Fridays with Nicole Sandler

We talk a lot about Kamala Harris. And only a little about JD Vance and his couch.

Trump Invites Reporters to Start Demanding His Medical Records

In a bid to discredit Chris Wray, Donald Trump has invited journalists to (finally) start demanding the medical records from his post-shooting hospital visit.

Ronny Jackson Memory Holes His Nephew's Injury

Ronny Jackson, who described his nephew being hit by something in the Trump shooting, now claims that the only thing that could have struck Trump is a bullet.
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President Biden's Address to the Nation

In case you missed it, video and transcript of President Biden's remarks Wednesday evening.

DOJ IG Finds Bill Barr's Personal Intervention in Roger Stone Sentencing "Highly Unusual" But Not Illegal

Bill Barr's personal intervention in the Roger Stone sentencing was highly unusual, but not illegal, DOJ IG concluded.

Speaker Mike Johnson Demands Better Treatment for Israel's Prime Minister Than Given the President of the United States

Mike Johnson has demanded greater decorum for Bibi Netanyahu's speech than Marjorie Taylor Greene gave to President Biden at the State of the Union.

Now that Joe Biden Stepped Down for the Good of the Country, Joe Kahn Must Join Him

In its serial demands on Joe Biden and other Democrats "for the good of the country," the NYT keeps demanding that politicians do its job in holding Trump accountable, even while failing to do its part. If Joe Kahn's NYT won't meet NYT's own standards for reporting on Trump, he must step down.

Fraudulent Failson Judgement: JD Vance "Ain't From Here"

Amid all the gossip that convicted felon Hunter Biden has participated in family decisions like he always has, the press has ignored the significance of the fact that convicted felon Donald Trump has been relying on the famously poor judgement of his fellow fraudster son, Don Jr.

The Kennedy Injection

The presumptive RFK Jr ratfuck to draw votes away from the former Democratic candidate seems to be blowing back on the Trump campaign now.

Biden's Timing: Undercutting Bibi

The timing of Bibi Netanyahu's business, coming at a time when everyone expects Kamala Harris to be focused on acquiring the endorsements she needs to win the nomination, gives her cause to remain distanced from whatever Bibi plans to pull in DC this week.

Since Leaving Butler, Trump Has Foregone the Best Medical Care and Is Withholding CT Scan Results

Instead of consulting with his primary care doctor or the experts at Walter Reed, Trump turned to his "Candy Man," Ronny Jackson for medical and press coverage.

Will Peter Baker Exhibit the Same Tenacity about Medical Records on the Trump Shooting as He Did a Parkinson's Conspiracy Theory?

Either the press hasn't bothered to ask for the most basic transparency from Trump about his medical treatment after the shooting, or they're not telling that he refused.

Fridays with Nicole Sandler

Nicole and I talked about the RNC and efforts to oust Joe Biden.

Manufactured Horseshit: Paul Manafort Returns to the Scene of the Crime

Trump is running not just as someone who explicitly wants to be a Dictator from Day One, someone who supports all the same policies as a Project that targets divorce and birth control along with the very idea of civil service. He is running with Russian help on a plan to give Russia what it wants, starting, but not ending, with Ukraine on a silver platter. 

Will Alex Jones Accuse Donald Trump of Being a Crisis Actor?

It was only a matter of time before a garden variety American school shooter decided to aim at a higher profile target. And yet we're still not taking from it the message that everyone of these random shootings are a tragedy.

In Bid to Withhold Laptop and Hard Drive Forensic Reports, Derek Hines Misstates Hunter Biden's View on Authenticity of Data on Laptop

In a bid to withhold the forensic reports on the laptop attributed to Hunter Biden and the hard drive copy of it, Derek Hynes falsely implied that Hunter Biden had agreed the data on the laptop was authentic.

emptywheel Writes Letters: The FBI Extraction of the Hunter Biden Hard Drive Is 62% Bigger than the Laptop

I've written a letter hoping to liberate the forensic reports on the extraction of the Hunter Biden laptop and hard drive -- in part, to learn why the extraction of the hard drive is 62% larger than the extraction of the laptop it purports to copy.