Aieieieie! The Dead Awake!!

I’ve been almost as skeptical of Silvestre Reyes as Chair of the House Intell Committee as I am of Jay Rockefeller as Chair of the Senate Intell Committee. Reyes approved of Ashcroft’s testimony on the FISA program–though Russ Holt thought thought the same testimony was a big long filibuster. Even after hearing from Ashcroft, Reyes bought Alberto Gonzales’ dishonest explanation for why his lies to Congress about warrantless wiretapping were not lies. And it was in Reyes’ presence that Mike McConnell got all blabby to the El Paso press.

But it appears even Reyes is getting fed up with all the bullshit coming from this Administration.

Dear Director McConnell:

At yesterday’s hearing before the Senate Homeland Security andGovernment Affairs Committee, Senator Leiberman asked you whether theso-called Protect America Act, which President Bush signed into law onAugust 5, 2007, facilitated the detection of the German terrorist plot.

You responded, “Yes sir, it did.”

This statement is at odds with information I have received.Specifically, I am told by senior American officials that U.S.assistance to German intelligence was based on collection under theForeign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), several months before itsmodification by Congress in August. Accordingly, the new law did notlead to the arrests of the three terrorist plotters, as you claimed.

While revising FISA may provide a tool that could enhance futureoperations, it was not in play in the Germany case. In fact, FISA,which you repeatedly claim is “outdated,” was precisely the tool thathelped disrupt this plot.

Members of Congress need accurate information from the IntelligenceCommunity, and I am deeply concerned that your comments may be usedimproperly. I therefore urge you to issue a public statementimmediately to confirm that the surveillance used to assist in thedisruption of German plot was collected pursuant to FISA before thepassage of the Protect America Act. [my emphasis]

That’s a letter from Reyes and a letter from Conyers, both calling "Bullshit!" on McConnell’s prevarications. Watching the entire history of the Bush Administration, I bet he’s surprised he didn’t get away with it this time.

  1. Dismayed says:

    Best headline in TNH history!

    We need more dead awake – but alas they eat brains and the food supply in Washington is very low.

  2. casual observer says:

    Say, that IS a snappy headline.

    But I was going to comment on the ”surprised he didn’t get away with it this time”–to say that just because they caught him, doesn’t mean they’ll do a damn thing about it. The dead may now be awake, but their lack of an internal skeleton seems to be keeping them from arising.

  3. cboldt says:

    I am told by senior American officials that U.S. assistance to German intelligence was based on collection under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), several months before its modification by Congress in August.

    Without more details, or a changed story, I’m not buying that the collection (acquisition is the term in the law) was under FISA at all. The reported acquisition was of a cellphone conversation, with a cellphone in Pakistan, and the other end of the conversation in Stuttgart.

    And if there was further assistance by US authorities, the desire to cloak ”methods and procedures” will prevent admitting or denying that.

  4. Neil says:

    Ah the sweet smell of oversight in the morning. It smells like… like… well it smells like victory.

    At yesterday’s hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Senator Leiberman asked you whether the so-called Protect America Act, which President Bush signed into law on August 5, 2007, facilitated the detection of the German terrorist plot.

    You responded, “Yes sir, it did.”

    This statement is at odds with information I have received.

  5. Loo Hoo. says:

    Excellent! Reyes behaving like a chairman and calling bullshit. Let us know, Marcy, when the public correction is made by McConnell. I won’t sleep well until it happens.

  6. JEP says:

    ”I bet he’s surprised he didn’t get away with it this time.”

    Surprised, sure..

    Does he really care?


    Bush has one exit strategy, and it is all about returning to the ranchette and has nothing to do with Iraq.

  7. Anonymous says:

    ” I’m not buying that the collection (acquisition is the term in the law) was under FISA at all.” Thats exactly what I was saying yesterday; this doesn’t have the apparent indicia of anything more than what the NSA has been doing ever since they were formed, not FISA related. But then again, the punks in Miami that couldn’t afford tennis shoes and cell phones, were a big terrorist bust that saved the Sears Tower or something (couple of them didn’t even know where it was).

  8. William Ockham says:

    I’m starting to think that the interview with the El Paso Times was a serious blunder on McConnell’s part. He clearly doesn’t understand the dynamics of Hispanic culture. Giving that interview created the appearance of a personal bond between Reyes and McConnell. Following that up with an obvious lie to force Reyes’ hand will be seen as a personal affront to Reyes’ honor. That is a serious cultural faux pas (and an unforced error, to boot).

  9. greenhouse says:

    Pure genius EW, pure genius. If I had half the poetry you possess in your left pinky, I’d be a billionaire on MTV!