
Obama’s Firewall: Commie, Unpatriotic, “Fake” Virginia

So let me get this straight: All those civil servants and employees of the military-industrial complex living in northern VA are Communists.

They are unpatriotic and anti-American.

And they are not "real" Virginians.

I get that the McPalin campaign is all-but conceding that they cannot win the votes of those who know government best, including many many members of the military and national security community. I might ask why they’re conceding that, why they seem to admit they can’t gain any resonance with these voters, but whatever–I guess they’ve seen the polling.

What I really want to know, though, is how this is not, effectively, a concession for the entire race. McCain has admitted he needs to win all the Bush states that are currently still toss ups: FL, NC, MO, IN, CO, NV.

And VA.

(IA and NM, in which Obama holds big poll margins right now, would bring Obama to 263; VA has 13 electoral college votes.)

Yet his campaign seems to be pursuing a strategy designed to offend the largest chunk of Virginia’s population.

How about DC’s Suburbs?

Sarah Palin has now clarified her insinuation that some parts of America are pro-America parts and some are … not.

We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. We believe" — here the audience interrupted Palin with applause and cheers — "We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation. This is where we find the kindness and the goodness and the courage of everyday Americans. Those who are running our factories and teaching our kids and growing our food and are fighting our wars for us. Those who are protecting us in uniform. Those who are protecting the virtues of freedom. [my emphasis]

I’m curious. Aside from asking Palin where she draws the line–how big does a "small town" get before it gets unpatriotic, I’d like to know. Are DC’s suburbs pro-America?

It seems worth a follow-up, after all, because all those civil servants living in Virginia’s DC suburbs–the ones running our military and our intelligence services and our bureaucracies–they might want to know whether or not the Republicans’ VP candidate believes they’re pro-American or not before they vote. John’s brother Joe McCain has already called them Communists, of course, but perhaps someone could clarify whether the McCain campaign believes that those voters in a must-win swing state are unpatriotic Communists.

A big percentage of Virginia’s voters at least work "in" Washington D.C. I guess Sarah Palin doesn’t want their anti-American vote?

The Secret Service Eliminates Violent Racism!!!

Using the same techniques the Bush Administration used to eliminate torture and at Gitmo and vulnerabilities that might make easy targets for terrorists: by refusing to let journalists see them (h/t TP).

In cooperation with the Palin campaign, [the Secret Service have] started preventing reporters from leaving the press section to interview people in the crowd. This is a serious violation of their duty — protecting the protectee — and gets into assisting with the political aspirations of the candidate. It also often makes it impossible for reporters to get into the crowd to question the people who say vulgar things. So they prevent reporters from getting near the people doing the shouting, then claim it’s unfounded because the reporters can’t get close enough to identify the person. [my emphasis]

Who do you think came up with this solution first? The Secret Service, which I guess prefers just pretending that these rabid racists aren’t being incited? Or Sarah Palin, who realized the exposure of her ugly side was hurting her chances for 2012?

McCain to Embrace ANOTHER Unqualified Nut Tied to Scandal

Scott Horton explains that the McCain camp and Bill Kristol are in such a tiff because McCain’s loyalists are pissed at Kristol for sticking them with Palin.

SH: Right. And if you look just in the news cycle from the last 48 hours, I would say the anger and irritation between a number of the senior people in the McCain camp and Bill Kristol has become really acute. I mean, it’s flashed and Kristol again, saying basically that the entire campaign team should be fired, and they respond in kind criticizing him, saying he was mouthing Obama talking points, and so on. What is the touchiness that underlies all of that? They view this man as the guy who gave them this albatross, Sarah Palin. I think there’s a lot of real anger about it. There’s also recognition that it’s too late to do anything. They can’t replace her, they can’t drop her, they’re stuck with her right now. And there’s also some suspicion, as one of the McCain advisors raised with me yesterday, there’s some suspicion that they had dumped McCain, that basically they’re now just proceeding to develop Palin as their candidate, as somebody they want to bring up in 2012, as the neo-con favored Republican. And I think that really has some of the McCain old school advisors bristling right now. [my emphasis]

I have a hard time feeling sorry for these people. After all, even I knew that Palin had an abuse of power scandal about to burst, and I hadn’t claimed to vet her.

Plus, they’re about to make the same mistake again. 

The Toledo Blade is reporting that Joe the Plumber is actually not licensed. But that, combined with his apparent tax lien, isn’t lessening McCain’s ardor.


“I’m probably going to call him this morning," McCain said. "I thought he would probably be up late. I heard that his — that his phone lines were pretty well flooded. But I think we’re going to be spending some time together.”

So let’s review.

Joe the Plumber is not actually a plumber.

He lied when he said he would be making enough to have his taxes raised under Obama’s plan. 

He’s prone to racist statements.

He claimed to be uncommitted, though he’s a Republican who registered to be able to vote in this spring’s primary.

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Todd Wormtongue

The Branchflower report was clear: Sarah Palin abused her power, in violation of Alaska’s ethics law.

But the Branchflower report was equally clear: since Todd Palin is not a state executive branch employee, Stephen Branchflower had no jurisdiction to consider the appropriateness of Todd’s role in the firing of Walt Monegan. 

The terms of my contract with the Legislative Council establish the framework within which I have been required to conduct my investigation and make my findings. Specifically, the "Statement of Work" provision required me to " …investigate the circumstances and events surrounding the termination of former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan and potential abuses of power and/or improper actions by members of the executive branch." Todd Palin is not an employee of the executive branch, so his conduct is not a violation of AS 39.52.010 – 39.52.965. Given the terms of the contract, I make no finding as to Mr. Palin’s conduct. [my emphasis]

Nevertheless, Branchflower provides evidence of several aspects of Todd Palin’s wrongdoing, without necessarily pursuing that evidence to a conclusion. Branchflower provides at least some evidence in his report that Todd Palin:

  • Lied in the sworn affidavit he submitted to Branchflower
  • Got access to Mike Wooten’s personnel file and/or the results of the Grimes investigation
  • Attended confidential cabinet meetings
  • Stalked Mike Wooten
  • Made the final decision to fire Walt Monegan

Did Todd Palin lie in his affidavit?

Most obviously, Branchflower provides evidence that makes it clear that the claim Todd made in his sworn affidavit–that he didn’t know the outcome of the investigation into Wooten’s behavior–is a lie. In the meeting between Todd and Walt Monegan in early January 2007, for example, Todd made it clear he knew the results of the investigation.

MR. BRANCHFLOWER: And did he tell you what the outcome of that investigation was, and specifically whether or not he was satisfied with it?

MR. MONEGAN: He told me that he just got a few days off, and he didn’t think that was enough. And this guy shouldn’t be a trooper.


MR. BRANCHFLOWER: Did he characterize the discipline that had been imposed on Trooper Wooten?

MR. MONEGAN: He didn’t think it was enough. It was more of a slap on the hand or slap on the wrist.

There are abundant examples–citing multiple witnesses–that show that Todd knew the results of the Grimes investigation; but he claims he didn’t know the results. 

Did Todd get access to Mike Wooten’s personnel file?

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Putin Invades Alaska

Apparently, while Alaska’s eagle-eyed governor has been traipsing about the lower 48 inciting lynch mobs, the Russians have invaded Alaska.

OAO Gazprom offered to help Alaska develop its natural resources, as Russia’s largest energy producer seeks to expand into the U.S. amid the worst chill in relations since the Cold War.

State-run Gazprom sent eight senior executives to Anchorage for talks yesterday with Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources and ConocoPhillips Chief Executive Officer Jim Mulva, state and company officials said.

Gazprom, which already supplies a quarter of Europe’s natural gas, is seeking to increase its reach with projects around the world, including in North America. The courtship of Alaska comes three weeks before the U.S. presidential election, in which Russia’s resurgence has become a campaign issue.

"The timing is as interesting as the visit itself,” said Chris Weafer, chief strategist at UralSib Financial Corp. in Moscow.

Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska and Republican candidate for vice president, has criticized Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for "rearing his head” over Russia’s sea border with her home state. Relations between the countries hit a low after Russia routed U.S. ally Georgia in a five-day war in August.

"Gazprom’s entire senior management goes into Sarah Palin’s backyard during a contentious election,” Weafer said. "There’s a message there.”[my emphasis]

Actually, I think one of two things is going on. Vote for which you think it is–or give your own explanation in the comments.

It’s possible that Vladimir Putin took one look into Sarah Palin’s eyes (between winks, of course) and saw they were soulmates: authoritarian, vindictive, and power hungry. So he decided Alaska was a place he wanted to be. (Plus, Putin’s been known to be impulsive when it comes to beautiful women.)

More likely, he saw Sarah Palin as an easy mark, and thought it’d be fun to fuck with Palin’s bid to be Vice President.

Update: Looks like the answer’s B! Putin snuck into Alaska and negotiated with Palin’s direct appointees without Palin knowing about it. 

Palin has argued that her state’s proximity to Russia, as well as trade missions between the between Alaska and Russia, have helped give her the foreign policy experience necessary to be Vice President. But the campaign said Read more

McCain’s Impotence, Lynch Mob Edition

Apparently, McPalin rallies have been replaced by lynch mobs because John McCain is an impotent old man. Roger Simon, who after last week’s debates did back flips to claim that McCain had won, explains that crowds at McPalin rallies are getting dangerous because that evil woman Sarah Palin has hijacked McCain’s campaign.

Forget that an independent legislative panel found Friday that she had abused her power and violated ethics laws as governor of Alaska. Forget that with the possibility of Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency, McCain gives up the argument that his ticket represents experience and a steady hand on the tiller.

The real problem for McCain is that Palin is running a separate — and scary — campaign that does not seem to be under anybody’s control.

She storms around the country saying: “Our opponent … is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

She also says: “This is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America.”

Get the drift? Obama is not only different, not only an alien incapable of loving his country, he is an actual friend of terrorists who would attack America. [my emphasis]

McCain, however, is not going to hide behind some woman’s skirts. Nuh uh. He’s going to hide behind Obama himself.

Here’s how McCain excuses his plan to bring up Bill Ayers at tomorrow’s debate (and Greg Sargent’s read on it, which I entirely agree with).

The key news in the interview — which was flagged by Mark Halperin and which you can listen to here — is that McCain is already laying the groundwork to blame Obama for his apparent decision to confront Obama over Ayers tomorrow.

Asked by his radio host if he’ll bring up the former Weatherman, McCain says:

"Oh, yeah. Y’know, I was astonished to hear him say that he was surprised for me to have the guts to do that, because the fact is that the question didn’t come up in that fashion. So, y’know, and I think he’s probably ensured that it will come up this time. And, look Mark, it’s not that I give a damn about some old washed-up terrorist…"

It’s Obama who has "probably ensured" that McCain will bring up Ayers. Read more

More to Come in Alaska

TrooperGate is not done in Alaska.

First, Walt Monegan is a little bit tired of being called "rogue" by Sarah Palin.

Gov. Sarah Palin’s former public safety commissioner says the governor smeared him and he wants a hearing to clear his name.

Walt Monegan on Monday asked the state personnel board to allow him a chance to disprove the vice presidential nominee’s assertion he was a "rogue" and insubordinate commissioner. The board is investigating Palin’s July dismissal of Monegan.

"Governor Palin’s public statements accusing Mr. Monegan of serious misconduct were untrue and they have stigmatized his good name, severely damaged — and continue to damage — his reputation, and impaired his ability to pursue future professional employment in law enforcement and related fields," said the hearing request filed by Monegan’s lawyer, Jeff Feldman.

And, at the same time, that same personnel board seems to be using an expansive scope for its investigation of Sarah’s abuses of power.

The state Personnel Board investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin’s firing of Walt Monegan has broadened to include other ethics complaints against the governor and examination of actions by other state employees, according to the independent counsel handling the case.

The investigator, Tim Petumenos, did not say who else is under scrutiny. But in two recent letters describing his inquiry, he cited the consolidation of complaints and the involvement of other officials as a reason for not going along with Palin’s request to make the examination of her activities more public.

Two other ethics complaints involving Palin are known. One, by activist Andree McLeod, alleges that state hiring practices were circumvented for a Palin supporter. The case is not related to Monegan’s firing. The other, by the Public Safety Employees Association, alleges that trooper Mike Wooten’s personnel file was illegally breached by state officials.

John Cyr, the PSEA executive director, said Monday the union plans to amend its complaint to be sure the board investigates "harassment" of Wooten as well.

Petumenos has not spoken to the press, in keeping with the secrecy of the state process. But he gave a rough description of the investigation’s course in two letters to an Anchorage attorney threatening a lawsuit over Palin’s effort to waive confidentiality.

Read more

Palin 2012

Sarah Palin continues her bid to be the Nativist Party candidate for President in 2012.

With his electoral prospects fading by the day, Senator John McCain has fallen out with his vice-presidential running mate about the direction of his White House campaign. 


Palin, 44, has led the character attacks on Obama in the belief that McCain may be throwing away the election and her chance of becoming vice-president. Her supporters think that if the Republican ticket loses on November 4, she should run for president in 2012.

A leading Republican consultant said: “A lot of conservatives are grumbling about what a poor job McCain is doing. They are rolling their eyes and saying, ‘Yes, a miracle could happen, but at this rate it is all over’.

“Sarah Palin is no fool. She sees the same thing and wants to salvage what she can. She is positioning herself for the future. Her best days could be in front of her. She wants to look as though she was the fighter, the person with the spunk who was out there taking it to the Democrats.”


A McCain official confirmed that there was dissension in the campaign. “There is always going to be a debate about the costs and benefits of any strategy,” he said. 

Who knew that the strongest attack on McCain’s manhood and honor was going to come from his running mate? 

If I didn’t believe McCain deserves the headache he has with Palin, I’d almost feel sorry for him.

TrooperGate Tomorrow

I wonder if the hate rallies will mind if Steve Branchflower concludes that Sarah Palin and her creepy sidekick "Dude" abused the public trust to pursue a personal vendetta, now that Republican efforts to squelch his investigation have failed?

The Alaska Supreme Court today rejected an attempt by a group of six Republican legislators to shut down the Legislature’s investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin.

The ruling means that Steve Branchflower, the investigator hired by the Legislative Council, will release his report as scheduled on Friday.

I doubt it.

As I understand it, Branchflower presents his report to the legislature at 9AM Alaska time, so an early Friday afternoon document dump for those of us in the East. 

Update: Opinion here.