The New Recruits on the Front Line on January 6

In addition to adding six more people to the Oath Keeper conspiracy indictment originally charged against Jessica Watkins, DOJ added some new overt acts. Among others, it added training.

Training and recruitment were always part of Watkins’ alleged actions:

On November 9,2020, WATKINS, the self-described “C.O. [Commanding Officer] of the Ohio State Regular Militia,” sent text messages to a number of individuals who had expressed interest in joining the Ohio State Regular Militia. In these messages, WATKINS mentioned, among other things, that the militia had a weekJong “Basic Training class coming up in the beginning of January,” and WATKINS told one recruit, “l need you fighting fit by innaugeration.” WATKINS told another individual, “It’s a military style basic, here in Ohio, with a Marine Drill Sergeant running it. An hour north of Columbus Ohio[.]”

On November 9,2020, WATKINS asked a recruit if he could “download an App called Zello” and stated, “We all use Zello though for operations.”

On November 17 , 2020, when a recruit asked WATKINS for her predictions for 2021 , WATKINS replied, among other statements:

I can’t predict. I don’t underestimate the resolve of the Deep State. Biden may still yet be our President. If he is, our way of life as we know it is over. Our Republic would be over. Then it is our duty as Americans to fight, kill and die for our rights.


[I]f Biden get the steal, none of us have a chance in my mind. We already have our neck in the noose. They just haven’t kicked the chair yet.

The original indictment also described Donovan Crowl attending a training session in December.

On December 12-13,2020, CROWL attended a training camp in North Carolina.

The superseding indictment adds to these details. It includes descriptions of how 54-year old Graydon Young and his 52-year old sister Laura Steele joined the Oath Keepers.

31. On December 3, 2020, YOUNG emailed the Florida chapter of the Oath Keepers with a membership application and wrote, “looking to get involved in helping. . ..”

33. On December 19, 2020, YOUNG wrote to a Facebook group: “Please check out Oath Keepers as a means to get more involved. Recruiting is under way. DM me if you want more info.”

38. On December 26, 2020, YOUNG wrote an email to a Florida company that conducts training on firearms and combat. YOUNG wrote, in part, “l trained with you not long ago. Since then I have joined Oath Keepers. I recommended your training to the team. To that effect, four of us would like to train with you, specifically in your UTM rifle class.”

52. On January 3, 2021, STEELE emailed the Florida chapter of the Oath Keepers with a membership application and wrote, “My brother, Graydon Young told me to submit my application this route to expedite the process.” Later in the day, STEELE emailed KELLY MEGGS and wrote, “My brother, Graydon Young told me to send the application to you so I can be verified for the Events this coming Tuesday and Wednesday.” The following day, STEELE sent an email to an Oath Keepers address, copying both YOUNG and KELLY MEGGS, attaching her Florida Oath Keepers membership application and vetting form, and writing, “I was just requested to send my documents to this email.”

And the arrest affidavit for the Parkers describe them discussing joining Watkins’ militia because their own had largely dissolved.

On December 27, 2020, Bennie Parker texted Watkins, “I may have to see what it takes to join your militia, ours is about gone.” Also on December 27, 202, Bennie Parker texted Watkins, “Yes and you and Sandi and I are like minded you guy [sic] aren’t that far away . . . . “

Effectively, that means that the organized stack (also included as an overt act in the superseding indictment) included at least three people — Crowl, Steele, Young, and Sandi Parker — who had just joined either Watkins’ militia or the Oath Keepers generally (Bennie, who’s 70, is not known to have entered the Capitol).

For all that it attracted media attention for that organized stack, the Oath Keepers weren’t as instrumental to the launch of the coup attempt as the Proud Boys.

But there, too, the militia was relying on new recruits. Dominic Pezzola claims (not entirely convincingly) that the insurrection was just his second action with the Proud Boys (though his first was the December MAGA March, where he was in close proximity to Roger Stone’s Oath Keeper body guard Robert Minuta).

Of more interest are the details Felicia Konold shared about her experience leading the mob.

She did a Snapchat video gleefully describing how much power she had exercised.

I’m watching the new guys


Dude, I can’t even put into words. I. I. Never.

I never could [unintelligible] have imagined having that much of an influence on the events that unfolded today.


Dude, people were willing to follow. You fucking lead, and everyone had my back, due, everyone, fucking wall, legit, in the air, up against the fence, [unintelligible], three lines of police, fence, me, not even on the ground, my feet weren’t even on the ground, all my boys, behind me, holding me up in the air, pushing back.


We fucking did it.

Her arrest affidavit also quotes her on saying she was, “recruited into a fucking chapter from Kansas City,” complete with a challenge coin. The government’s detention memo for William Chrestman describes that he, “readily recruited two individuals from Arizona [Felicia and her brother Cory] to join the group of Kansas City Proud Boys, who then participated in the crime spree on U.S. Capitol grounds.” (It’s likely the case against Chrestman relies on an FBI interview of Konold, which has not been publicly cited.)

And it didn’t stop there. Experts have talked, abstractly, about how January 6 served as a recruiting boon for right wing terrorists. That’s shown tangibly in a detail from Royce Lamberth’s opinion  Zip Tie Guy Eric Munchel granting the government’s motion for his detention. Even as images from Munchel’s antics in the Senate had attracted close focus and on the same day the government obtained a warrant for his arrest, Zip Tie Guy reached out — via Signal — to the Proud Boys in an effort to join up.

There is also no evidence that Munchel is a member of any violent groups, thought the government has presented evidence that Munchel was in contact with a member of the Proud Boys after January 6 and was interested in joining the group. See Signal Chat Tr. (Jan. 9-10, 2021).

On top of being an explicit attempt to prevent Joe Biden from assuming the presidency, January 6 was also a recruitment bonanza, providing both a goal in advance to work towards, but also a networking opportunity permitting in-person recruitment.

The insurrectionists breached the Capitol with flagpoles and bullhorns. And some of the key players leading that breach were recent recruits to the organized militia leading the way. Meanwhile, Stewart Rhodes, Joe Biggs, and Ethan Nordean were watching from relative safety.

Update: I’ve fixed the Stack numbers; I think Crowl may have been training rather than being trained at the came in North Carolina in December.

57 replies
    • bmaz says:

      There may be good reasons for the court to find Watkins a threat to society (though a legitimate flight risk seems absurd). But, please keep in mind that pre-trial release should only be about insuring appearance in court, public safety and flight risk. That we hate these jerks is not really a valid consideration. Are there sufficient restrictions and monitoring options that will insure that (there seems to be), then Watkins should be strongly considered for release. It also facilitates communication with her lawyer, which may lead to furtherance of cooperation.

        • bmaz says:

          Oh, I might well kind of hate them. But am very interested in not having that affect pre-trial release conditions. And these kind of cases can screw royally a lot of progress in thought on this issue lately. It is a complicated issue, and it is a critical one for the future of geometrically more people than these mopes.

        • harpie says:

          I DO think people should face appropriate consequences for their actions.
          But these people are just the “RABBLE”, so to speak.

          To me, it’s of UTMOST importance for the
          RABBLE ROUSERS to face appropriate consequences.

        • bmaz says:

          No problem with whatever they get. I do have a problem with overly harsh and punitive pre-trial release conditions before conviction. Too many people confuse the two.

        • klynn says:

          Could the March 4th events PB and OK are posting about be taken into account when weighing public threat?

        • bmaz says:

          Sure. Absolutely. But the distinction needs to be made between that and the current potential threat. And the latter established. Otherwise you are just locking defendants up for what they have never been convicted of.

        • Tom S. says:

          Yes, release seems to depend entirely too much on the luck of the draw, from birth, forward. Add poor decision making to drawing the short end and.. :

          I know Rittenhouse is not a federal prosecution, but still, he’s out, and this guy isn’t. Held without bail and now indicted for his too public reaction to post Jan. 6 violence risk to his community by RWNJ.

          (FBI informed the judge at Jan. 21 hearing that the U.S. supported YPG was a terrorist org., and implied the accused’s 2 weeks service as a YPG sniper in 2017 made him a ???) “If you are afraid to die fighting the enemy, then stay in bed and live. Call all of your friends and Rise Up!” Baker wrote on a Facebook event page he created, according to the affidavit.”

      • dadidoc1 says:

        I wonder whether they should be in custody for their own protection, especially if they know enough to connect the dots.

  1. observiter says:

    What you write is definitely disturbing. Reminded me that Hitler focused a lot of attention on attracting the youth in to his ranks. Somewhat related, it’s a good exercise to notice who is running for/getting elected to school boards.

    • harpie says:

      1] TRUMP tweets: “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
      Planning for January 6 begins. “The Calvary [sic] is coming”
      2] Ali ALEXANDER says he received a phone call from “people from the WHITE HOUSE”
      3] Parler conversation between PB TARRIO and OK MINUTA
      about 12/12/20 PHOTO of PEZZOLA and MINUTA

      12/21/20 Ali ALEXANDER promotes 1/6/21 rally

      12/22/20 OATH KEEPER Kelly MEGGS in Florida, on FB: “#Trump said It’s gonna be wild!!!!!!! It’s gonna be wild!!!!!!! He wants us to make it WILD that’s what he’s saying. He called us all to the #Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!! Sir Yes Sir!!!”

      1] BARR’s last day as AG
      2] TRUMP pardons STONE

      12/25/20 Kelly MEGGS posts that he’s been named “state lead of Florida.”
      [BY WHOM?]

      12/27/20 STONE tells TRUMP “exactly how” to continue “as our president. #StopTheSteal #rogerstonedidnothingwrong”

      • Ginevra diBenci says:

        I’m keeping the alt-DOJ timeline in mind with all this: Trump’s surprise (ambush) interview with Rosen on December 15, followed by the plotting behind Rosen’s back with Jeffrey Clarke that was going on contemporaneously with your line above, harpie. To say nothing of the Raffensberger plot. All of which makes me think that Stone must have been in charge (with Giuliani, perhaps, although it’s hard to imagine those two coordinating anything) of planning for the insurrection–or that he would have been the link between the WH and the OKs, Alex Jones, PBs, et. al.

        • harpie says:

          Oh, you mean that time when
          1] TRUMP cut short his stay at Mar-a-Lago after talking to STONE
          2] and then attempted to get Bossert-Clark to de-place Rosen at DoJ on New Year’s Eve, and then
          3] made one of his “perfect” calls, to Raffensperger, on 1/2/21?

          In STONE’s words [to Bannon from 2016]: [approx]
          I DO know how to win, but it ain’t pretty.

        • Ginevra diBenci says:

          Exactly. That time.
          harpie, I don’t know how you keep all this in your head without it exploding. Once more, I tip my hat to thee. (More accurately, I doff my hoodie, in which I live these days.) To thee and Eureka and Dr. EW, and everyone who’s corralling this herd of sedition.

        • harpie says:

          Oh! I was GRATEFUL that you brought up that episode because it’s apropos and I should have included it originally, (part of the problem is knowing where to stop!)

          and I did have to look up the details…
          my brain is NOT at all like Marcy’s! (lol!)

          But, as I’ve said before, working together, WE around here can do really good work! Thanks!

        • Ginevra diBenci says:

          harpie, I don’t know where to raise this. The EW post from 18 Feb 21, about Roger Stone’s threats towards Amy Berman Jackson, is closed to comments now. Sunday night, 60 Minutes featured an interview with Judge Salas from NJ, whose son was killed last summer in an attack that critically injured her husband. The shooter intended to assassinate the judge, however, and she revealed on-air that he had also targeted Sonia Sotomayor–with detailed notes on her daily routine, friends, etc. (A 72-year-old lawyer from CA, he shot himself before police arrived.) Since the Sotomayor plot just became public, doesn’t that raise the profile of threats like Stone’s? The segment, which emphasized Trump’s comments derogating various judges, clearly indicated a connection to the violence.

          (I know this adds yet another branch to your expansive tree! It just seems important in light of the incitement argument.)

    • Ginevra diBenci says:

      Re: Kelly Meggs, I don’t know. My researcher side-hustle lately has been trying to track Stewart Rhodes and his actions over the year leading up to 6 Jan. In the process I found this Politico piece about Oath Keepers’ infiltration of local government in small-town Texas. The article dates from 9 Dec 20, and suggests that the virulent TX OKs were in a kind of latent phase at that point, a month after the election. Eerily, the main guy prophesies “insurrection”–coming from the left, yet one more example of the systematic projection Trump and his affiliates mastered. It also ties the continued resistance to Covid restrictions into the movement, something to keep in mind as a piece of what drove the events of 6 January 21.

  2. skua says:

    … recent recruits to the organized militia leading the way …
    AIUI a Mr Ögedei Khan used a similar approach in Europe.
    Will we eventually find that the Oathkeepers also have an elite guard and command who didn’t attend 1/6?

    • Raven Eye says:

      I’m not sure how “elite” the leadership is, but (and anybody please correct me on this) I think the Oath Keepers are a more structured organization than the Proud Boys. Their recruitment pool is primarily military and LEOs, with an emphasis on current serving and recent retirees/separated members (still eligible for return to duty)…People who are used to functioning in a structured organization.

      In that context, the OK leadership has some serious problems to deal with. Their organization is under attack by the feds. They have to keep as much of their structure in place as they can so that they can maintain the faith/loyalty of their members and be able to fully reconstitute. That means maintaining some lines of communication, and those lines of communications are now a very serious risk factor. I hope the OK leadership has many, many sleepless nights — from which they are more likely to make mistakes.

  3. Robert Sexton says:

    The “Recruitment Bonanza” is the most worrisome thing that I’ve heard yet. The Proud boys and the Oath keepers will attempt another coup. Hopefully the feds will prosecute enough of them to drive them underground.

  4. pdaly says:

    In the comparison table, the last entry from the original indictment “After January 6, 2021 concealing their involvement in the January 6 operation and attack on the Capitol” is not carried forward in the superseding indictment column.

    Does this have any significance such as the government is no longer going to try to prove this? Or that the indicted are now cooperating and providing evidence after-the-fact?

    • emptywheel says:

      I probably should go double check my work. Assuming it is sound, I think it might just be that two of the co-conspirators are charged on their own with obstruction, not the whole conspiracy.

  5. jo6pac says:

    Follow the money
    Who pays their lawyers?
    Who pays them and their life style
    Then if they are getting paid does the IRS know?
    If they are getting paid shouldn’t those paying them face charges also.

    • bmaz says:

      Exactly how intrusive into the attorney/client relationship do you suddenly think is appropriate? Do you think the government does not already contemplate such information? Would YOU like people drawing up your ass if charged with a criminal offense.

      Again, people are getting insane on this. Stop. By the way, Watkins has a FPD, so “following the money” as to who is paying her attorney fees leads to you and me. Do you think that defendants do not deserve public defenders?

  6. Eureka says:

    Nascently related (in re fascist tricks & recruitment), a dense February 2017 item* which reminds how much the Mueller investigation put the brakes on Trump admins’ Putinist/Duginist aims to deconstruct our country with this (type of) shit. In this excerpt, Curtis Yarvin, a self-titled “neoreactionary” with whom Bannon was supposedly enamored, trolls the journalist who asked for a confirmation of his contact with Bannon with a bit of TMI, if provocatively facetious:

    “I know nothing about BAP [@BronzeAgePerv, a persona to whom Yarvin diverts the author] personally, except that he lifts. DM him. He may not give you any info but he always responds,” Yarvin said. “Apparently there’s a big underground movement of right-wing bodybuilders — thousands. Their plan is to surface spectacularly this April, in a choreographed flash demo on the Mall. They’ll be totally nude, but wearing MAGA hats. Goal is to intimidate Congress with pure masculine show of youth, energy. Trump is said to know, will coordinate with powerful EOs…” Yarvin denied to Vox that he has been in any contact with Bannon.

    ‘Our imagination flies — we are its shadow on the earth’ and all that.

    Best to see the original (and some accessory sources) as to this nihilist-alt-right marriage [and obviously Trump’s recapitulation of (parts of) Manafort’s Ukraine MO, as EW has written about, fits right in here].

    Back to 2021: These people remain active, and would see the abolition of Congress — democracy to be replaced by a CEO-autocrat beholden to wealthy tech types. Given boundary-crossing 1/6 events (which ultimately resulted in the failure of Trumpists’ goals), stuff like this might become more appealing to the disaffected in an Overton window- meets- opportunity kind of way. Convergent trends such as the FedSoc-pushed Unitary Executive, combined with Congress’ neutering (by McConnell on one hand, and failures to assert Article I powers on the other) don’t much help. More to BOLO…

    *What is the NRx (Neoreaction) Movement? – The Atlantic
    Behind the Internet’s Anti-Democracy Movement
    White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is reportedly a reader of neoreactionary political theory. A tour through the pro-authoritarian philosophy gaining visibility on the right.

    • harpie says:

      Here are two relevant threads from JY Sexton from last fall. I think especially the later one speaks to what you’re saying here.
      12:39 PM · Sep 26, 2020

      This is one of the most important threads I’ll write.
      Trumpism is fascism.
      We are in a full-blown crisis. We must recognize we’re dealing with a religious death cult and warring over reality itself.
      Here’s what I discovered writing AMERICAN RULE. 1/ […]
      10:17 AM · Oct 6, 2020

      Let’s talk about Trump’s fascist posturing last night, the death cult that worships him, and how fascism is a war on reality as well as masculine overcompensation.
      To be clear, we’re in deep, deep, DEEP trouble.
      For more, read my book AMERICAN RULE. 1/ […]

      Besides failing nationalist myths, fascism relies on bruised and endangered masculinity, masculinity in crisis, to light the fire for preemptive violence and societal oppression.
      It radicalizes men who are lost, feeling weak, and calls them to a great masculine mission. 5/ […]

      • Ginevra diBenci says:

        Thanks, harpie. Always rewarding to see someone, anyone, call the weakness out by name. In the social sciences, it’s termed “precarious masculinity,” and over the past couple decades some fascinating studies have shown the power of this fear when it is elicited. Trump intuited that male insecurity is inseparable from White identity politics, fused them with faux nationalism and exploited the poisonous brew that resulted. And he still is.

  7. skua says:

    Really helpful post.
    I’ve been trying to imagine what a modern US extreme right-wing authoritarian regime would look like.
    Murdoch has had 30% of the US electorate thinking that Trump is a great leader who has MAGA. There is not much distance from that mass delusion to them fervently supporting what you portray.

  8. harpie says:

    Bringing this conversation from the other post:

    1] TRUMP tweets: “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
    2] Planning for January 6 begins. “The Calvary [sic] is coming”
    3] Ali ALEXANDER says he received a phone call from “people from the WHITE HOUSE”

    Some INFO on PERMITS

    […] The National Parks Service confirmed to ABC7 the group Women for America First originally submitted an application to hold an event Jan. 23, the weekend after the inauguration. However, NPS said the group recently amended their application to move the rally to Jan. 5 through 7. The demonstration itself is slated for Jan. 6. on Freedom Plaza. […] As of Tuesday, [12/22] the Women for America First group is the only organization with a permit application. […] NPS said the group plans to set up Jan. 5 and clean up the day after the event. The application still needs official approval.

    12/31/20 Permit #21-0278 issued by NPS for Women for America First
    1/1/21 Permit #21-0278 AMENDED by NPS for

    Women for America First “March for Trump/Save America” at the Ellipse, Southeast and Southwest Quadrants for a “First Amendment Rally” with 5,000 participants.
    [Person(s) in Charge: Kylie Jane Kremer // On-Site Contact: Justine Caporale]

    Wednesday, January 6
    7:00 AM – 9:00 AM Gates open to public
    9:00 AM – 3:30 PM Rally: Speeches
    3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Conclusion of rally and dispersal of participants

    Activity Overview: Women for America First will conduct a first amendment rally “March for Trump” to demand transparency and protect election integrity. The rally will feature speakers from Women for America First, Congressional Representatives, Roger Stone, Julio Gonzalez, Rudy Giuliani, Diamond and Silk. Women for America First will not conduct an organized march from the Ellipse at the conclusion of the rally. Some participants may leave to attend rallies at the United States Capitol to hear the results of Congressional certification of the Electoral College count.

    Complete Contact Information: […]
    12. VIP ADVISOR: Caroline Wren // 13. VIP LEAD: Maggie Mulvaney

    1/4/21 Permit #21-0278 AMENDED AGAIN by NPS for

    Women for America First at the Ellipse, Southeast and Southwest Quadrants for a “First Amendment Rally” with 30, 000 participants.

    Person(s) in Charge: Kylie Jane Kremer // On-Site Contact: Justine Caporale]

    1] Pro-Trump group applies for Jan. 6 rally permit days after President’s tweet Tuesday, December 22, 2020
    2] Here’s What We Know About the Pro-Trump Rallies That Have Permits JANUARY 5, 2021

    See also:
    3] Trump Pushed Rally Organizer to Override Prohibitions Against Marching from Ellipse to the Capitol: Impeachment Manager
    [link in next comment]
    ADAM KLASFELD Feb 10th, 2021, 7:39 pm

      • harpie says:

        Something DIFFERENT about the TRUMP RALLY permit 1/1 amendment [embedded at the Washingtonian article]:

        The NAME of the signing official is REDACTED: (b) (7) (A)

        The signers of the other 2 permits [also embedded at the article] are shown.

        The screenshot I linked to of the 1/4 amendment does not show that part of the permit.

      • harpie says:

        About this part of the Activity Overview:

        […] Women for America First will not conduct an organized march from the Ellipse at the conclusion of the rally. Some participants may leave to attend rallies at the United States Capitol to hear the results of Congressional certification of the Electoral College count.

        This Rally is CALLED MARCH ON CONGRESS.
        There is signage ALL OVER the stage that says SAVE AMERICA MARCH.

        As usual, TRUMP is trying to avoid being held responsible for what he’s demanding of his supporters.
        Also, in his speech, he says “StoptheSteal” was all THEIR idea.

    • harpie says:

      12/28/20 Caroline WREN to Cindy CHAFIAN [text]:
      Get the budget and vendors breakdown to me and Justin
      12/29/20 WREN [Rally organizer] to CHAFIAN [text]
      [hold off on printing event-related slogans] until we decide what the messaging is and we have no clue on timing because it all depends on the votes that day so we won’t know timing for a few more days.

      Cast of Characters:
      1] Caroline WREN: Trump campaign fund raiser; “VIP Advisor” for the Park Permit; Deputy to Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, at Trump Victory
      2] Cindy CHAFIAN: a self-described “constitutional conservative”
      3] Justin CAPORALE, a former top aide to first lady MELANIA Trump, whose production company helped put on the event at the Ellipse.

      The records show that Wren oversaw logistics, budgeting, funding and messaging for the Jan. 6 rally that featured President Donald Trump.

      Chafian told ProPublica that Wren and others had pushed her aside as plans intensified, including as a late effort was made to get Trump to speak at the event. […]

    • harpie says:

      The 5,000 person rally ended up taking place at Freedom Plaza on 1/5/21.

      Some info about that from The Washingtonian link:

      Listed organizer: Cindy CHAFIAN. Chafian was previously part of Women for America First, which organized the permits for DC rallies in November and December, but she now appears to be also (or perhaps instead) associated with an entity called Eighty Percent Coalition.
      The event’s permit lists what sound like three rallies-within-the-rally:
      March to Save America (though, the permit notes, there will be no marching) from 1-2 PM,
      Stop the Steal from 3:30-5 PM , and
      the Eighty Percent Coalition from 5-8:30 PM.

      From the Permit:

      Date of permit: January 4, 2021
      Rally to Revival
      Where: Freedom Plaza
      When: Tuesday [1/5] 1 PM-8:30 PM
      Number of people expected: 5,000

      Event Overview: Participants (5,000) will assemble at Freedom Plaza to conduct a first amendment rally demonstration on January 5, 2021 from 5:00 AM – 11:59 PM.
      There is no march associated with this permitted demonstration. [emphasis in original]

      [Among the confirmed speakers]: Cynthia CHAFIAN, Ali ALEXANDER, Joe FLYNN, Alex JONES, Owen SCHROYER, Jack POSEBIAC, George PAPADOPOLIS, Congresswoman Lauren BOEBERT, Bernard KERIK, Roger STONE, George FLYNN

    • harpie says:

      CHAFIAN’s 5000 person rally moved to 1/5/21 rally at Freedom Plaza.
      From the Washingtonian article:

      Listed organizer: Cindy CHAFIAN. Chafian was previously part of Women for America First, which organized the permits for DC rallies in November and December, but she now appears to be also (or perhaps instead) associated with an entity called Eighty Percent Coalition. The event’s permit lists what sound like three rallies-within-the-rally:
      March to Save America (though, the permit notes, there will be no marching) from 1-2 PM,
      Stop the Steal from 3:30-5 PM , and
      the Eighty Percent Coalition from 5-8:30 PM.

      • harpie says:

        From the [embedded] permit:

        Date of issue: January 4, 2021
        Rally to Revival
        Where: Freedom Plaza
        When: Tuesday [1/5] 1 PM-8:30 PM
        Number of people expected: 5,000

        Event Overview: Participants (5,000) will assemble at Freedom Plaza to conduct a first amendment rally demonstration on January 5, 2021 from 5:00 AM – 11:59 PM.
        There is no march associated with this permitted demonstration. [emphasis in original]

        [Among the Confirmed Speakers]:
        Cynthia CHAFIAN, Ali ALEXANDER, Joe FLYNN, Alex JONES, Owen SCHROYER, Jack POSEBIAC, George PAPADOPOLIS, Congresswoman Lauren BOEBERT, Bernard KERIK, Roger STONE, George FLYNN

      • harpie says:

        From the embedded permit:

        Date of issue: January 4, 2021
        Rally to Revival
        Where: Freedom Plaza
        When: Tuesday [1/5] 1 PM-8:30 PM
        Number of people expected: 5,000

        Event Overview: Participants (5,000) will assemble at Freedom Plaza to conduct a first amendment rally demonstration on January 5, 2021 from 5:00 AM – 11:59 PM.
        There is no march associated with this permitted demonstration. [emphasis in original]

        • harpie says:

          From the permit, continued:

          [Among the] Confirmed Speakers:
          Cynthia Chafian,
          Ali Alexander,
          Joe Flynn,
          Alex Jones,
          Owen Schroyer,
          Jack Posebiac,
          George Papadopolis,
          Congresswoman Lauren Boebert,
          Bernard Kerik,
          Roger Stone,
          George Flynn

        • harpie says:

          LOL! Yeah, that was pretty funny, because I always have to triple check to get it right…and I can never remember from one time to the next, but I wanted to just document it as it was.

          THANKS to the moderator who followed that winding trail!

Comments are closed.