Fox News Prepares to Go into Opposition by Hiring Judy Judy Judy

Fox News is preparing for what comes after the election. First came the news that Fox News was hiring Glenn Beck, replacing one of its election shows with yet more wingnuttia.

And now, they’ve hired someone whose greatest expertise is in laundering politically motivated leaks to give those leaks "respectability."

Fox News is expected to announce today the hiring of a new contributor, a veteran national security correspondent who has shared a Pulitzer Prize.

Her name is Judith Miller, and she is nothing if not controversial. Miller left the New York Times in 2005 after testifying in the trial of former White House aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby that he had leaked her information about a CIA operative. Miller’s conduct in the case, which led to her serving 85 days in jail for initially refusing to testify, drew rebukes from the Times executive editor and some of her colleagues.

In the run-up to the Iraq war, Miller reported stories on the search for Saddam Hussein’s supposed weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be untrue, some of which were cited in a Times editor’s note acknowledging the flawed coverage. Miller, now with the conservative Manhattan Institute, wrote when she left the paper that she had "become a lightning rod for public fury over the intelligence failures that helped lead our country to war."

Miller will be an on-air analyst and will write for Fox’s Web site. "She has a very impressive résumé," says Senior Vice President John Moody. "We’ve all had stories that didn’t come out exactly as we had hoped. It’s certainly something she’s going to be associated with for all time, and there’s not much anyone can do about that, but we want to make use of the tremendous expertise she brings on a lot of other issues. . . . She has explained herself and she has nothing to apologize for."

No, I’m not surprised that Judy Judy Judy has finally ended up at the one place worthy of her, um, talents. But I would invite you to imagine why Fox wants Judy on board.

Sure, maybe she’ll manufacture stories about evil threats that a President Obama (if he is elected) is ignoring (Scooter Libby: "It is fall now. You will have stories to cover–Iraqi elections and suicide bombers, biological threats and the Iranian nuclear program"). Maybe she’s just there to present the thoughts of totally discredited types like John Bolton or Paul Wolfowitz as if they still had credibility. I suspect, most of all, she’ll be doing something very similar to her UN Oil for Food coverage–extended series turning details everyone pretty much knew into a full-blown scandal designed to distract attention from a colossal failure.

But her presence at Fox does tell you something about the way that Fox plans to proceed during what is shaping up to be at least two years in opposition. Fox seems to be preparing for that–going into opposition–with more forethought than McCain has had running his campaign. 

19 replies
  1. manys says:

    Fox needs to change their game a little in preparation for the change in administrations. That they hire the Sarah Palin of journalism comes as little surprise.

      • pdaly says:

        Poor Judy. Maybe AIPAC trust funds have been hit by the crash and burn on Wall St?
        If rightwingnut welfare checks in jeopardy, a backup plan is a must.

        Unfortunately, emptywheel is very often proved correct; Judy’s move to Fox is a bad omen of republican plans for mucking up the future, not a decision based merely on the pocketbook.

  2. MsAnnaNOLA says:

    She probably is going to need the money. After Obama wins she won’t have any “Senior Administration” officials leaking to her with impunity and allowing her to get paid for nothing.

    Fox is a steady paycheck in the coming recession.

  3. brendanx says:

    One place worthy of her talents? You mean it wasn’t Reader’s Digest?

    Gosh, how could she be biased against Obama? I mean, she’s voting for him, right?

  4. NealDeesit says:

    It is fall now. Fox will have stories to distort — American elections and economic suicide pacts, biological inferiority of brown people and, as always, the left’s facilitation of the Iranian nuclear program. Out East, where corporate shills congregate, the right wing’s enablers are already turning negative. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them. Fox wants Judy to come back to “work”—-and her so-called “I was fucking right” journalistic life.

    Fox is the new Brigadier Ernest Pudding; Judy is the new Domina Nocturna; and “Shock and Awe” is the new Passchendaele. Yum, yum, eat up Fox!

    • klynn says:

      Fox wants Judy to come back to “work”—-and her so-called “I was fucking right” journalistic life.

      Now if I was a book editor…a word would be missing…but it would still capture your intended meaning…only better.

  5. Ishmael says:

    OK, so Fox is building up a stable of “journalists” and propagandists who are going to find all the Muslim Rosenbergs in the Obama Administration, but who among the remaining Republican elected officials is going to play the Joe McCarthy/young Dick Nixon role and denounce all the Democratic traitors? The Michelle Bachmanns are just too nutty to pull this off with any credibility, and the bench seems thin, Judy and her ilk need someone in Congress to go to for quotes.

  6. dipper says:

    Aw Judy, judy, judy, you can eat again….. and find all sorts of new guys to take you to the top of the media world.

  7. MeteorBlades says:

    Gawd. It is going to suck to be Iran what with Ahmadinejad tossing vitriol from inside and Judy tossing feces from outside.

  8. Leen says:

    Judy “I was fucking right” Miller will try to sell Faux News listener more lies about Iran and why the U.S. should pre-emptively strike or follow Israel into Iran (although Seymour Hersch has long ago reported that U.S. and Israeli special forces have been on the ground in Iran for several years).

    Judy should be in prison for her the consequences of her very serious and false reporting about WMD’s in Iraq. This woman is drowning in the Iraqi people and American soldiers blood. But she could care less because she is special.

  9. Unrepentantliberal says:

    Judy Miller and Glenn Beck, a two-fur. They are just hoping to assemble a complete set of wing-nut collectables under one roof.

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