Entries by emptywheel

The Questions I Should Have Asked

When you live in flyover country and have the opportunity to appear on cable, it lacks some of the niceties of the big city: no green room, no professional makeup artist, and sometimes you have to drive yourself to the studio through Detroit’s version of rush hour traffic (yeah, I know, no one works in […]

Look on the Bright Side!!!

I’ve thought of some bright sides regarding the news that Elana Kagan is Obama’s pick to replace Stevens: If ever SCOTUS needs money, Elana Kagan is a great fundrasier! Imagine how it’ll make Republican heads explode when they realize Hamdan lawyer Neal Katyal may be Acting Solicitor General. Given that Republicans will try to oppose […]

Pew: 70% Experienced Significant Financial Issue

Jeebus. Found these numbers via Susie. 70% of those surveyed by Pew have either had someone in their household looking for work, had their hours/wages cut, or had problems paying significant bills. 70%. I’m writing this from the Clusterfuck State, and that number is astounding even to me. No wonder incumbents are going to get […]

EU Won’t Hand Over Their Data

Last year and in February, we watched as the EU balked at US demands for data-sharing under the SWIFT program. The Belgian cooperative in charge of the international money transfer database moved its servers to the EU, but the US still wanted the same access it had had when the servers were in the US. […]

Cancer, Chemicals, and Corporations

As you might know, my family is a walking cancer cluster: three out of five of us had some form of cancer. What has frustrated me as I’ve lived through three bouts of cancer in my family was the cancer industry’s focus on “curing cancer,” with very little attention on preventing it. Particularly given how […]
