
AG Holder Oversight Hearing, Two

You can follow along on the Committee stream or CSPAN3.

Durbin: No complaints that Bush decided to try Moussaoui in Article III Court. Can you tell me what distinction might be.

Holder: Learned a lot from Moussaui trial. Determinations made about best forum for particular case. Best interest of American people.

Durbin: Mukasey: I was in awe of our system. We are a nation of law.

Durbin probably shouldn’t be arguing that Moussaoui was 20th hijacker, so long as al-Qahtani is unresolved.

Durbin: SCOTUS decisions in Hamdan and Congress, to come into conformance with requirements. Only 3 successfully tried in military tribunals. Are you not also aware of procedure that some will challenge this new decision.

Holder: Distinct possibility. That is something we will not have to deal with in bringing KSM in NYC. Question of legitimacy not a problem at all.

Durbin: Very close parallel. MCs have procedures not ruled upon by SCOTUS. I think those are things that should be made part of this record.

Durbin: Thompson IL which would be Gitmo North. New perimeter fence, if indeed most secured facility in America. Never had escape from SuperMax. 35 terrorists in IL.

Cornyn: [Has no voice, apologizes] Do you acknowledge legitimacy of MCs?

Holder: Absolutely. Legitimized them.

Cornyn: So your decision to try in Article III not compelled by any law.

Holder: Judgment, discretion, experience, interaction with Sec Def, all of that went into determination.

Cornyn: Does POTUS agree?

Holder: Have not had direct conversation with him, but consistent with his acrhives speech.

Cornyn: Miranda rights on battlefield?

Holder: misreporting. A very small number have been read miranda warnings after military lawyers, civ lawyers, some reason to give mirandas.

Cornyn: You support miranda rights to some suspected terrorists.

Holder: I defer to people in field. It gives us another option.

Cornyn: Should KSM have been read miaranda.

Holder; There’s no need, we don’t need his statements.

Cornyn: It’ll be a judge at trial or appellate level.

Holder: Yup. Confident that way in which this will be structured, needful miranda warnings, there is no need.

Cornyn: He did ask for lawyer, when he was detained.

Holder: I do remember that.

Cornyn: He’s getting his wish.

[WTF are they so worried about him getting THIS wish, but so pissed that Holder is not allowing him to get his wish to be martyred.]

Cornyn: Risks of KSM not being prosecuted bc didn’t get his rights.

Holder: No one can say with certainty. As I look at facts, detention of him. Evidence. I’m very confident that miranda issues not going to be part.

Cornyn: You won’t make that decision. Isn’t it the fact that you won’t make decision on miranda.

Holder: I hope that judge takes into account very real need for security.

Cornyn: If judge orders KSM to be released?

Holder: Hard to imagine set of circumstances if he were acquitted he would be released into US. Other things we have capacity to do.

Cornyn: You can’t hold someone indefinitely.

Holder: You can certainly hold people in matters pending.

Leahy: Might say only half-facetiously a lot of people in NY might like him to be released on streets of NY, he might not want to be released.

Cardin: Confidence in trial of this terrorist. Advantages of trying terrorist in Article III. Established process, used before. Credibility of our system. Our ability to showcase using American values. A lot of positive reasons to use Article III courts. Particularly the history of ignoring our own laws. F-up on Kohl’s point. Closing of Gitmo. Feingold’s point, informed decisions to classify.

Cardin: Cybersecurity. May be able to prevent 80% of attacks. We have to do better than that. HOw high a priority on this issue.

Holder: Need help of Congress. Have to be partners dealing with 21st century issue.

Cardin: Section on civil rights. Applauding you to continue to make civil rights priority. Voting rights, military personnel on absentee ballots, native americans, redistricting. To protect AMerican rights of voting.

Coburn: Letter about OKs freedmen.

Coburn: Terrorists serving lengthy sentences. HOw many picked up in Afghanistan. How many interrogated by CIA.

Holder: Will answer those questions.

Coburn: Recovery board. Submitted reports that were fraudulent. Plan to prosecute that fraudulent behavior?

Holder: Yes, one of the things we mentioned yesterday, misuse of recovery act funds. Fraud connected to it. partners at Treas and SEC, that is one of the priority areas.

Coburn; Going to be big. Over $50 billion. At least oversight. Hate crimes issue. Murder of some of recruiters in AR. Have you given any thougths, especially in light of Ft. Hood.

Holder: Hate crimes bill says such actions are potential hate crimes. Mandatory min Sessions introduced. Deals with set of facts you’re talking about.

Coburn: VRA. Kingston NC. In fact, in NC, only 9/550 localities hold election on partisan basis. 7/9 minority voted to eliminate, Civil Rights reversed. Would like to hear comments about that. How you justify reversing that, when majority think it’s prudent.

Holder: Written response.

Coburn: Really concerned. Drug abuse. Significant power of marijuana use to lead to other drug use. Federal crime to use or distribute it. Did you personally approve. Dramatic break?

Holder: it’s a break, logical break, given limited resources, the use of marijana in way state laws prescribes, for medical purposes, directive indicated that we are not blind, to extent people using to do things not consistent for state law, the federal law is still there. A number of factors that are set out. Mexican cartels make most of their money from importation of marijana into US.

Coburn: 95% of people in CA who have license for marijyana don’t have a real illness, they have a desire to smoke marijuana.

Coburn: #1 risk for our kids not obesity, it’s use of marijuana.

Whitehouse: Klobuchar was here first.

[What a gentleman]

Klobuchar. Thank you Sen Whitehouse. You mentioned tragedy at Ft. Hood. One of several Senators who went to memorial service. Waiting in line for physical ready to deploy. Family huddled next to that picture. Interested in thorough investigation, get results not only for strong prosecution. Make sure doesn’t happen again.

Holder: Obama unquivocal direction to find out what happened.

Klobuchar: Bread and butter. So many questions understandably about trial. Diligent citizens caught Moussaoui. First of all, focus on security. Mayor and police chief. Interested in getting these guys. Conviction rate is 90%.

Holder: 94%

Klobuchar: NY

Holder: Lawyers from EDVA and SDNY. NY has tried these cases before. Hardened detention facility. Means by which person can go from jail to court house. Marshalls service report.

Holder: Medicaid fraud. People who were once engaged in drug dealing, moving into this area, safer and easier. Determined to put an end to that. Sebelius and I giving particular attention. Already announced arrests in variety of cities.

Franken: Pick up on rape kit matter that both Chair and Klobuchar brought up. Important to realize, pro law enforcement. Protects innocents, brings victims closure. What’s gone wrong with this?

Holder: Don’t know why it has not worked.

Franken: 5% of world’s pop and 25% prisoners. So many drug problems and mental health. We’re essentially sending kids who are in possession of drugs, sending them to crime school. 2/3 come back within 3 years. More than a third of MN have drug courts. Offenderse in drug courts 10X more likely to continue treatment.

Holder: Supported with budgets. Support data driven analysis (recidivism v treatment). On this basis will be formulating policy.

Franken: Might I suggest increase of drug rehab in prison. Lot of people who should be in prison. It’d be nice if while in there they got treatment. One thing on health care fraud. I’d like to see those people in prison. Those folks might belong there more than people that are simply addicted to drugs. Trafficking in women. Trafficking of native american women, and international trafficking, trafficked into this country. Because some of these cases are sent to ICE, have a disincentive to report these crimes. That’s something that needs to be looked at.

Holder: Paying particular attention to plight of women on reservations. If you look at levels of violence that young girls and women subjected to. Simply unacceptable. President followed up on. Intl trafficking something we need to look at as well, to extent that that prevents enforcement in trafficking.

Whitehouse: React to two things. One is, inadvertantly disparaing tone about federal prosecutors. I hope itis inadvertant, having had some experience in that world, I’m extremely proud, I’ve had prosecutors go to court in body armor, have to explain why security system bc of threats. They are among the best lawyers in our country. I didn’t like the tone I was detecting. One in favor of prosecutorial independence. To extent that you get criticized that your decision is unpopular, the implication is taht prosecutors should seek to make decisions that meet with popualr opinoin, popular opinion a very dangerous bellweather. It gets worse when you move from popular opinion to legislative opinion. Very significant reasons why I as prosecutor didn’t want to hear from legislators. Very good reasons why isolated from these opinions. Nobody should not react that a prosecutor should not listen to threats. A prosecutor should not make decision on legislative opinion, TO make it worse is to make prosecutorial decisoin by talk show opinion. Want to stand by principles that have worked for hundreds of years. People like us–Senator–have no business attempting to influence prosecutors decision. In article III courts, tens of thousands. Everything leaves trail of precedent. MCs still have unreliability. Either new territory, or modeling on Article III,so you might as well be in Article III court.

Holder: Thank you for support in favor of career people.  To extent that anyone has any question about determination of people in DOJ. These people are among best of best. No question KSM will try to exploit same way he did MCs. Could be in other places making a lot more money, do it quite well. MCs much better than they were. A legitimate place in which we can try some of these defendants. No question that in terms of experience Article III have experience.

Whitehouse: 3 Qs for record. Drug enforcement, e-prescribing. Timing on that determination? People in bankruptcy, harshly treated under law, new trustee? When is OPR going to put out its report in OLC?

Holder: The report is completed. Being reviewed now, last stages,  a career prosecutor has to review report. At end of month report should be issued. Longer than anticipated bc of the amount of time we gave to lawyers representing subjects of report. Had to react those those responses. Report is complete being reviewed by last person.

Specter: I love Judy Miller!!

Specter: We are working hard to craft health care bill. Medicare and Medicaid fraud enormously consequential. So many cases result in fines. Adds to cost of doing business. Jail sentences are deterrent. Would you submit to committee an act to plan to see to it that there are jail sentences as matter of active govt policy.

Specter: Two-pronged approach to violent crime.

Specter: Distinction between trying people in Article III and MCs. Preliminarily support Whitehouse comment. As I take a look at protocol. As you look at interest, very similar, Yemen as opposed to NYC not all taht important. Article III courts quite a testimony to our criminal justice system. What standards to try terrorist in one place rather than other.

Holder: Evidentiary questions, location can be a problem.

Specter: less evidence than necessary.

Holder: Admissibility. If there are probs in one forum than another.

Specter: Can you give me an example.

Holder; The kind of interrogation might lead you to want to use  one forum as opposed to another. Might be questions of techniques, one forum might be more hospitable than another. No one should read into that. We will not use evidence derived from torture. Possibility that some techniques better received in one forum.

Leahy AG Holder’s fourth appearance. Republicans more rounds. American public, having been told that terrorists will gain access to classified material. Some of those same protections adopted into MCs. Concerns I have that MCs have repeatedly been overturned by SCOTUS. Federal courts have 200 years of precedent.

Kyl: Media shield discussion. Indicated address at more length. Did you ask Gates about shield law?

Holder: Conversation, but not lengthy one.

Kyl: Gates opposed

Holder: Previous bill.

Kyl: Propose we talk to people who expressed opinion. Did you talk to Mueller?

Holder: Different opinion wrt prior leg.

Kyl: Expressed as recently as September opinion still the same. Fitz recommended that law would include other provision, only if govt prevailed would info be turned over. Would you be open to provision like that. That clearly is one that both you and I and Fitz think is reasonable.

Holder: Bill as it exists is compromise

Kyl: Compromise between journalists, you and Democrats.

Holder: Graham cosponsor.

Kyl: none of us opposed.

Holder: Views letter: satisfactory to use in law enforcement.

Kyl: Did not comment on new absolute privilege. On privilege extending to protect those who violate federal law by leaking info. That act of leaking would be subject to privilege. Letter did not express itself.

Holder: I didn’t see absolute privilege to leak.

Holder: I didn’t mean to be flip about turning over names of previous conflicts. I don’t know if ethical concerns wrt atty client privilege. I didn’t mean to say I was not taking seriously.

Kyl: I suspect you and Grassley will have more conversations.

Cornyn: Fup on question that Specter asked about evidence in deciding which forum. Is it your position that it’ll be easier to get evidence of guilt in Article III court than it would be in MC.

Holder; I’m not sure I view it that way as opposed to what evidence would be used, as opposed to how Military prosecutors would prosecute case.

Cornyn: you wouldn’t try case where it’d be harder to get conviction.

Cornyn: Marshall’s report on all venues. Judge could transfer. What other venues?

Holder: Two districts: SDNY and EDVA.

Cornyn: Those are the only two.  When detainees come to US, immigration status?

Holder: Not immigration expert. Confident that given they would be here under supervision of being charged in federal court, we would be able to detain them, as we would be able to anyone charged with such serious.

Cornyn: Any claim of asylum bc of CAT?

Cornyn: Not immigration expert. One can be paroled solely for this purpose. Can’t imagine situation in which paroled into US.

Cornyn: Your position will not be conferred rights they did not have.

Holder: My expertise more on DOJ side, we can detain them and prevent them from walking streets of US.

Cornyn: Will you look into it, whether if detainee claims immigration status by virtue of presence, will allow them to get administration proceedings.

Cornyn: If detainees is acquitted. What basis you could detain?

Holder: Initial determination for detention of, would last beyond mistrial. Trial, hung jury, I suppose defense could move to have bail changed. It’s hard to imagine a judge would change status between time of hung jury and next trial.

Cornyn: You cannot indefinitely detain someone. Are you concerned that judge may say you’ve made an election to try as criminal and you’re bound by that, and you cannot revert to law of war.

Holder: No, I’m not. Under congressional provisions, and laws of war, we have ability–cannot indefinitely detain–but can detain for lawful reasons. I think very unlikely.

Cornyn: I hope you’re right.

Klobuchar: Would never want to muzzle Graham.

Graham: I wish more people felt that way. Preventative detention. America’s not a better place for letting them go.

Holder: Agree in general. Pursuant to laws of war. Dialing into due process. I think we should involve Congress in crafting law of war detention appropriately.

Graham: These are not easy decisions. Preventative detention only known in military law. Any theory in civlian law.Speedy trial rights.

Holder: Can detain someone that there’s going to be trial.

Graham: under military law can detain if in fact part of military force. My problem with what we’re doing. In Afghanistan if we capture an AQ member. Under your rationale, decision of criminal or MC, would not be known at point of capture.

Holder: these determinations have been made now, and have been made.

Graham: No one ever envisioned that terrorist captured on battlefield would end up in civilian court. Look forward on what we can do on preventative detention.

Sessions: I would just say Mr AG. If a police officer stops someone and gun in holster. I can’t imagine someone captured on battlefield, not being considered custody. Eventually he conceded. Intelligence way to go foward.

Holder: we have a great deal of flexibility. Do not think MCs illegitimate forum. Presumption of Article III.

Sessions: If presumption is cases tried in civilian courts, don’t know why soldier isn’t instructed to give miranda. Hostility by president toward MCs. For example soon after taking office suspended MCs and issued order suspending MCs.

Holder: That doesn’t indicate hostility toward MCs rather than desire to perfect them.

Sessions. SCOTUS raised some concerns. Congress did some things that make it clear to me that for these, reliable hearsay, don’t have to bring people off the battlefield. You have to have real high reason to do that in normal civilian trial. MCs go on the record in camera, protect sources and methods. I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. General Mukasey has expressed concerns. Your predecessor. NYC focus for mischief in form of murder. I don’t think that’s irresponsible.

Holder: Do believe can protect sources and methods in Article III courts. Great respect for Mukasey. I think great AG. Only thing he didnt’ have at Dept was gift of time. But I disagree with him about NY. NY is a target for AQ. I’m not at all certain that bringing of these trials makes it greater risk. One of the things I read was WSJ article Mukasey wrote, and asking people to respond to things he wrote.

Klobuchar: Asked about evidence, miranda. Could you go through notion that that’s one of considerations.

Holder: One of things we look at is the admissibility issue. Where can we get admitted evidence needed to be most successful. People in field have been making determinations for some time. Thousands who have come into custody. Only small number have been given mirandas.

Klobuchar: Evidence you couldn’t share with us. Could you expand on that.

Holder: There is really, from my perspective, very compelling evidence that will not be revealed until trial setting or pre-trial setting. At some point, AUSA will reveal evidence that I’m talking about, compelling, not tainted, will prove to be decisive in this case.

Klobuchar: Unified in wanting to give tools to give your work. Morale in DOJ.

Holder; Make people believe in mission, some of things identified in IG reports, that’s not the way this department will be run. I served as line atty in DOJ under Republican and Democratic Ag, that’s what I tried to reassure them. Only expected to do job, No litmus test. Confirmation of remaining AAGs.

Dawn Johnsen!!!

Klobuchar: Done before thanksgiving?

Holder: Tomorrow;

Klobuchar: Six pending before this committee.

Sessions: 9/11 victims. When word of letter got out 3000 firefighters joined us to add their names.

Holder: A lot of people opposed. All I can do is look at the evidence, look at the law, and make best decision possible and I hope people understand that.

Klobuchar: Thank for respect from those in gallery, I know you don’t all agree with all decisions here, but thank you for the respect. Holder, we all hope you put best people on case, that they get penalties.

AG Holder Oversight Hearing

You can follow along on the Committee stream or CSPAN3.

Leahy: Using full range of authorities to fight extremists [must be an attack against Crazy Pete]. After nearly 8 years of delay, may finally be moving forward to bring to justice the perpetrators. Great faith in prosecutors, judges, juries, and American people. They committed murder and we will prosecute them. America’s response is not to cower in fear.[I wonder if he’s thinking of GoFuckYerSelf Cheney?] Those responsible for attack on USS Cole, MC, Nidal Hasan, military courtmartial. Written to John Brennan, asked him to provide internal investigation, both interim classified, Both Sessions and I should be informed. Have spoken with Mueller. Me and Feinstein were briefed on status of investigation. Try not to do in reckless fashion so as not to interfere with military prosecution.

[Note, that that clarifies who was in that briefing: Gang of Eight, plus the Judiciary Chairs. Presumably Crazy Pete was there and Holy Joe was not.]

Leahy: Financial Fraud Task Force.

Sessions: We don’t agree on KSM and 9/11. [Presumably in NYC, but he didn’t say it.] You asked for this job. David Beamer, FL, and Alice Hoagland from CA. Lost sons on Flight 93. Lisa Dolan lost her husband at the Pentagon. Debra Burlingame lost brother, pilot. Tim Brown from NYFD. A privilege to have each of you with us today. Blah blah blah blah blah. Policies taking place under new Admin, I fear that is not the case. Admin continuing to delay to provide clear leadership to men in Afghanistan, investigation of CIA officers, cut a deal on media shield legislation to protect indivs to leak classified info to mass media, concede to weakening of PATRIOT, decline to provide basic information about Ft. Hood, and now announced they will bring KSM back to Manhattan. These policies signal to our people and to inter-nat-shun-all community. Return to pre-9/11 mentality. Al Qaeda doesn’t agree. KSM in NY, departs from long-standing policy that these should be treated under the rules for law. He’s alleged not to be a common criminal. Correct way to try him is by military tribunal. MC and civilian courts have different functions. US Court system not designed to try unlawful enemy combatants. These are people we are at war with. We are dropping bombs on them every day, attacking they lairs. [anyone wonder whether Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has a woody?] They are first a prisoner of war, once they’re captured. [oops–that’s got to be a mistake, all of a sudden admitting that KSM is POW] Ex Part-ay Qweer-in. Our enemies and friends must ask themselves whether they’re still serious about this effort.

Leahy: Delighted to hear someone from AL quote approvingly Ulysses S Grant and Abraham Lincoln. The world has come full circle.

Sessions: Well, and they were winners, too.

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Holder’s Press Conference on Gitmo

Starts by highlighting 9/11: “Just over eight years ago, … deadliest terror attacks we’ve ever seen.”  Then brings up USS Cole. Today we announce a step forward in bringing those responsible for 9/11 attacks and Cole. KSM, bin Attash, bin al-Shib, Ali, Hawsawi. Those prceedings stayed since Feb. Case against alleged mastermind withdrawn in Feb. Working to review every case that has been referred for prosecution. Determinations of 10 detainees now held at Gitmo. Including 9/11 and Cole. DOJ in federal court for 9/11. Further decided to refer back to DOD 5 defendants to face military commission charges. SDNY and EDVA. Brought in Manhattan in SDNY. After 8 years, those allegedly will finally be brought to justice. Just blocks away from where Twin Towers once stood. Also want to assure American people that we will prosecute vigorously. Extraordinary crimes. Maximum penalties. Federal rules allow for death penalty. Fully expect prosecutors to pursue death penalty against 9/11.

Military commissions highest standard.

Based on protocol. Bc many cases could be prosecuted in either civilian or military. Place where occurred, victims, how investigated. Important that we use every forum possible to hold terrorists accountable.

(Technical issues, missed some questions)

Q: What if they get a soapbox?

A: Confident Judge will conduct with dignity.

Q: Peter King says this puts NY in danger.

A: Not factually correct.

Q: Khadr–defense atty says he’ll be transferred to Canada.

A: Right now one of the military commissions one. I’ll look at Khadr matter.

Isikoff: harsh techniques will have to be disclosed to defense attorneys?

Holder: The big question is relevance, will those statements be used? I’m confident we have the evidence we need to prevail (also mentions evidence that has not been discussed).

Q: Surprised about Greg Craig.

A: Great lawyer, contributed in significant want to this Administration. Those who have tried to palce on Grag unfair proportion of blame for why we have not proceeded faster not fair. He leaves with President’ s thanks.

Q Are they going to be charged with 9/11?

Holder: Charged for what we believe they did: mastermind and carry out 9/11.

Q: How open?

A: Like other terrorist trials. Open to the world, with some closed sessions to present classified information.

Q: Fair trial in NY?

A: Together, really searching voir dire process we can come up with jury for fair trial in NY.

The full statement is below:

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Holder Signals Approval (Preference?) for SJC Bill

Just days after the House Judiciary Committee passed a PATRIOT Act Reauthorization bill that actually improved on PATRIOT, Eric Holder has decided to write Pat Leahy and DiFi to tell them how much he likes their bill.

Holder spends a lot of time boasting of the “provisions designed to enhance statutory protections for civil liberties and privacy, ” including provisions that the Administration gutted, courtesy of Jeff Sessions: “authorization for court-imposed minimization requirements for information obtained via pen register or trap and trace orders in exceptional cases.” Had the Committee been left to its Democratic majority, those minimization requirements would have been standard, not exceptional.

To this extent, Holder’s letter seems designed to signal his preference for the Senate bill over the House Judiciary bill.

But the Senate’s worse bill is not good enough for Holder. He makes demands for things that–apparently–they didn’t get to Jeff Sessions in time for him to submit.

While we are very please to be able to support the bill, we do have some concerns that we are working with the Committee to address before the measure reaches the floor. In particular, we are working with the Committee on provisions regarding procedures for the collection, use, and storage of information obtained through NSLs; certain public reporting and audit requirements; and provisions to ensure a smooth transition to the new law.

Which I take to mean there’s too much preventing the DOJ from creating a permanent database of material collected pursuant to NSL authority. And DOJ wants to avoid admitting how much of this data collection is actually going on, so they’re trying to limit the audits and IG reports.

So apparently, the worse Senate bill isn’t bad enough for Eric Holder yet. And it sounds like Pat Leahy continues to work to give Holder and Obama precisely the crappy bill they want.

If It’s [Was] Friday, It Must Be State Secrets, Hiding Abuse of Power, in the 9th Circuit

photo: Diane M. Byrne via Flickr

photo: Diane M. Byrne via Flickr

A quick word about scheduling. I’m going to take a break from Dick Cheney for a bit so I can hit some other issues. Later today or tomorrow, I’m going to take a look at the torture documents which Mary and MadDog started exploring in this thread. But then I need to turn back to PATRIOT in anticipation of the mark-up of the House bill, which is probably going to be on Wednesday.

But for the moment, I want to take a look at Eric Holder’s state secrets invocation yesterday.

The case is one of the remaining surveillance suits for the government’s “dragnet” collection of telecom signals, parallel to EFF’s Jewel case. The government had already invoked state secrets in 2007. But after the Jeppesen decision this spring, EFF reactivated the case (yeah, I’m sure this is not the legal term). And so now, to try to throw the case out again, the government is reasserting its state secrets invocation.

The case is interesting for a couple of reasons. First, the timing. The Administration is invoking state secrets under its “old-is-new” state secrets policy, something Holder focuses on in his statement on the invocation.

Last month, I outlined new policies and procedures containing a system of internal and external checks and balances that the Department will follow each time it invokes the state secrets privilege in litigation.  We designed those procedures to provide greater accountability for the use of the privilege and to ensure that the Department invokes the privilege only to the extent that it is absolutely necessary to protect national security.  The procedures require a thorough, multi-stage review and rely upon robust judicial and congressional oversight.

The present case was reviewed under this new process. The Director of National Intelligence and the Director of the National Security Agency certified to the Department that disclosing information at issue in the case would jeopardize national security and provided classified information to support that conclusion.  A review committee of senior Department officials, the Associate Attorney General, and the Deputy Attorney General all reviewed that information.  Based on the recommendations from this review process, as well as my own personal review of the information provided, I concluded that we had no alternative but to assert the privilege to prevent the exposure of intelligence sources and methods.

As such, it appears that DOJ wants to pitch this invocation as hopey-changey proof of the reasonableness of its new process.

But then, even in his statement, Holder is invoking state secrets in a 9th Circuit case assuming that the government will win its Jeppesen case. Holder describes how DOJ attempted to carve out a part of this suit that could go forward while still protecting state secrets.

As part of our internal Department review, we specifically looked for a way to allow this case to proceed while carving out classified information, and ultimately concluded there was no way to do so.

That statement assumes the Executive–and not the Courts–gets to decide how much of a case gets thrown out with a state secrets invocation, an assumption that flies in the face of the Jeppesen decision. Curiously, though, a statement making that assumption also ends with the kind of humility we haven’t seen from the Holder DOJ in related suits.

Ultimately, the judicial system will determine whether we have drawn the line at the appropriate place, as is lawful and appropriate under our system of checks and balances.  As always, we will respect the outcome of that process.

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Is John Rizzo Stalling?

Boy, the press conference with Eric Holder today was jam-packed. In addition to using the Zazi arrest to push to renew the PATRIOT Act, Holder apparently updated reporters on the long-awaited OPR report.

The release of a long-awaited ethics report on the conduct of former Justice Department lawyers who authorized the use of harsh interrogation appears to be a ways off.

Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday the department is waiting for additional comments from “some of the lawyers who were involved.” The former Office of Legal Counsel lawyers under scrutiny already missed a May deadline for submitting their responses.

Speaking with reporters at Department of Justice headquarters in Washington, Holder said he expected the report to be cleared for release relatively soon. In June, he said the report, now more than four years in the making, would be ready in a “matter of weeks.”

The report explores whether legal advice in the interrogation memos, which have since been rescinded, met professional standards required of Justice Department lawyers. The Office of Professional Responsibility’s initial findings are said to be harshly critical of Jay Bybee, the former head of the Office of Legal Counsel, and John Yoo, a former deputy.

In spite of this report’s focus on Yoo and Bybee, I wonder whether they’re really the cause of the delay. After all, last we heard, the report was delayed not just because Yoo and Bradbury got a chance to review the document and work the ref, but because CIA got to review the document, even while John Rizzo, a key participant in the report, remained as Acting General Counsel at CIA.

In other words, "some of the lawyers who were involved" may not be limited to the OLC lawyers. John Rizzo was "involved" over a longer time and in as central a role as any of the OLC lawyers. He may have as much incentive as they do to delay the report.

More Zazi Justifications for PATRIOT

For the second time today, the WaPo has a very obedient regurgitation of DOJ’s efforts to use the Zazi investigation to push for reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act. There’s the proclamation that the plot was very serious (which I am not challenging).

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Tuesday that an alleged hydrogen peroxide bomb threat was "very serious" and "could have resulted in the loss of American lives."


Holder declined comment on the next phase of the investigation, including the timing on possible arrests. He nonetheless expressed confidence that authorities had defused the alleged al-Qaeda-inspired threat, which may have been intended to kill "scores" of Americans. 

Tied to the call for Congress to "swiftly" reapprove PATRIOT provisions.

Holder used the occasion to call on Congress to swiftly reauthorize provisions of the USA Patriot Act, including tools that allow the FBI to conduct roving wiretaps of suspects, that have helped the bureau and its law enforcement partners in multiple cases. He nodded to the concerns of civil liberties advocates by acknowledging, "There’s certainly a conversation that can be had about, do they need to be reexamined," but Holder went on to assert that "the tools as they exist are valuable and not in a theoretical sense."

And, as with the WaPo article this morning, this article accepts the Administration’s focus on roving wiretaps, when that’s not really the focus of any challenge to PATRIOT reauthorization.

Say, Justice press corps … any chance you might point out that the real questions pertain to Section 215, NSLs, and data mining aspects of the domestic surveillance program?

Update: Oh!! Ask and you shall receive! Apparently a few members of the Justice press corps did ask these questions, though Holder didn’t answer them. From Josh Gerstein:

Holder said Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act orders produced "much of the information" in the case, but he did not offer details on how Patriot Act provisions were used in the case. He also rebuffed questions about why those tools are superior to conventional authorities and why the Justice Department is vigorously opposing attempts in Congress to raise the threshold of proof needed to issue demands for information in connection with terrorism investigations.

"The existence of these tools is of great assistance to us," Holder said.

Update: Josh has put up a post with the explicit detail from today’s presser on Section 215. Here’s an excerpt, but go read the complete Read more

Conyers to Holder: Give Us the 215 Info

I guess I’m not the only one who noticed that DOJ is trying to reauthorize Section 215 without leveling with the American people how they’re using it. John Conyers, Jerrold Nadler, and Bobby Scott have written Eric Holder, requesting that he make more information on the way Section 215 is used public.

In order to meaningfully consider whether and how to extend the "business records" section of the Act, however, we ask that the Department work to provide additional public information on the use of that provision.

Specifically, at the September 22 hearing, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hinnen testified that orders under Section 215 of the Act, which authorizes compulsory production of "business records," have been used to obtain "transactional information" to support "important and highly sensitive intelligence collection." He explained that some members of the Subcommittee and cleared staff have received some briefings on this topic, and that additional information could be made available to them "in a classified setting."

We have appreciated the information that has been provided, and fully understand the importance of safeguarding our country’s national security secrets. Too often in 2007 and 2008, however, crucial information remained unknown to the public and many members of Congress when Congress voted on important surveillance legislation affecting the interests of all Americans. As has also been requested in the Senate, we ask that the Department work to make publicly available additional basic information on the use of Section 215, so that Congress can more openly and thoroughly consider the future of this authority while fully protecting our national security secrets.

I’m hoping they have more leverage than Russ Feingold, who I believe made this request in the Senate, since nothing is going to pass through HJC without these three gentlemen’s involvement.

As Predicted, the Administration Folds on Horn State Secrets Claims

After Eric Holder came out with his "new" state secrets policy last week, I had this to say:

As I pointed out last month, the Horn case in DC and the al-Haramain case in San Francisco are moving in remarkably parallel direction towards a CIPA-like process, in which the government can be required to provide substitutions for classified information, thereby allowing a suit to move forward even in the case of highly classified information. In both cases, the judge had advocated such a CIPA-like process. Because the government basically took its toys home and refused to cooperate in both cases, both cases either have (in the case of Horn) or will be (in the case of al-Haramain, regardless of what Judge Walker rules) headed to the Circuit Court in the near future. There are reasons to believe the Circuit would support the CIPA-like process in both cases.


Word is that Holder will use the "new" policy to withdraw the state secrets claim in one case, and by all appearances that one case will be Horn (I don’t know whether that means they will try to settle Horn, or whether they’ll just move forward with what amounts to a CIPA-like process without a state secrets claim behind it.)

Now of the three cases in question (Horn, al-Haramain, and Jeppesen), Horn is the one that was the biggest slam dunk legally to support a CIPA-like process (because of the fraud involved and the Circuit Court’s earlier limitation on the state secrets claim). It’s the one in which the Bush Administration’s claim to state secrets was most bogus. And it’s the least risky one to settle or litigate.

By withdrawing the claim of state secrets in Horn (if that is indeed what will happen), the Administration will avoid having the DC Circuit joining the 9th in supporting some kind of CIPA-process in state secrets, while still giving the Administration hopes of dismissing Jeppesen and al-Haramain based on state secrets.

Well, today we’ve got news that the government–after fighting Horn’s suit for 15 years–has all of a sudden decided to settle.

The Obama Administration may be in the process of heading off a court battle over the Executive Branch’s power to control classified information.

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State Secrets: Holder’s Game

I’m still working on understanding this, but here’s what I think the Obama Administration was trying to achieve with its "new" policy on state secrets the other day.

As I pointed out last month, the Horn case in DC and the al-Haramain case in San Francisco are moving in remarkably parallel direction towards a CIPA-like process, in which the government can be required to provide substitutions for classified information, thereby allowing a suit to move forward even in the case of highly classified information. In both cases, the judge had advocated such a CIPA-like process. Because the government basically took its toys home and refused to cooperate in both cases, both cases either have (in the case of Horn) or will be (in the case of al-Haramain, regardless of what Judge Walker rules) headed to the Circuit Court in the near future. There are reasons to believe the Circuit would support the CIPA-like process in both cases.

Add in Jeppesen (Binyam Mohamed’s extraordinary rendition suit against a Boeing subsidiary), in which the 9th Circuit has already ruled that state secrets must be tied to evidence and not information, and it appears clear that the Courts might roll back state secrets as currently treated. 

And, at the same time, Jerrold Nadler and Pat Leahy have been negotiating new State Secrets legislation with the Administration. Nadler and Leahy, too, have been advocating a similar kind of CIPA-like process.

What the "new" state secrets policy appears designed to do is buy time and limit the legal battlefields on which the Administration tries to stave off a CIPA-like process.

Legislatively, it appears the "new" policy (and presumably some pressure on Leahy directly) has convinced Leahy, at least, to hold off on moving his legislation forward. He seems to be content to wait and see how this new policy plays out. Nadler, on the other hand, seems to want to push forward with legislation (so is Russ Feingold, but he’s not in the same position to push forward Senate legislation as Nadler is). So at the very least, Holder’s "new" policy will buy the Administration time before Congress tries to reel in executive power.

Then there’s Horn. Word is that Holder will use the "new" policy to withdraw the state secrets claim in one case, and by all appearances that one case will be Horn (I don’t know whether that means they will try to settle Horn, or whether they’ll just move forward with what amounts to a CIPA-like process without a state secrets claim behind it.)

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