Clinton’s Blowjob: 5 Times More Important than the Wall Street Crash

Honest, I’m posting this video not for obvious affinities I have for Dylan Ratigan’s argument. But mostly because of the obvious suggestion, based on the resources we dedicate to investigating them, that Clinton’s blowjob was five times more dangerous for our country than the crash of our entire financial system.

  1. strangely enough says:

    Or, guaranteed to get fives times the ratings. Who wants to piss off advertisers by telling viewers about their economic betters defrauding the country out of trillions of dollars and then having to pay them for the privilege of being their marks?

    Plus, I hear it’s fun to say blowjob on the TV…

  2. allan says:

    It would be irresponsible not to point out that those figures aren’t even adjusted for inflation.
    So make that 6.8 times more important .

  3. laurastrand says:

    Why do I always think of Cokie Roberts and “how would she explain ‘it’ to the children?” Frankly, I believe that Cokie & Company would have an easier time explaining a blowjob than spending time to understand the massive blowjob the big money boyz were allowed to give the entire global economy.

    Expecting the Villagers to gave a damn about anything other than beltway cocktails-n-gossip is a fools errand.

    Also, the clenis.

  4. perris says:

    and three times more important then the attack on our soil in spite of precise intel telling us when, the cities, the target buildings, the weapons, the perpetrators, the methods

    that blow job was three times more important

    my frigging gawd

    but now I have no where to go, the democrats are as corrupt, as corporate influenced as their counterparts

    there is nowhere to go marcy

  5. bluewombat says:

    Wow, what a scary, dangerous blow job. Do you think Monica Lewinsky was secretly an Islamofascist(TM) or something? That would explain things, yessirree Bob!

  6. nahant says:

    But of course the prez getting a hummer is way more important than Wall Street raping the American People… Oh yeah the Republicans want redefine rape… OMFG!! Petty little minded assholes…

  7. Petro says:

    Well, Deepthroat (ironically, in this discussion) apocryphally said “Follow the money.” In this case, not just the money, but the scale of the monies applied to a particular “problem,” certainly exposes the priorities of the PTB.

  8. sadlyyes says:

    Wall St. Bonuses Record $135 Billion for 2010 Wyatt Research Staff | The Daily Profit | February 2, 2011 4:10pm EST

    Wall Street bankers are back to old habits with nearly $135 billion in compensation last year. But this time regular investors are poised for a payout, too.

    Even after Wall Street’s greed nearly collapsed the banking system and forced hundred of billions in taxpayer-funded bailouts, bankers are still finding ways to line their own pockets.

  9. Beerfart Liberal says:

    I was trying to think of that hideous woman’s name thne other day and I couldn’t. Isn’t that frustrating? i was getting so pissed. then, BLAM! I got it!! Linda Fucking Tripp!! I know she got a face overhaul. But whatever happened to her?

    I figure the Obama Birthplace Investigation should be worth $8-10 mil.

  10. Margaret says:

    Okay I know I’m gonna get grief from the Yankees over this but it never even got 30℉ today. Trust me, that’s almost unheard of for central Texas. I can count all the times it’s happened in my lifetime on one hand, with missing fingers.

  11. sadlyyes says:

    Sen. Sanders: Pentagon paid billions to fraudsters

    Edited on Wed Feb-02-11 08:59 PM by kpete

    Source: Raw Story/Agence France-Presse

    Sen. Sanders: Pentagon paid billions to fraudsters

    By Agence France-Presse

    Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 — 5:36 pm

    WASHINGTON — The US military paid $285 billion over three years to hundreds of military contractors that defrauded the Pentagon over the same stretch of time, a US senator charged Wednesday.

    Brandishing a 45-page January 2011 US Department of Defense report on the issue, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders called for “far more vigorous enforcement” by the US military “to protect taxpayers from massive fraud.”

    “The sad truth is that virtually all of the major defense contractors in this country for years have been engaged in systemic fraudulent behavior, while receiving hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money,” he charged.

    Sanders underlined that the report, which his office made public, showed that from 2007-2009 the Pentagon spent $270 billion on 91 contractors involved in fraud cases that yielded judgments of more than $1 million.

    Read more:… /



    more info here:

  12. Mauimom says:

    Honest, I’m posting this video not for obvious affinities I have for Dylan Ratigan’s argument.

    Oh, Marcy, we know it was just because you wanted another opportunity to say “blowjob.” /s

  13. sadlyyes says:

    1 more time

    THE PERFECT BAILOUT: Fannie And Freddie Now Send Taxpayer Cash Directly To Wall Street!

    THE PERFECT BAILOUT: Fannie And Freddie Now Send Taxpayer Cash Directly To Wall Street

    Barry Ritholtz

    As the terror of the financial crisis recedes, many folks have forgotten about the two huge taxpayer-owned mortgage companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    But they’re still there, money-manager Barry Ritholtz reminds us.

    And they’re still sending billions of dollars of taxpayer cash directly to Wall Street, in what might be described as the “perfect bailout.”

    How does this bailout work?

    Fannie and Freddie got a “blank check” from Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner at the end of the financial crisis. This blank check allows the housing giants to lose as much money as they want, with the taxpayer footing the bill.

    Fannie and Freddie use much of this money to buy mortgages from Wall Street at what may be grossly inflated prices. This is a super arrangement for the banks, because they get to unload all their terrible mortgages at prices that won’t produce losses. And it’s fine for Fannie and Freddie because, well, because they have the blank check.

  14. papau says:

    From the wire – seems a judge noticed that those I got paid fairly by BP ads now on TV are a liitle premature – and that Obama’a independent is in bed with BP, just like Obama is:

    “The administrator of BP’s Plc $20 billion fund to compensate victims of the Gulf oil spill is not independent and the oil company must refrain from calling him “neutral,” a federal judge ruled on Wednesday.

    New Orleans Federal District Judge Carl Barbier ruled that BP must refrain from referring to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility or its administrator, Ken Feinberg, as independent.

    Barbier also ruled that BP must tell claimants they have the right to consult an attorney and explain they have the right to join the hundreds of pending lawsuits if they do not accept a final settlement.”

    Meanwhile in other news Bill Clinton had oral sex with a consenting adult.

    • eCAHNomics says:

      New Orleans Federal District Judge Carl Barbier ruled that BP must refrain from referring to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility or its administrator, Ken Feinberg, as independent.

      Feinberg must be clutching his pearls. Another one of the notable U.S. scumbags to hit the face of the earth. Born-to-rape victims.

      • Gitcheegumee says:

        Perhaps Feinberg would be available for Obama’s jobs commission,along with GE’s Jeff Immelt.

        From blow jobs snow jobs…to no jobs.

  15. eCAHNomics says:

    OMG. She said blowjob on corp media, which daily rapes the public without such much as a by-your-leave.

    Good evening ew and all.

  16. canadianbeaver says:

    Come on. It was more than one blowjob! Can’t compare one investigation versus several blowjobs! /s

    Wonder how many presidents have had such fun in the Whitehouse…ah if the walls could talk, it’s probably x-rated.

  17. Margaret says:

    Over 1,000 new exoplanet candidates announced today, including five Earth sized in the habitable zone of their stars and one smaller than Monica Lewinsky.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh yeah, I went there.

  18. eCAHNomics says:

    Just for the record, I’ll note how the words blow job in the title of this post are leading to more than the usual % of sophomoric comments, present company included.

  19. pdaly says:

    “Honest, I’m posting this video not for obvious affinities I have for Dylan Ratigan’s argument.”

    emptywheel, don’t be shy. You started a trend– Ratigan just said “blowjob” on TV.

    Are those figures all in 2011 dollars? or is the $40 million actually more in today’s dollars?

  20. barne says:

    Laurastrand, It’s more like WE had to give a blowjob to Wall Street, and pay them a third of savings for the privilege.

    • laurastrand says:

      You know, I struggled over who gave and received. From what I’m hearing about all the hurt feelings in the executive suite, the blowjob, the ongoing ‘privilige’ of paying for it, and the buyers remorse some of us are now expressing is causing them to believe that the ‘happy ending’ makes them not happy enough. Gaah!

  21. blueskybigstar says:

    The problem with the Clinton blow job was that it was manufactured to distract from other crimes. When you come to find out that Kenneth Starr, Bill Clinton, and GHWB were all CIA, then you begin to understand that there was no investigation at all. When you find out that Bill Clinton actively blocked investigation into CIA drug smuggling and that Clinton was just a stooge for GHWB, then everything begins to make sense. Guess what? They used the excuse of “national security” for CIA drug smuggling. Much was to come out about this because of the FOIA Act, but then 911 happened which put that to an end. The same people who were involved in the drug smuggling are now in charge of Afghanistan that since we’ve been there is now growing more drugs ever in their history. These same people also threatened the 911 Commission not to go too far and did not even allow them to interview any of the suspects.

  22. numbertwopencil says:

    It’s worth noting that the figure of $40 million for the investigation of Clinton-Lewinsky is conservative (ahem). The tangle of investigations that that lead up to Lewinsky cost at least $70 million and many observers at the time, including WaPo, CNN, etc. suggested that roughly $80 million might be a minimum figure for investigations into Walter Hubbell, Foster, Nussbaum, and so on.

    Also it’s worth noting that the Smaltz investigation of Mike Espy ran about $30 million and the Cisneros investigation cost just over $20 million.

    At the time, the GOP justified these expenses by pointing out that Walsh spent about $35 million on Iran-Contra. But, of course, Iran-Contra was a huge sprawling international mess compared to any of the above and resulted in a dozen or so convictions. (Though, of course, little real punishment came of the Walsh report and even less political, um, readjustment.) There were other investigations of GOP crimes besides the Walsh report but a (perhaps not) surprising number of them were dropped before much money was spent or investigation.

  23. prostratedragon says:

    Never leave geeks unattended for longAn economist moves a step closer to implementing a new model for a (ahem)failed institution:

    A New [Charter] City in Honduras, from Paul Romer’s (no relation to Christina Romer) Charter Cities blog.

    The government in Honduras is convinced that a charter city could be the safe playing field, with new rules, where Hondurans of all backgrounds can come together and put their skills to work with the financial resources, expertise, and technology available in the rest of the world.

    To implement this vision, the Honduran National Congress has already passed an amendment to the constitution that gives the government the power to create special development regions (which based on the name in Spanish, are abbreviated as REDs). …

    So, these REDs would be municipal creatures of the Congress of Honduras. I don’t know the form that federalism takes in Honduras, but one might want to contrast the results of RED amendment with the situation in this country, in which cities, towns, and other municipalities are pretty much creatures of the various States in which they are located.

    Of the particulars Romer lists, three stand out to me:

    The REDs would be areas with their own legal personality and jurisdiction, their own administrative systems and laws. An RED can also negotiate international treaties with partner countries or organizations. Congress would need to ratify these international treaties with a simple majority.

    Judges for its judicial system will be nominated by the governing authority in the RED but subject to approval by a 2/3rds majority in the Congress. The judicial arrangement would allow the use of an external body that acts as the court of final appeal for judicial decisions from the zone.

    Laws developed by the governing authority of the RED require a ratifying vote by the Congress. This vote would be a simple vote to approve or reject. Approval requires only a simple majority. (This is similar to the BRAC rules that govern military base closures in the United States.)

    Romer’s 501(3)c organization Charter Cities will serve as an advisor to Honduras in the implementation of the new amendment. The true compensation for this role is the part Charter Cities, and the charter cities built as a result of the RED amendment, will have played in abating the crisis of the thousands of Hondurans who migrate north each year, in search of better economic opportunities. These migrants often find themselves buffeted by woes whose depth of agony is the mirror reflection of the heights of Frankfurtian panegyric Romer achieves in commiseration with their plight, and celebration of the boldness of the Hondurans in signing off on his idea on such a large scale.

    The passage of the amendment is a decisive first step toward creating in Honduras the kinds of opportunities that migrants seek up north, but in a place where families can stay together, be safe, and enjoy the full protection of the law. The specifics have yet to be determined, but discussions have centered on a site large enough to accommodate a city that could eventually grow to 10 million people. As large as this sounds, it is small compared to the annual flow of migrants from the region into the United States.

    This bold step did not go unnoticed—several major international investors have already expressed interest in the project. President Lobo will soon travel abroad to build more public and private support. We hope that the rest of the world will respond in kind, working with the Honduran people to establish a new city—a city that could become an important hub for the Western hemisphere and a driver of growth and development in the region.

  24. danw5 says:

    Ironically, the person who had Clinton impeached was cheating on his spouse at the time. The one he married because he was cheating on his original spouse.

    One-half of America , or more, cheats. Almost every president cheated. Much of the Republican party cheats, many who have been nailed (sorry) in the past couple of years. How is that worth a $40 Million investigation. We already know it!

  25. dustbunny44 says:

    It was always clear that Ken Starr’s never-ending witch hunt had everything to do with politically neutering Clinton (to the extent that it could) and nothing to do with any justice.