced en masse that being deficit hawks is the best way forward now. And everyone is fine with that. With 18+% real unemployment and no growth and no signs of growth on the horizon. WTF is up with that? Krugman’s once again correct.

        • MarkH says:

          There is a distinction which needs to be made on the deficit issue.

          We are in difficult economic times and we need to spend money to keep people working while legislation is put into place to stabilize and strengthen the economic system. Stabilizing that should help finance and other companies decide what is best for them and remove almost all their doubt about what the landscape of the economy will be for the next decade or so.

          There are a lot of changes, so it’s important to both get on with it and to have them all stated and known publicly. This helps the business community to know what the Dems have planned and to then see them put into place. This creates more certainty of what will happen and what is happening and what will be for some time.

          Part of these changes is the federal government getting itself back in good working order. Paying SS back the money which was borrowed, paying down debt, reducing military spending, tax law changes and such are waiting to be done. The uncertainty of what those will be (very specifically) and if they get done leaves people wondering. But, as much as we can we clarify what lays ahead.

          So, on deficit reductions: it’s good in general, but in these difficult times we need to tread very carefully so as to not stomp on the recovery. For example, I believe we can cut back some of our military spending without hurting the recovery. As we end military engagements there will naturally be less deficit spending. These can improve the government’s debt picture and push investors back to capitalizing corporate investment and thus helping the economy along with less cost on capital and with more availability of capital.

          Naturally, all these changes take time and the need for more Dems in Congress makes it very uncertain how soon we will have the needed majorities to do them.

          Perhaps there are businesses which fret over doing “too much” and making the economy grow, so that when the next Republican majority takes over they might face repercussions. We know what the Bushies did to California after “it” failed to vote for him. We know they can be brutal. But that’s all the more reason for business to support Dems and drop Republican contributions. We don’t punish, we support good developments.

          We just need enough political power and time to make the important changes.

  4. cheneywatchorg says:

    I don’t know why anyone is listening to Davis. I simply refer to him now as Lanny “why is anyone even listening to me” Davis. After his performance during the Clinton/Obama primaries on FoxNews, I saw him as a vacuous fool who has been in inner circles so long he has no relevance to the rest of us. What is “progressive” about Lanny Davis in the first place? Taking tips from him about “progressivism” is about as useful as having Glenn Beck running the local ActUp group. EdShow and co need to quit giving this idiot and others like him so much facetime. I mean…really, how much more useless can you be? I mean besides Ron Christie….

    • Neil says:

      What is “progressive” about Lanny Davis in the first place? Taking tips from him about “progressivism” is about as useful as having Glenn Beck running the local ActUp group.


  5. cregan says:

    bmaz, Obama is an equal opportunity disappointment. He has managed the hat trick of disappointing everyone–left, right and middle.

    He isn’t playing the end against the middle, he’s is playing everyone against him. I don’t think it is intentional. I just don’t think he is up to the task. Most of those surrounding him are campaigners, not governors, so to speak.

    The art of politics is gathering support from various groups and interests to support you. Not gathering support from various groups to oppose you.

      • Hmmm says:

        He’s not popular except among Large Orange types, but insofar as he’s exercising sheer extraconstitutional power like a friggin’ maniac, with no end in sight, who needs politics?

      • cregan says:

        It is curious. It is very hard to put your finger on and I think will be the subject of study for many, many years.

        Sarkozy once expressed that Obama’s ego blinded him to other views–he was so convinced he was right. I don’t know if that is it, or just a kind of comedy (or tragedy) of errors due to lack of experience leading a very large organization.

        It is odd to me. I am not a supporter, but I felt kind of sorry for him during that speech on Tuesday. He just seemed overwhelmed.

        It worries me a bit, because with a little more downslide, those waiting on the sidelines for the opportunity are really going to pounce. And, I don’t mean Republicans.

  6. sabretoothedcritter says:

    Just do as you’re told and it will all be okay! The corporation will supply approved food, clothing, shelter, and even entertainment (ain’t we nice?) in exchange for your immediate unquestioning obedience! It’s a WIN-WIN!

  7. Teddy Partridge says:

    Great post, bmaz, most excellent.

    I’m sure Lanny will show it around as a badge of honor.

  8. JasonLeopold says:

    wow! Jane was superb! Could you imagine if journalists actually reported critically like that.Lanny Davis had absolutely no defense. Case closed, IMO.

    OT, Holder says Durham’s “review” of the old torture cases is nearly complete.

    Assistant United States Attorney John Durham is close to completing a preliminary review of whether there is evidence that CIA agents or contractors violated the law when they used brutal methods to interrogate terror detainees, Attorney General Eric Holder said in speech Thursday night.

    Holder, speaking in a question and answer session after his remarks at the University of the District of Columbia Law School, said Durham is ”close to the end of the time that he needs and will be making some recommendations to me.”

    Holder added:

    “What I made clear is that for those people who acted in conformity with Justice Department opinions from the Office of Legal Counsel that said you could do certain things… people who acted in good faith in line with the Department of Justice guidance, will not be the people we are looking at or interested in,” Holder said Thursday.

    “It’s a question of whether people went beyond those pretty far-out OLC opinions, people who went beyond that,” Holder said. “That’s what we’re looking at.”

    • BoxTurtle says:

      I still smell a whitewash.

      Boxturtle (Anything that doesn’t nail the lawyers is a whitewash)

      • JasonLeopold says:

        indeed. Should we be concerned that this “review” took less than a year when other investigations dragged on for several? I don’t know. Maybe bmaz can answer if the time element is an indicator. But I’m sure this will end with “nothing to see here.”

    • bmaz says:

      Yep, I will have a post with my thoughts and analysis up sometime in the next few hours. Regulars probably know what I am going to say………

    • bobschacht says:

      Yes, as far out as Yoo/Bybee were, there were people who actually went beyond those limits.

      We discussed this a bit towards the end of the previous thread.

      Bob in AZ

  9. qweryous says:

    and to bmaz at 8:

    Working just fine for Lanny and others like him.

    As far as Obama, Democrats and the nation: well- not so well for the nation unless you want more of what we’ve already got.

    Haven’t bothered to check the filings- but bet that lobbying and influencing revenues are up.

    More work to come- any BP cash flowing Lanny’s way yet?

    Lanny Davis :”Lobbyists Are Good People, Too

    “Shocking news in this season of lobbyist bashing — many lobbyists not only are good people but also represent real people.

    And even more shocking news: Without lobbyists, government could not function efficiently and perhaps not at all, going all the way back to George Washington.”


    “But those who criticize lobbyists as being all bad are both wrong and hypocritical.

    They are wrong because lobbyists spend much of their time with members of Congress and their staffs providing factual and expert information about legislation that affects their clients. Their clients are companies that employ people, real people, sometimes hundreds of thousands of people who deserve to be considered when laws are made. The First Amendment protects petitioning and communicating with government.”

    Lanny Davis and his first wife- Used to sell Amway!

    After his run for Congress Failed in 1976- (Maryland 8th)-Lanny and his first wife Elaine Sold Amway!

      • qweryous says:

        He’s proud of it too- isn’t he?

        I just have to chuckle each time I say Lanny Davis used to sell Amway!.

        EDIT ADD: And AFAIK Lanny lost two elections, and never one one, where he was the candidate at the state or federal level.

  10. bobschacht says:

    Lanny Davis :”Lobbyists Are Good People, Too…

    Don’t forget that lobbyists wear all kinds of hats, from black to white. For example, the ACLU, CREW, CCR, SEIU, etc.

    Bob in AZ

    • Hmmm says:

      Lobbyists Are Good People, Too…

      Rhetorical sleight of hand of the crappiest sort. ‘Not all lobbyists are bad’ is not the same as ‘All lobbyists are not bad.’

    • Frank33 says:

      Don’t forget that lobbyists wear all kinds of hats, from black to white. For example, the ACLU, CREW, CCR, SEIU, etc.

      CREW likes lobbyists as much as Lanny. And Melanie Sloan’s husband is a former Irak war “spook”, who works for SAIC.

  11. JasonLeopold says:

    apologies to go OT again…! From ABC News:

    WikiLeaks Preparing to Release Video of Alleged U.S. Massacre in Afghanistan

    As the founder of the whistleblower website WikiLeaks remains underground in fear that the U.S. will detain him, the site is preparing to release a leaked video of a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan that is said to be more shocking than the Iraqi video that sent its controversial leader into hiding.

    That’s really all the news there is about that in the story.

  12. JohnLopresti says:

    I wonder if Rove is training vacuity drolls to inhabit the media as **progressive** cutouts; kind of an ingratiating jodydog instead of roboargumentation; they need to watch for the counterscrutiny from bmaz, who often perceives their cant early.

    I like the post*s discussion of electability.

  13. fatster says:

    We’ll still have Tony to kick around some more.

    BP Clarifies: Hayward Still In Charge Of Gulf Response

    ‘After news reports today that BP CEO Tony Hayward was no longer handling day-to-day operations in the Gulf oil response, a spokesman for the company told CNN that Hayward is still in his current position in the Gulf.’


  14. Leen says:

    Just love that clip. Jane wiped up the floor with “Uncle Lanny” Jane “Who pays you”?

    Remember when that broadcast took place someone here at FDL said

    Ed bumped the ball
    Jane Set the ball
    Laura spiked the ball “bump, set, spike”

    Blanche Lincoln could put her best foot forward and demonstrate to progressives that “her vote is not for sale” Progressives are watching. She is the one who said this on the evening of her surprise win

  15. bobschacht says:

    Jason @ 32 wrote,

    WikiLeaks Preparing to Release Video of Alleged U.S. Massacre in Afghanistan

    As the founder of the whistleblower website WikiLeaks remains underground in fear that the U.S. will detain him, the site is preparing to release a leaked video of a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan that is said to be more shocking than the Iraqi video that sent its controversial leader into hiding.

    With all the eavesdropping tools the NSA now has, I would hate to be in that guy’s shoes now. I wonder if Obama has OK’d the “dead or alive” thing on him.

    Bob in AZ

    • BoxTurtle says:

      Don’t assume that. The amount involved was a pittance, the people involved are pros. That they would err on something so obvious or be willing to risk bad publicity for so little never made sense.

      I suspect it was a professional decision that there was nothing chargeable there. Notice they’re not even saying C street needs to change something for “appearences”.

      I wonder if the person who instigated this investigation was somebody (or a friend of somebody) in an election race against a C street resident.

      Boxturtle (Paranoia can be your friend, but you have to keep an eye on it)

      • bobschacht says:

        I wonder if the person who instigated this investigation was somebody (or a friend of somebody) in an election race against a C street resident.

        I guess you haven’t been watching Rachel Maddow for the past few months. She’s gone into the matter rather thoroughly. It doesn’t sound like you have.

        Bob in AZ

        • BoxTurtle says:

          Guilty. I tuned this one out early, simply because it seemed like it rightfully should lead nowhere.

          Boxturtle (But I still like my theory. Maybe it would be better with Black Helicopters)

  16. rosalind says:

    on a flight from newark to sfo a few years back i immediately recognized the subject of this post as the inconsiderate jerk blocking the galley the whole flight yammering away at the clearly annoyed flight attendants. every time i passed by i just wanted to smack him and say “leave them alone, they’re working!”.


  17. bobschacht says:

    EW, will you be attending the US Social Forum conference in Detroit that is now(?) underway? I hear there’s some good stuff happening.

    Bob in AZ

  18. qweryous says:


    The most complete disclosure of the ‘contractors’ working on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster I’ve seen yet- here:” BP’s Secret Army of Oil Disaster Contractors ”

    The report starts with:

    The true story of the BP disaster is how private contractors, not the government, are handling the response. Of the 25,000 people responding to the greatest environmental catastrophe in the history of the nation, 21,000 are under contract to the foreign oil giant BP. This private army includes workers shipped in from California making $10 an hour to clean the beaches, ex-military public relations experts, and submarine robotics companies. There are no contractors working directly for the government. The Center for American Progress — like many other outside observers — recommends that the government take over operational control from BP, to resolve conflicts of interest between the foreign corporation’s shareholders and public health and safety.”

    One detail from the link:

    ” The Vessels of Opportunity program “was designed and implemented to provide local boat operators an opportunity to assist with response activities, including transporting supplies, assisting wildlife rescue and deploying containment and sorbent boom.” ”

    Vessels of opportunity?

    The program is managed by Parsons Corporation, a private engineering and project management company based in Pasadena, CA.”

    Many links at the report link.

  19. Jeff Kaye says:

    Obama has already had his “Sister Souljah” moment. It was the dumping of Jeremiah Wright. But if that event were to ambiguous for some, the recent inglorious piling on upon ACORN certainly provides the spectacle needed. I wrote about it at Daily Kos, to cause maximum discomfort and cognitive dissonance, i.e, to shake them up over there and think about where uncritical hero worship takes you. I got a predictable, but mixed response.

    Why Did Obama Join Reactionaries in Dumping on ACORN?

    [The diary was a takeoff from this excellent posting by powwow at The Seminal.]

    The occasion was the Obama administration’s decision to appeal Eastern District Judge Nina Gershon’s decision that the Congressional legislation against ACORN was an unconstitutional bill of attainder. Obama/Holder toady Mark Stern appealed the decision to the Second Circuit, citing “indisputable reports of ACORN mismanagement nationwide.”

    Stern is no Bush holdover, but predates the Bush administration, was a hero even for the anti-tobacco crowd. His statement comes after multiple investigations cleared ACORN of wrongdoing (another one, from the GAO was released earlier this week), and way after the revelations about the doctored videotape, and other escapades by James O’Keefe and company.

    The pissing on ACORN is like the cherry on top of a putrid piece of pie. Obama has demonstrated how low he can go. And his supporters have sold out the Gulf Coast for today’s equivalent of 30 pieces of gold: $20 billion dollars. Who knew the Gulf Coast could be bought so cheap?

    Lanny is being disingenuous about the whole “Sister Souljah” business. Obama’s already had that, but the greedy right-wing racists that really run this country are asking for more. That’s the message here.

    When you’ve sold your soul to the devil (now I’m sounding like Rev. Wright), there’s no end to his demands. That is what they mean when they say you are “in thrall.”

    “Give us another Sister Souljah moment, Barack. We love it! More… more!” (with expectant lips dripping with appropriate spittle and the flop-sweat that never appears to dry off those who live off exploitation)

    • bmaz says:

      Are you kidding? His whole fucking Presidency has been a finger in the eye, a “Sister Souljah”, to the progressives that bought into his rhetoric and got him elected.

      By the way, I would like to point out the real Sister Souljah, whose name is really Lisa Williamson, is a very impressive and admirable woman who has done a lot of excellent work.

      • Jeff Kaye says:

        Very well put. I totally agree. And thanks for the point on Lisa Williamson. I’d wanted to say that even the “Sister Souljah” case was egregious, but didn’t remember to put it in.

        To be labeled as somehow a little soft on B.O. — bmaz, you made my day! ;-)

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