Entries by emptywheel

The Significance of the “Official Duties” Claim

Up until the moment when Fred Fielding claimed Rove’s actions in the Siegelman affair were part of his “official duties,” those actions, by themselves, may not have been illegal. But as soon as Siegelman made that claim, they became clear Hatch Act violations.

White House Confirms: Rove’s “Official Duties” Included Witchhunts of Democrats

Surprise surprise. Rove was too chicken to give testimony under oath to show up before HJC today. That’s not surprising. What I find surprising (well, not really) are the thin excuses that Republicans are coming up with to excuse Turdblossom from obeying a subpoena.

First, according to the statement Sanchez put out, Fred Fielding did intervene to give a last minute reprieve to Karl–though still without invoking executive privilege.

First, the claims have

Mukasey Flip Flops on Pixie Dust

Back during Michael Mukasey’s confirmation hearings, Sheldon Whitehouse got Michael Mukasey to commit that, when a President changes an executive order, he appropriately should actually change the executive order–so schmoes like you and I can know what the President is actually doing.

2. Do you believe that the President may act contrary to a valid executive order?

Mukasey to SJC: Investigation of Rove’s Involvement in Siegelman Should Take Place … Somewhere Else

As of now, someone–either at the White House or in DOJ–has declined to support executive privilege to prevent Rove’s testimony before the House judiciary tomorrow. And, in a hearing before the Senate, the AG suggested there were other avenues to investigate Rove’s role in the Siegelman prosecution besides OPR.

Is it possible Mukasey supports an HJC inquiry into the issue? Hard to believe, given the other stuff Mukasey said today, but someone ought to at least ask.