1. Anonymous says:

    Two more details.

    First, Pincus makes it clear that his source could be male or female:

    (In writing this story, I am using the masculine pronoun simply for convenience).

    Second, remember unknown fact #3: someone used Wilson’s trip report on February 4, 2003, to justify the Niger claims. The most likely candidates are Libby, Hadley, or State. It’d be kind of gravy if we learned that this person was in fact Libby, huh? because it would expose him as a lying sack.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just a lurker with a question.

    Leaving aside for a moment the present issues of lying, perjury, and obstruction of justice, I never understood why the OVP and WH was so insistent back in July 2003 that Cheney didn’t know about and didn’t send Wilson in 2002. Why did they see that position as being so important politically?

    On one hand, I can understand that they wouldn’t want to admit that Cheney knew the CIA had â€debunked†the yellowcake claims. However…

    It seems to me there are two scenarios that could have played out:

    A. Cheney Knew
    1. Cheney pushes Niger/yellowcake story.
    2. CIA raises questions about the veracity of that story.
    3. CIA sends someone (possibly at Cheney’s behest)
    4. Wilson goes and debunks story
    5. Cheney hears the report but discounts the trip as a â€boondoggleâ€

    B. Cheney didn’t know
    1. Cheney pushes Niger/yellowcake story
    2. CIA raises questions about the veracity of that story
    3. Cheney ignores CIA’s questions, doesn’t ask CIA to send someone, and doesn’t ask any agency or anybody to look confirm veracity of Niger story.
    4. CIA sends Wilson on own
    5. Wilson debunks story
    6. Cheney doesn’t know in 2002 but hears the report in 2003, and THEN discounts the trip as a â€boondoggleâ€

    I just never understood how scenario B made Cheney look better. He wanted to look like a guy who did NOTHING when the CIA came and questioned the yellowcake story? It seems to me that the burden was never on the CIA and Wilson to disprove a story before we went to war. The burden was on the WH and OVP to prove their case…which Cheney adamantly insists that he refused to do. What gives?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think the Cheney knew story is a little more damaging. When you refer to â€Cheney knew†you’re actually referring to the content of the trip report from Wilson’s trip. That is, if you say, â€Cheney knew about Wilson’s report,†then you’re saying he knew (and didn’t dispute) Wilson’s results.

    Recall that the Kristof and Pincus stories effectively said Wilson debunked the forgeries (the op-ed did not–and Wilson specifically said he hadn’t seen the forgeries). So â€Cheney knew†meant that â€Cheney knew the Niger allegation was based on forgeries but continued to use the allegation anyway.â€

    But I think there’s another underlying issue, assuming either Hadley or Libby was the one who used Wilson’s trip report as support FOR the allegations. They knew they were full of it–it was basically a childish effort to sustain the Niger allegation after the larger claim–that Iraq had BOUGHT uranium–had been soundly debunked. So even though Wilson’s trip report didn’t mention forgeries, there was the embarrassing fact that Libby/Hadley got caught making a BS argument to the IAEA (the pointedly didn’t include Wilson’s report when they gave more â€evidence†to Senator Levin).

    And there always is the possibility that Cheney DID know (even though Wilson didn’t report on it) that the Niger allegations were based on forgeries. eriposte at Left Coaster is going to have a post on this shortly, I think. But there is significant reason to believe that Hadley was warned about the forgeries on September 8, 2002. So it may be that–although Wilson never alleged directly that he had disproved the forgeries–THEY knew they were forgeries, so they had been caught by mistake.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If Martin talked to Pincus on the morning of the 12th, from whom did Libby and Cheney hear that she blew the talking points? From Martin herself? Or had the story appeared already by the time they were on Air Force 2? I guess I’m questioning why/how she would let Libby and Cheney know she screwed up. I’m thinking human nature would be cover, unless she didn’t know she screwed up, I suppose. Of course, if they knew from the Pincus story, this is moot. Meanwhile, I’m still pissed about Armitage being the leaker. We had so many more elegant, satisfying theories over the course of the last year and a half. Imagine how much fun we’d be having right now if it had been someone like Bolton.

  5. Anonymous says:


    I think the logic would be she told them herself (which is the point about Dick testifying–if Dick is testifying, among other things, to discredit her, then it makes sense that she said something incriminating.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If Cheney and Martin disagree about an event (a discussion of Plame or Wilson for instance), can Fitz vigorously pursue this in court? Could Cheney somehow wind up with a perjury charge due to his trial testimony in the Libby case? As a non-lawyer, and if it is convenient, I’d appreciate a simple answer about this EW. Thanks.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I doubt it’d be that simple, kim. Remember, Libby’s lawyers are calling Cheney and he is presumably testifying as a friendly witness.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for this off topic, but I ran across this and it struck me as something amusing you folks might enjoy.

    While searching though old Stephen Hayes articles (to see when he first references Niger uranium) I ran across this pdf at the PNAC site.

    Check out the â€pull quote†in the middle of page 4. Its a little odd.

  9. Anonymous says:

    EW — have we ever made a hard identification of the person whom Novak accosted on the street on July 8th to whom he revealed elements of the campaign against Wilson (use his wife’s ID to get at and smear Joe Wilson) who then went to Wilson’s DC office and delivered Novak’s message? In turn, Wilson then moved to attempt to get CNN to prevent Novak moving forward with smear/disinformation campaign, and within a day Wilson personally confronts Novak on the matter? Wilson also apparently lets CIA know that Valerie may be being used in such a smear/disinformation effort in the same timeframe — on or about July 8th. Do we know in any reliable way who this person is? Do we know how it was that Novak picked this essential stranger out on the street to deliver this message? How did Novak know or predict that this individual would immediately tell his friend, Joe Wilson, what he had been told by Novak?

    My guess has always been Marc Grossman, simply because in his book Joe goes out of his way to lay the predicate that they were friends and had worked together when Joe was Ambassador to NATO, and Marc was Ambassador to Turkey, and they had to deal with complications of using Turkish bases for the air campaign over N. Iraq. (Northern No-Fly Zone came under NATO command, Southern Zone under Central Command.) It was also when Valerie and Joe were just beginning to seriously date, and Grossman could well have known about this. In fact Grossman might even have known Valerie’s Covert Status as his position as Ambassador might have involved his knowing this? (who knows, we don’t really know what Valerie actually did.) What we do know is that Grossman and Wilson were brother FSO’s, had served together, and were of approximately the same rank and seniority, being professional Career Ambassadors during the first Clinton Administration, responsible for a small but significant part of the US Iraq policy execution. (protecting the Kurds.) So for whatever it is worth, I suspect Joe’s July 8th informant was Marc Grossman.

  10. Anonymous says:

    My God!?

    How many angels were dancing on that pin head?

    Again, I ask. How is a jury going to weed through all this?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Sara, Leopold apparently found ’the stranger’:

    This is the first time the man who met Novak on the street has spoken out publicly about his interaction with Novak three years ago. He was interviewed by Truthout several times over the past two months and has requested anonymity for fear of retribution for disclosing his role in the leak investigation. Truthout has confirmed the man’s identity with former Ambassador Wilson. He is a former magazine publisher, and currently works as a consultant, mainly with private businesses helping local governments improve their infrastructure – such as building pipelines to improve water flow in one municipality. The man no longer lives in Washington, DC.

  12. Anonymous says:

    so let’s see if I got this straight

    scooter wants to introduce evidence of ANOTHER conversation he had about Plame before he spoke to potatohead ???

    that would be 8 conversations, not counting the notes and dead eye dick’s doodlings

    how does introducing another conversation help scooter ???

  13. Anonymous says:

    Marc Grossman is a crook- an absolute criminal- who has leaked information to Turkey for money.

  14. Anonymous says:


    NOt sure if you saw my back track on a rpior thread. I condirmed â€with a source close to the the investigation†(I always wanted to use that term-*g*) that the jury selection will begin on January 16th with the Opening Statements to begin â€immediatly thereafter†which probably means Jan 22, but could be as early as Jan 18th.

    This uncertainty aas to date is screwing up my ability to make plane reservations, so I am chaffing a bit.

  15. Anonymous says:


    How is the jury going to wade through all this?
    Pat Fitz has presnted MUCH more convoluted cases than this to juries before, and won. This case, the actual indicted case, is actually pretty plain vanilla and straight forward.

  16. Anonymous says:

    lukery: You may not know this, but you do a disservice to TNH by citing Leopold as a credible source on Plame. He predicted a Rove indictment at the end of 2005, stated that he had a high-level whitehouse source who confirmed it… and then the indictment never materialized. He has been in verbal sparring matches here with various folks over this issue and did not comport himself professionally in those encounters. It is still unclear whether he was used as an unwitting mouthpiece or if instead he just made the whole thing up.

    I’m not picking on you, just giving you the wink- you should probably read anything Leopold writes with a driveway-sized helping of salt. For all I know this claim of his is true and correct- but I’m reluctant to believe anything he writes without additional attribution, and I think you’ll find the same skepticism prevails here.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Hi Jodi!

    Fitz will present his case this way:

    1. Libby told the grand jury the sky was green.
    2. Everyone else says the sky was blue.
    3. Behold, the sky ACTUALLY IS blue!
    4. Libby knew the sky was blue.

    Therefore, Libby knowingly lied to the grand jury.

    Everything else is red herrings and wrong paths. Sure, the Keep Dick Out Of Jail team is going to fight hard to walk the jury down those paths. But Fitzgerald’s case is very easy- Libby lied, he knew he was lying, he’s still lying now, and anyone who agrees with his story is ALSO lying. Your Honor, doesn’t it dishonor your courtroom to have the accused standing here, telling bald-faced lies to the jury? Your Honor, do you think that the accused has deceived his counsel too? It would certainly be unfortuntate if his attorneys were knowingly misleading the court.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Compel discovery of CIA operations officers? Grossman and Wilson may be FSOs, but so was Joe Wilson’s dad in Spain where he grew up. He was probably an CIA operations officer and his Peace Corps service, meeting Plame, and follow through with an CIA operations officer is clearer. They are both legacies. He is FS(CIA) and she is AF, NSA(which is DOD).

    Is it possible other intelligence agencies are attempting to compel discovery with Plame, Joe Wilson-his dad in Spain-to show that Plame’s identity was actually leaked by her in ’Vanity Fair’ with the intent of having actions taken by persons in Iraq and Spain?

    The terror pattern is the same as an operations officer using informants and the response in Iraq and Spain would have been expected with the background of Plame as a CIA operations officer.

    As far as potatoe heads and potatoe houses, if you met Plame there was a problem. Alot of those who did in Iraq are dead. Plame was the ’kiss of death’ and alot of people ran rather than be in speaking distance of her; Scooter was in trouble every time he met her.

  19. Anonymous says:

    smiley, looseheadprop, others,

    I understand that what Libby told the FBI and grandjury was incorrect but his defense seems to be that his error was (take your pick) accidental, a mistake, a miscommunication, a lack of understanding, a lack of sleep, a really hectic schedule, his bad time of the month, or some such. i.e. not intentional

    And then I see all the messed up murky/muddy/twisted/convoluted web of reporters/spokesman/leakers/people saying this and saying that, and not sure of time, what, who, where, contradictions, etc. that are being discussed by emptywheel and others in this very blog and others, and I see a real mess of facts/ideas going to the jury.

    Sure Fitzs says it is a simple case that Libby said something that wasn’t true. Then Libby’s high powered team says But, ….. but, ….., but …….

    I honestly don’t think that Libby deliberately leaked Plame, but yes what he said to the FBI and the GJ wasn’t true. So the question now seems to be one of intent.

    i.e. If you say the King is in the counting house, but he really is out in the barn milking maids, you are wrong, but did you lie to the Queen, or were you misled/mistaken yourself. That is how I see this case.

  20. Anonymous says:


    I think I ought to explain my perspective on justice. A top official can be held to justice in one of three ways: via the Courts, via public opinion, and via Congressional oversight.

    The latter has limits, particularly if the â€crime†was committed by a REpublican in the last 6 years.

    The Courts have inherent limits–burden of proof, Constitutional limits, and so on. Fitzgerald, for this charge, has dramatically limited his charges so as to avoid some of the minefields that prior prosecutions of similar crimes have fallen on. Therefore, as lhp says, his case is really pretty simple, so long as Walton keeps the trial focused on the charges at had, as so far he has done. As a result, the jury won’t hear a fraction of the things I talk about on this blog.

    Public opinion, though, is an area where blogs have instrumental in the Plame thing–largely because the DC press corps has an incentive not to complain when they get a leak, even if it is an illegal one. Much of what I do on this blog is attempt to do what the press corps appears not to want to do–really look at the available information to discover what really happened. Fitz may not be able (politically or legally, both of which likely function here) to prosecute on these issues, but as citizens it is our job to hold people accountable nevertheless.

    What I have shown on this blog is that there was a great deal of intentional planning to smear Joe Wilson. That’s stuff not even Libby’s lawyers are refuting. Does that include information on Plame? Well, there’s also a great deal of circumstantial evidence that that did include Plame’s identity. Basically, Libby and Cheney are telling a story that reeks with the same odor as their justification for war. It’s a totally implausible story. I may not be able to prove that Cheney ordered the leaking of Plame’s identity. But I will do my part to show that an abundance of evidence suggests he did order her identity to be leaked.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Jodi, jmo, but this is a DC jury. My guess, at least 60% will be African Americans living in tough socio economic circumstances. Scooter is European American, attended boarding schools like Andover, Phillips Academy and then graduated from Yale undergrad and Columbia Law. Scooter was Marc Rich’s attorney[FROM WIKIPEDIA, Marc Rich (born Marc David Reich on December 18, 1934) is a Swiss-based Spanish national billionaire international commodities trader who fled the United States in 1983 to live in Switzerland in order to avoid prosecution on charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis. He received a presidential pardon from United States President Bill Clinton in 2001, which required him to pay a $100 million fine before the charges would be dropped. Most recently, Marc Rich was linked to former United States Vice Presidential Chief of Staff Lewis â€Scooter†Libby. Libby served as Rich’s lawyer as far back as 1985 and charged him US$2 million for legal fees. END WIKIPEDIA]
    AFAIK, Scooter got Clinton to pardon Rich, because of donations Rich made to Clinton’s Presidential library. I don’t think any jury would buy Scooter’s â€dummy defense,†because he’s obviously such a smart, capable guy. I’m interested to see if he tries to point to other examples where he is a â€dummy†in the discharge of his responsibilities at the WH. That would help his defense, but I bet they don’t exist. OT, Scooter didn’t lie to just anyone, he lied to a Grand Jury and the FBI. Most people, especially lawyers, take great care not to do that.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Neat theory about Cathie Martin — I think it’s wrong, but I admire the diligence that went into constructing it.

    Cathie getting the spin wrong makes sense as an explanation for why she was removed as point person on July 12, but it doesn’t explain why she would have been giving that spin — unsolicited — to Pincus in the first place. Moreover, if Dick & Scooter knew Pincus had inadvertently been given damaging spin, a follow-up call would have been in order to correct the record.

    IMO, Jeff’s discovery is a red herring, and the witness being fought over is Ari Fleischer (in part because it would explain calling Colin Powell as a defense witness). I also find Fitz’s reference to sending emails saying, â€I just spoke with Libby…†very suggestive; I assume that everyone he cited in the indictment as conversing with Libby (including particularly Fleischer and Russert) has a paper trail to back up their version of the conversation. Admittedly, though, I say this without having pored over all the transcripts as you & Jeff have.

  23. Anonymous says:

    P.S. The fact that the spin to Pincus was so thoroughly botched has always been a factor in why I’ve favored Ari Fleischer as his source.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I keep coming back to this BBC report from 07/09/03, in part:

    But the CIA official has said that a former US diplomat had already established the claim was false in March 2002 – and that the information had been passed on to government departments, including the White House, well before Mr Bush mentioned it in the speech.


    Now the CIA official has told the BBC that Mr Wilson’s findings had been passed onto the White House as early as March 2002.

    That means that the administration would have known nearly a year before the State of the Union address that the information was likely false.

    In response, a US Government official told the BBC that the White House received hundreds of intelligence reports every day.


    Who do we think this â€CIA official†is?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Dick Out of Jail? DOJ?

    Green Herrings?

    Cathy Martin Peace Corps Nurse and Libby?

    The King is busy?

    What people miss is the power of indictment to a Congressmen. They are banned for five years (just like the informant law) serving on committees after the subpeona. Plame decided on dems and went for Republicans. She did real and long term damage to those careers. Putin himself could not have done better. This was the intent with the investigation. Fitz went right along, instead of finding criminal conspiracy in a CIA operations officer’s work. It can’t be more obvious than Aimes.

  26. Anonymous says:

    You wouldn’t think that a warning about not drinking before posting comments would be necessary so early in the day.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Brilliant catch, lilnubber. If we were to assume that was Harlow (or even Tenet), it would put Harlow in the midst (though do we know if he spoke to Libby?).


    Martin wouldn’t be responding to Pincus unsolicited–he had been working this story with OVP for a month at this point. A call to OVP is not odd for Pincus. A call to the WH spokesperson on AF1, when he had already been working with OVP, would be.

    And calling Powell has already been explained–by Libby’s own team. In a meeting in the Situation Room in Fall 2003, he said something to the effect of â€everyone knows†about either Wilson or Plame. They want to call him to corroborate Libby’s claim that people were saying everyone knew … something.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Although Swopa is still wrong after all these years with his full-blown Theory of 1×2×6, I am more than happy to concede that my discovery may indeed be a red herring, and there may be hope still for the crumb of truth in his Theory that it was Fleischer-to-Pincus on July 12.

    One thing in support of Swopa’s view I knew before and another has only occurred to me since the initial exchange. I knew already that in fact Fleischer has been the subject of a sealed declaration (which is the same thing as an affidavit?) from Libby’s defense. This is mentioned in Libby’s 4-12-06 filing, at 14n4. It explains further reasons why Fleischer documents are material to the defense. This may or may not be related to the February 2 letter from Fitzgerald to Libby’s defense, filed under seal with the court attached to Libby’s 3-17-06 discovery motion, which had additional, non-public info about Fleischer’s role in the case. (It’s noted at 25n6.) So he could very well be the person they’re talking about at the hearing.

    The thing that just occurred to me is that it’s possible that they were talking about Fleischer in the hearing, but then Fitzgerald alluded to that part of the hearing in his subsequent pleading to refer to the principles there, of which Fleischer’s case was just an illustration. So it’s possible that the hearing had to do with Fleischer, while the pleading had to do with Martin.

    I assume that everyone he cited in the indictment as conversing with Libby (including particularly Fleischer and Russert) has a paper trail to back up their version of the conversation.

    Almost certainly not. Libby’s defense has suggested very few of them do; Fitzgerald has said that’s an overstatement, but it seems that several of the witnesses do not have a paper trail, including Russert for certain, and also, I think, Marc Grossman.

  29. Anonymous says:

    One more thing to support that, Jeff and Swopa, is Fitz’ reference also to Jeff’s favorite April 5 filing, to a page which has only procedural references.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Hey Swopa – Since I always give you a hard time on 1×2×6, let me take the off-topic opportunity to say, joking aside, I think your Iraq stuff is the best pure blogging (i.e. all analysis, no reporting) on the topic out there, bar none (Cole included).

    I do think, however, that, for whatever reason, OVP really is tilting toward Sciri. Don’t ask me what to make of the fact that we recently detained those Iranians in Hakim’s complex, insisting they were of ill intent. A warning to Hakim to back away from Tehran? A screw-up at a low military level? Someone looking to undermine Cheney’s 80% solution? No idea.

    I now return to Plamania.

  31. Anonymous says:

    What Jeff said at 15:18 about Swopa’s Iraq blogging. I’m not competent to say who is more accurate, Swopa or Juan Cole … , but what elevates Swopa, imho however, is how accessible his posts are.

  32. Anonymous says:

    I would ditto what Jeff and John Casper said–but I think I already did in Vegas. I’m sure Swopa remembers as well as I, huh, Swopa?

  33. Anonymous says:

    … what elevates Swopa, imho however, is how accessible his posts are.

    Well, Prof. Cole’s understanding of Mideast geopolitics comes from decades of academic study and knowledge of the region’s cultures and languages, whereas mine comes from a brief, long-ago hobby playing Diplomacy, so that’s to be expected.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Oh, I should have know you to be a Diplomacy fan. I was forced to play, though it beat the hell out of the other war games I was forced to play. And rail games.

    One of my accomplishments of this break was that I introduced a game to my aunt and uncle that got them into more trouble (actually, with their daughter, too), than a near-divorce at the hands of diplomacy many many years ago. You’d never think that Apples to Apples could be as contentious as Diplomacy, huh?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Great catch, and your collective logic (I’m assuming Jeff concurs) looks good to me. It makes sense that Cheney is taking the stand to discredit a witness, and it makes particular sense that it is Martin. Why else would Cheney be willing to take such a risk? Seems like testifying is very risky for the VP, a Hail Mary pass. How will he defend his own notes?

    Is there a possibility that this secret witness blew lies, and (her)self has a secret plea agreement? Could that be what Wells wants to reveal? Was Martin flipped?

  36. Anonymous says:

    you’re an idiot. Leopold’s story says it was confirmed with Ambassador wilson. And John Casper is an even bigger idiot and a shoe licker. Leopold was not the only reporter who was told about Rove. Mainstream reporters were told too and if EW actually had any sources she knows damn well its true and that the grand jury did something. But she’s staying quiet even though Wilson confirmed what Leopold was told. A reporter for ABC News was about to break the story also.

    So what if Leopold got into verbal sparring matches? Since when is a person not allowed to defend themselves especially from people who make baseless claims? You’re all pathetic. John Casper is gay

    the only disservice that takes place here is the fact that you hang on EW’s every word even though she knows zero about federal law and pretends she does. Everything she says should be taken with a bigger grain of salt. She has no sources. she is simply a guesser.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Smiley – I understand that re JL, but I figured that he wouldn’t write â€Truthout has confirmed the man’s identity with former Ambassador Wilson†unless that wasn’t true.

  38. Anonymous says:

    for every comment you make about Leopold there are equally flawed reports by every goddamned mainstream reporter, including murray waas, yet you vilify one person

    shame on all of you

  39. Anonymous says:

    Leopold reported on Rove based on solid sources. Wilson knows this. and so does EW. The grand jury did something and he reported it.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Empty Wheel is the best guesser I have ever seen. Can we get her to pick Lotto numbers for us?

  41. Anonymous says:

    I see what I can’t follow a lot of what goes on here. I don’t have the back ground. Diplomacy! Wow!! I guess I was out in the dirt shooting baskets and trying to tag after my big bad brothers and reporting back to mom what they were up to.

    Anyway, Emptywheel,
    I will give you that efforts to discredit Wilson in any way they could were certainly in high gear. I will give you that a part of the effort may have been to say his wife had to get the poor guy a paycheck.
    What I can’t believe is that they thought to themselves. â€Hey we can blow his wife’s cover and ruin her career, and put her life in danger.†That is too much of a â€drive by shooting type thing.†It is also too dangerous, I would think. Well, I guess Fitz has shown that.

    Perhaps that is why Fitz went after Libby about lying but not about outing Plame. I think maybe he is trying to punish that group for â€collateral†damage, and only Libby, instead of saying â€not sure about that†or saying sure that happened, decided on a more positive know nothing stance that became a career suicide stance when the reporters starting talking.

    But hey, I never played Diplomacy and didn’t even like Monopoly past one game.


    I realize that about the Jury. That is why I said that Libby would be found guilty on 1 or less counts. The DA musthave a case if he brings it to court. (Nifong being the notable exception)

  42. Anonymous says:

    I was a big fan of Diplomacy back in my nerdy teen years. Fine, I’m hinting that I’d be up for a game any time. And wheel, I once instigated a now legendary family fight in a friendly game of Apples to Apples when I accused my eight year-old stepdaughter of being an excellent player but an unjust judge. Fine, it was two weeks ago.

  43. Anonymous says:

    ja- john

    While I don’t think smiley is an idiot, I do think you’re right that the Leopold story about Wilson’s friend who encountered Novak on the street on July 8 is a reliable one, for the reason you mention.

    I also am totally willing to believe that this is true with regard to Rove:

    the grand jury did something

    The thing is, Leopold’s reporting on the subject was much more specific than that, and it’s not at all clear that what Leopold reported actually happened, and least of all, of course, that Rove was actually indicted. Details really matter, and it’s pretty clear that something went wrong with that reporting.

    Another interesting test will be the identity of the 1×2×6 source, if we ever find out. Leopold reported that it was Marc Grossman – which pleases the righties over at JOM to no end, funnily enough. I have come to believe that the source is actually someone in the White House, on the basis of some later Washington Post stories.

    Finally, just out of curiosity, what equally flawed reports did Waas produce?

  44. Anonymous says:

    Jeff, How about that Waas reported that Novak and Rove coordinated their testimony to the grand jury and fitzgerald, which both of them denied publicly. Surely, if this were true there would be an obstruction charge. But it has never been proven. And waas has unnamed sources. Is this not a BIG STORY if it were true?

  45. Anonymous says:

    waas also reported Rove was in hot water and he written nary a story since June or May. He must know something but is probably saving it for his book which seems to be what journalists do these days

  46. Anonymous says:

    Jeff, How about that Waas reported that Novak and Rove coordinated their testimony to the grand jury and fitzgerald, which both of them denied publicly.

    See, john, precision matters. That’s not what Waas reported. Go back and look at the reporting. What he reported is that in fall 2003 investigators initially and immediately suspected that Novak and Rove coordinated their testimony. Among other things, this was significant because it had to implications for AG Ashcroft’s role in the case, given his association with Rove, as well as being significant because it cast suspicion on Rove and Novak.

    Now Novak went on TV and called Waas a liar, but that seemed to be based on the same imprecise read on it as yours, since Novak offered no evidence or even argument that he and Rove were not, in fact, suspected of having coordinated their stories by investigators in fall 2003.

    As for this:

    waas also reported Rove was in hot water

    I’m not sure what that refers to and what it means.

  47. Anonymous says:


    On September 29, 2003, three days after it became known that the CIA had asked the Justice Department to investigate who leaked the name of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame, columnist Robert Novak telephoned White House senior adviser Karl Rove to assure Rove that he would protect him from being harmed by the investigation, according to people with firsthand knowledge of the federal grand jury testimony of both men.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Like I said, precision matters. If you look at that article, it makes a distinction between the description of Rove and Novak having a conversation on September 29, 2003 in which Novak said he would protect Rove and the further claim that this amounted to a cover-up. What you cited is not contested by either Rove or Novak – or at least, you might note that that description in the opening paragraph is substantiated further down by a more specific description of the conversation drawn from Rove’s grand jury testimony, and that has not been contested by Rove or by Novak. Rather, what has been contested is that there was anything nefarious about that conversation. And in fact, the article goes on to say in the very next paragraph:

    Suspicious that Rove and Novak might have devised a cover story during that conversation to protect Rove, federal investigators briefed then-Attorney General John Ashcroft on the matter in the early stages of the investigation in fall 2003, according to officials with direct knowledge of those briefings.

    See that? The facts of the conversation come from Rove’s grand jury testimony. What is distinct, and was up for debate at the time, was whether there was a cover story being devised. See what I mean?

    Though Novak would undoubtedly quibble with Waas’ description, I take it Rove at least claimed that Novak said he would make sure Rove was not harmed – the point is, they can both say that is because what happened between them in July 2003 was perfectly innocent, therefore by testifying honestly, Novak would be protecting Rove. The belief on the part of investigators that Rove and Novak had devised a cover story is a conceptually distinct matter.

    So Waas reported that Rove and Novak had this conversation, and he reported some of what Rove testified about it. No problem there. Waas also reported that investigators suspected a cover-up. No problem there.

    So try again.

  49. Anonymous says:

    jeff, my point is that waas reported that novak and rove had this conversation and novak and rove deny it. their lawyers and mouthpieces deny it. no one has corroborated it.

    it’s a very specific article that has been debunked by the people it reports on.

    Yet you say it’s true

    my point? Leopold reported something too that was debunked by one of the same people. Could it be true like Waas’ story? Certainly can.

  50. Anonymous says:

    again, jeff, waas reported things in many of his articles that the officials he wrote about denies. What do you say about that? We haven’t seen any documented evidence to support his story. Just unnamed sources. so why do all of you doubt one reporter? Personally, I don’t believe any reporter until I see hard proof but I am not going to believe one over the other just because he or she is more popular.

    Why won’t the people who know what took place with this grand jury and rove speak up?

  51. Anonymous says:

    jeff, my point is that waas reported that novak and rove had this conversation and novak and rove deny it. their lawyers and mouthpieces deny it.

    john, could you please point me to the place where Rove or his lawyer or his mouthpiece deny that the conversation on or around September 29, 2003 between Rove and Novak took place. I strongly suspect that no such denial was issued. Novak went on TV and said something vague about that report being a lie, but he failed to specify just what about it was a lie, or untrue. As a reporter, I’m sure you’re familiar with the phenomenon of the â€non-denial denial†– that is, a statement that appears to be a denial of something but in fact changes the terms of what is being denied such that it amounts to a non-denial that is easy to miss by people not paying close attention.

    For instance, when Rove’s spokesman Mark Corallo says

    Karl Rove has never urged anyone directly or indirectly to withhold information from the special counsel or testify falsely.

    that is a denial that Rove did a cover-up with Novak or anyone else. It is absolutely not a denial that Rove had a conversation with Novak in which they discussed the case and their role in it and what Novak was going to say to investigators. It’s just a denial that there was anything wrong or illegally about that conversation. (That line from Corallo, by the way, comes from Waas’ story.) And of course Corallo is not denying that investigators in fall 2003 suspected Novak and Rove of such a cover-up effort.

    In contrast, Luskin categorically denied key elements of Leopold’s reporting.

    Which doesn’t mean those elements are necessarily wrong – people lie. But it’s different, at least. And again, there were things reported by Leopold that simply didn’t happen, specific things.

    Why won’t the people who know what took place with this grand jury and rove speak up?

    Well, two reasons Rove won’t speak up are it would be politically foolish to draw more attention to his role in the case, and if he were to do so, he’d give the press grounds for getting sealed information in the case – Tatel’s opinion, Fitzgerald’s Cooper affidavit – published, to his detriment.

    How about 1×2×6? Leopold reported that the source for the WaPo was Grossman – but some things he has posted here seem to indicate that in reality he is not certain about that, and other reporting in the Post has indicated that the source was a White House official.

  52. Anonymous says:

    â€jeff, my point is that waas reported that novak and rove had this conversation and novak and rove deny it. their lawyers and mouthpieces deny it.â€

    Jason Leopold, aka â€John†on this thread, please do not respond to my comment until you have responded to Jeff at 7:34.

    The fact that scum such as Luskin and Rove deny Waas’ anonymous soucres does not begin to put you in the same Journalistic universe. Comparing yourself to Waas is like Benedict Arnold comparing himself to George Washington. For starters, Waas doesn’t steal insights from emptywheel and the other supremely talented plameologists she attracts. Waas doesn’t then publish plagiarized material them at FAKEOUT as scoops based ONLY on anonymous sources that Jason Leopold INVENTED to hide the fact that he plagiarizes. Jason, your sources are anything but anonymous, they are plameologists such as emptywheel, Jeff, pollyUSA, ….. The only reason they are â€anonymous†in your stories is because you refuse to name them. You’re still trying to hide from the few that don’t know, that you’re a serial plagiarist. When you publish your plagiarism, you race over to places such as firedoglake and tnh, always under aliases, to ask innocently if anyone has seen Jason Leopold’s â€scoop†at FAKEOUT. When was the last time you published something that wasn’t based on â€anonymous sources?†Your’s is a naked attempt to drive traffic away from the people who earned it, to you to increase your compensation. Another difference between you and Waas is that Murray doesn’t comment at tnh under numerous aliases such as â€John,†and â€Harry Shed,†and threaten to physically assault tnh posters. As you know Jason, I’ve posted these identical FACTS numerous times here in response to your pathetic defenses of yourself under an alias. I comment this on the off chance that some newbie here might not understand that you are nothing except a very common plagiarist/thief. IIRC, you ran a similar scam over John Paul II’s death. Everyone knew he was circling the drain, but you wanted to be â€first,†so you kept saying that you had anonymous sources he was dead. Fortunately, he hung on long enough to completely discredit you. Please, couldn’t you blog for Red State and leave the reality based communities alone?

  53. Anonymous says:

    ouch! Look like casper just done bitch slapped you â€john/harryshed/jason leopold†back into the amniotic sack! You are so lame and your aliases are so transparent I’m glad you post here because it makes me laugh my ass off how you take yourself so seriously.

  54. Anonymous says:

    there goes John Casper blaming everything again on Jason Leopold and now he assumes I am Jason Leopold. Casper, here’s a direct challenge to you. Prove it. Prove I am Jason Leopold. While you are at it. Prove Leopold has â€stolen†posts from this blog and others and then used it as the basis for his stories. Go ahead big talker. I want you to do a line by line comparison of his stories, the dates it appeared and the things that were plagiarized. You’re a joke Casper. A boot licker. So, Casper, do you accept the challenge or will you continue to make up stories? Don’t forget to provide your proof that I am impersonating Jason Leopold. You’re a big talker Casper but you have never provided a shred of proof to back up the many claims you make about the various people you criticize. I imagine you are one very repressed gay man.

    hey Jeff, do you have evidence that says Grossman isn’t the man? If so can you please post it? Because as far as I can tell no one knows one way or another. So again, unless you can refute it you’ve got nothing. And if you’re trying to insinuate that I too am impersonating Jason Leopold you’re dead wrong. When did I ever say I was a reporter? I happen to be a researcher for Palm Pictures.

  55. Anonymous says:

    lilnubber — a lot of water has crossed beneath the bridge since 2003 when that article was printed in the BBC. The Downing Street Memos have since been published. Perhaps the BBC would answer a question put directly to them at this point about the â€CIA officialâ€â€¦?


  56. Anonymous says:

    John Casper, judging from the type of accusatory person you are and the wild accusations you make it’s no wonder someone would threaten to do you physical harm.

  57. Anonymous says:

    Like I said, prove it. I am not Jason Leopold and just because I posted comments here does not mean I defend him. I will not be accused of impersonating someone simply because I have raised an issue about all of this idle speculation involving plame doo doo. I would suspect that people who call themselves â€ologists†would be working off of cold hard facts, none of which seems to exist in this so called reality based community.

  58. Anonymous says:

    hey Jeff, do you have evidence that says Grossman isn’t the man?

    I own this (though I got it thanks to a tip from pollyusa). From the WaPo 7-17-05, and note that the story is cobylined by Mike Allen, the original reporter on 1×2×6:

    But in late September, a senior White House official was quoted as telling The Post at least six reporters had been told of Plame before Novak’s column, â€purely and simply out of revenge.â€

    I will add that a poster I could swear was Leopold was also posting on JOM with indications that he was uncertain about the identification of Grossman as 1×2×6. But maybe it was misidentification on my part.

    I will further add that John Casper seems rather unrepressed to me.

  59. Anonymous says:

    people who call themselves â€ologistsâ€

    Dude, this is the merest denial coupled with a bit of the old tongue in cheek. Deep down we all know we’re nothing more than Plamaniacs.

  60. Anonymous says:

    jeff, right, the article says a â€senior white house official said†who very well could be someone in state. Remember how Libby asked Miller to identify him as a â€former hill staffer?†is it possible the Post engaged in the same behavior? Protecting someone’s identity by calling them a senior WH official? I think so and if Miller was going to do it then i would imagine others do it too.

    Also, why would libby put Leopold’s name and a copy of his story in their filing to the court about Grossman?

    Well, John Casper takes seriously the â€ologist†role.

  61. Anonymous says:


    Yes, you’re right that the Post could have simply lied publicly about their source in that article. It’s certainly possible. I was ruling it out, but I should have qualified my claim with that caveat: so if the Post was not deliberately misleading its readers in identifying its 1×2×6 source, then that is very strong evidence that 1×2×6 was not Grossman.

    And that is what I am inclined to believe, that the Post was not lying to its readers.

    Also, why would libby put Leopold’s name and a copy of his story in their filing to the court about Grossman?

    That’s an easy one. Libby’s defense lawyers are his advocates. They want to get Grossman on the stand, and so they want to make as persuasive an argument for doing so as possible. So they cite the article. It served their purposes.

    There’s no indication whatsoever that they have any independent reason for thinking that Grossman was 1×2×6.

  62. Anonymous says:

    Well Jeff, again, I don’t see your evidence. This sounds like your opinion. In fact, I have failed to see evidence of other things other than circumstantial.

    So, it appears we’ll both have to wait to see what turns up at the trial of Scooter Libby. then maybe you will have the final say.

    until then all of this is merely specualtion

    By the way, still waiting for John Casper to take up my challenge.

  63. Anonymous says:

    woah, guess I missed a bunch while battling airlines the last 2 days. I never thought I’d see the day- insulted by a troll, in the same paragraph as John Casper! Maybe, one day, I can be a real boy too

    See you guys upstairs.

  64. Anonymous says:


    I think you are confusing evidence with proof. I’ve offered evidence that Leopold was wrong, evidence in the form of the Post’s identification of 1×2×6 as a senior White House official. It is not conclusive evidence. But it is evidence. And I judge – not just opine, judge – that it is pretty strong evidence. You may reach a different judgment. But to shirk your own responsibility for your own judgments by saying it’s all just opinion and speculation – well, let me suggest that tells me that you are indeed not a reporter.

    Do you have any evidence to corroborate the claim that 1×2×6 is Grossman, by the way, beyond the fact that Libby cited the Leopold story to that effect to support his case?

  65. Anonymous says:

    jeff, JOM makes a good case of why Grossman is the person. Clarice who posts there often made a good case. So did some of the others. But if all you have to go on is the fact that the identification of the person is a â€senior white house official†and therefore that it’s not grossman your argument is full of holes. Senior white house official can be anyone in the administration. Armitage would be a senior white house official. hadley too. so you need btetter evidence to support your argument than the obscure identification of someone by a reporter.

  66. Anonymous says:

    Senior white house official can be anyone in the administration. Armitage would be a senior white house official.

    Now I know you’re not a reporter, john. That is simply not the case. The two terms â€senior White House official†and â€senior administration official†are not synonymous. The second encompasses a much wider circle of people than the first. And a State Department official is not a White House official. S/he is an administration official.

    What I do have to assume here is that the Post report is being precise and is not being deliberately misleading. But it’s not an â€obscure identification.†And I am bolstered in my confidence by the fact that the story is not just by a reporter, it’s by the very reporter who got the 1×2×6 leak.

    I’ll stack up my evidence from Mike Allen against your evidence from clarice any day, thank you very much.