Entries by emptywheel

Pew: 70% Experienced Significant Financial Issue

Jeebus. Found these numbers via Susie. 70% of those surveyed by Pew have either had someone in their household looking for work, had their hours/wages cut, or had problems paying significant bills. 70%. I’m writing this from the Clusterfuck State, and that number is astounding even to me. No wonder incumbents are going to get […]

EU Won’t Hand Over Their Data

Last year and in February, we watched as the EU balked at US demands for data-sharing under the SWIFT program. The Belgian cooperative in charge of the international money transfer database moved its servers to the EU, but the US still wanted the same access it had had when the servers were in the US. […]

Cancer, Chemicals, and Corporations

As you might know, my family is a walking cancer cluster: three out of five of us had some form of cancer. What has frustrated me as I’ve lived through three bouts of cancer in my family was the cancer industry’s focus on “curing cancer,” with very little attention on preventing it. Particularly given how […]

DOD Kicks Out Gitmo Reporters for Reporting Publicly Available Information

Spencer just tweeted: Pentagon BANS Michelle Shephard, Paul Koring, Steven Edwards & @carolrosenberg from #GTMO for reporting Interrogator #1’s name #solidarity And Al Arabiya’s Muna Shikaki tweeted: Office of Sec of Defense issues statement barring reporters @carolrosenberg, and 3 canadian reporters from covering future trials in gtmo. What appears to have happened is that DOD […]

“It’d be easier to launch a Hellfire missile at a non-citizen than a citizen”

The whole point of Joe Lieberman’s tea-bagger bait Terrorist Expatriation Act, according to his Republican House co-sponsor Charlie Dent, is to make it easier to launch Hellfire missiles at people. And Lieberman, too, ties his citizenship-stripping measure to Obama’s targeting of an American citizen with a predator drone. Taking on critics who say his proposal […]

They Used Threat of Prison Rape to Scare Omar Khadr

As Spencer reports from Gitmo, the first interrogator to question Omar Khadr at Bagram told him a story suggesting that if he lied, he’d be sent to an American prison where he’d be likely to get raped. “I told him a fictitious story we had invented when we were there,” Interrogator #1 said. It was […]

“Pattern of Life” Drone Strikes

The LAT reports that targeting for most of the drone strikes that have killed more than 500 people in Afghanistan and Pakistan has been based not on information about an individual’s ties to terrorism, but rather on “pattern of life” analysis that targets the actions of a person. The CIA received secret permission to attack […]
