Entries by emptywheel

Shorter Schloz' Criminal Referral

Is here. Or rather, the Inspector General’s report describing his criminal referral for lying to Congress.

We have referred this matter to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia for a decision on whether the evidence warrants a criminal prosecution. We provided to the prosecutor the evidence we gathered in the course of our investigation, including transcripts of interviews and relevant documents and e-mails.

We're All Detroit, MI Now

A while back, I wrote a post called We’re all Flint, MI now. Mitch Albom just wrote a story that might as well be called We’re all Detroit, now. It’s long–so to induce you to read it, I’m going to give you an almost-spoiler.Because we may be a few steps behind the rest of the country, but we’re a few steps ahead of it too.