Entries by emptywheel

Jay Rock Demands 90%

This is delectible politics. Fresh off a meeting with Ob-Rahma, Jay Rock has come back to the Senate and demanded 90% loss ratio for any coverage the subsidies pay for. That means the insurance companies can’t steal 20% of our tax dollars to pay for executive salaries. They get 10%.

They’re peeing their pants right now.

Thing is, this amendment will never ever pass.

The Senator Henceforth to Be Known as Jay Rock

I’ve been threatening to do this for a while: ditching the moniker “Jello Jay.” And while I was going to hold out until we actually got a public option through the Senate, I gotta say that nothing seems to have gotten under MaxTax Baucus’ skin so much as Jay Rock picking apart, detail by detail, the many ways in which the MaxTax is a big giveaway to the health care industry.