Entries by emptywheel

Taliban Cells and Cables

The Taliban have just threatened to start taking out cell phone towers in Afghanistan. They say the US is using cell phone signals to faciliate attacks on insurgents. What a coincidence, then, that the telecom power in Pakistan went out recently, not longer after a strike at a top Al Qaeda leader.

Mitch McConnell, Hans Von Spakovsky, Mitt’s Re-Emergence, and McCain’s FEC Money Woes

Best as I can tell, Mitch McConnell has one of two choices. Do McCain a favor by withdrawing his insistence that Hans von Spakovsky be considered in a block with the three other FEC nominees–which would result in a quorum that could rule on McCain’s bid to decline FEC matching funds. Or, he could remain intransigent, and make it much more likely that someone he doesn’t hate as much as he hates McCain–like Mitt Romney–gets the GOP nomination to be President.

60 Minutes Goes Black–Who Does It Protect?

As a number of you pointed out in the comments, 60 Minutes curiously went off the air in Northern Alabama last night for over half of the segment on Governor Siegelman. The station did rebroadcast the show at 10 PM last night. Still, the fact that just one station in Alabama lost the show just when it was showing a damning story on Alabama’s politicized prosecutions sure reeks, particularly given the

What Got Added to the Renzi Indictment Since October 2006?

I noted that there was good reason to believe that the impending Renzi indictment is the most likely explanation for Paul Charlton’s firing in December 2006. A quick reminder of the chronology:

June 2005: Investigation into Renzi launched

Months before election day: Investigators ask for clearance to tap Renzi

September 13, 2006: Charlton’s name added to the firing listOctober 26, 2006:
