Holder Vote in SJC Now

There won’t be any news in today’s vote. Specter has cast his yes vote, Hatch is babbling on while making it clear he votes yes, too. And Leahy is just laughing about it, saying, "babble on, I know I’m going to win." (Okay, he didn’t use the word, "babble."

But in case you’re interested here’s the committee stream

17-2 vote in favor of confirmation. One of the no votes was Cornyn. Not sure of the other–I think maybe Coburn?

  1. JTMinIA says:

    I enjoyed Lindsey ‘mini-Strom’ Graham’s “they were at war with us before we were at war with them” mostly because it reminds me of a certain claim about one-way sex.

  2. BoxTurtle says:

    Still think Holder is a bad choice. Sure hope I turn out to be wrong.

    Boxturtle (And I wish him luck in his new position)

  3. BayStateLibrul says:

    Corrolary: If John C votes against Holder, then one should automatically
    vote for Holder. He confirms that Holder is a good choice.

  4. sojourner says:

    I disagree… He just thinks he is. He does not appear to be too bright, either. Unfortunately, he is my senator.

  5. PJEvans says:

    TPM is reporting the second vote against was Coburn.

    (Two senators challenged by something – possibly simple thought processes are challenging to them. /s)

  6. Hmmm says:

    The part I have not been seeing the logic of in the “Phew, he’s out of committee!” narrative is this: Do we have any reason to believe there will not now be holds?