Entries by emptywheel

Cerberus Still Seeking to Privatize Profit, Pass on Risk?

Cerberus appears to be seeking to capitalize on the woes of the auto industry to do two things: first help its Republican buddies break the UAW, and after doing so, pawn off its unwanted “investment” in Chrysler onto the same union. I’m not sure I understand all the steps in this process, yet, but here are three data points.

Cerberus Protects Client Retirees But Not Chrysler Retirees

Let’s start with Cerberus’ statement

“And while you’re indicting Alberto Gonzales for lying to Congress…”

“…why not add another charge too?” That seems to be the immediate message of Henry Waxman’s memo exposing Administration lies about the claim that Iraq was seeking uranium in Niger. Alberto Gonzales appears to have lied for Condi, to hide the insistence with which the Administration refused to heed warnings against using the Niger uranium claim.

Trash Talk – Prime Time Edition

The penultimate week to the regular season schedule in the National Favre League is upon us and, as many of you have already discovered, the hostesses team is playing the janitor’s team. Yep, bmaz’s Arizona Cardinals (I don’t really claim the losers, but they are my home team) are visiting Marcy’s gridiron heroes, the Patriots.

Rahm and “that 5th CD Thing”

The Sun-Times has a story about unexpectedly quiet Rahm is being about his Congressional replacement. They attribute his silence to the discussions about the Senate seat. But I think it much more likely that he’s being silent because of his discussions–real or not–about his own seat.
