HJC Schedules Its “Get Democrats to Cave on PATRIOT” Hearing

Well, lookee here. Look what the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled for Thursday.

Classified Hearing on: the PATRIOT Act and Related Matters

Thursday 10/29/2009 – 2:30 A.M.


Full Committee

By Direction of the Chairman

As you’ll recall, the Senate Judiciary Committee had such a classified hearing, as well. The day after that hearing, the Democrats gave up their plans to actually improve the PATRIOT Act, and instead gave the Administration everything they wanted, making it easier to conduct fishing expeditions on Americans. As you’ll probably also recall, the Administration submitted those changes via Jeff Sessions, one of the most loathsome Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, giving the Democrats thin cover for utterly caving on the Fourth Amendment.

So which Republican do you think the Administration will hide behind while gutting improvements on the PATRIOT Act this time? Some choices are:

  • Lamar Smith, the Committee’s Ranking Member and a Texan, with all that suggests
  • Darrell Issa, former member of the House Intelligence Committee and quite a capable asshole
  • Steve King, a close match for Sessions in terms of being a loathsome idiot

Enter your guess in the comments for a chance to win a coveted hub cap. And ready your calling fingers Monday to remind Democratic Committee members of their duty to protect the Fourth Amendment.

30 replies
      • emptywheel says:

        Dunno, I actually think it might be shrewd timing. Republicans are normally headed for a plane by 2:30 on Thursday PM. So this might be a ploy to make sure the Republicans can’t learn whatever scary info the Admin wants to use to gut the Fourth Amendment.

        I mean, heck, you expect Steve King to work a regular work week?

      • john in sacramento says:

        I think they’re mocking Thomas Jefferson

        A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt… And if we feel their power just sufficiently to hoop us together, it will be the happiest situation in which we can exist. If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake.

        –Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Taylor, June 4, 1798 in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson p. 1050.


  1. bobschacht says:

    I vote for Darrell Issa, who surely rivals King in the loathsome idiot category.

    I wonder what that super secret info is that makes Democratic knees buckle?

    Bob in AZ

  2. Jim White says:

    I’m gonna stretch the rules and predict they go with a Dem this time. My money is on Wasserman Schultz (gotta look tough here in Florida, dontcha know?)

  3. Mary says:

    If they use Sensenbrenner, they could also try to tag on some extra attack front against Feingold.

    And if they go with Dan Lungren, we can get it all as a musical.


    We got Immunity, right here in River City.

    Or maybe he’d go with 76 Boneheads?

    Seventy-six boneheads led the big charade
    With a hundred and ten telecoms listening in.
    They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtu-o-
    Hos, with Fox orchestrating all the din …

  4. Peterr says:

    For purposes of finding real political cover on this, the WH needs to hide behind a Democrat, not a Republican. There’s no cover to be found by simply caving — they need a Democrat to stand up and declare it a bipartisan bill to protect the country.

    Having a Dem provide cover would also go a long way toward dealing with this troublesome “fourth amendment” thing of which you speak.

    I think Jim nailed it @13. DWS wants to be Teh New Rahm in the House, and sucking up to Teh Old Rahm is just the sort of thing she would do, thinking it will help her get to her goal.

  5. orionATL says:

    mary @14

    “…Seventy-six boneheads led the big charade
    With a hundred and ten telecoms listening in.
    They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtu-o-
    Hos, with Fox orchestrating all the din …”

    didn’t know you were a poet, too.

    that is funny as hell – virtu-o-ho’s indeed.

  6. orionATL says:

    so now we know why john conyers was making such a fuss last week, such a public fuss, about un-protecting “health” industry types from anti-trust.

    and then there is his wife’s “troubles” coupled with whitehouse/doj blackmail, n’est pas.

    but hey, look on the light side,

    it’s halloween time – scary shows are to be expected.

    michael hayden appears as a multi-disk computer storage device without hair.

    dick cheney appears as lon cheney.

    john conyers appears as uncle remus.

    and george w. bush disappears.

    what fun.

  7. radiofreewill says:

    This crappy bill could only be given by an asshole the size of California – Issa’s going to Dump it on US.

  8. prostratedragon says:


    I assume the pick has to be acceptable to the gop members. (And I kind of agree with Peterr, in if the WH mainly just wants to hide, a conservadem would be a better shield; this whole soft shoe number strikes me as some other kind of “see, I’m being bipartisan” signal.) The only thing I can quickly handicap against is how the SJC did it, and assuming a degree of strategic co-ordination between the houses. SJC sent R.M. Sessions, passing on the opportunity to nauseate Americans in numerous disparate venues that could have been even better exploited by sending Cornyn, Coburn, or [shudder] Kyl, making the kind of pro forma use-the-most-senior-as-spokesman move that seems to fly better in that chamber.

    The House is more of a freewheelin’, loosey-goosey kind of place, so they might pass on the fluffing of R.M. Smith in order to stick one to the wavering Dem faithful. Since I seem to recall that King’s act has gone a bit overripe lately and several of the others EW declined to name might be hiding in plain sight from prosecutors or something, that leaves Darrell.


  9. emptywheel says:

    Btw, if you’re looking for Dems, one other likely candidate is Adam Schiff, a former AUSA and a member of HPSCI. So the equivalent, in junior form, of a Sheldon Whitehouse, though not so nice.

  10. avlwriter says:

    Joe Lieberman, of course! What better sock puppet to have mouthing this crap?
    He’s dying to be relevant again!

  11. dosido says:

    I vote for Issa.

    BTW, I think even though this crap is unconstitutional, the toothpaste is outta the tube.

  12. alank says:

    I could use a hubcap or two on the Possum van, but could you include a Woolly Bugger or Montana Nymph for the Possum Lodge fishing tackle?

  13. lcdrrek says:

    I know this is OT but the Washington Independent has a post today about Dawn Johnsen’s nomination to the OLC post. http://washingtonindependent.com/65031/johnsen-opposition-mum-on-possible-filibuster.

    It has been 279 days since the inauguration and there are still nominees awaiting confirmation. This has gone beyond ridiculous. It is time for the White House to demonstrate some leadership. It is time for the Senate Majority Leader to demonstrate some leadership. If the minority wants to filibuster each and every nominee then it is time for the nation to see this on CSPAN and every nightly news program.

    We are in the throes of an influenza pandemic and we have no Surgeon General.

    Ms. Johnsen has been waiting. Either bring her nomination up for confirmation or the Dems need to pack it up and go home. We deserve some representation. The people of this country voted for CHANGE. It is time for change.

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