Entries by Rayne

Last Week’s Blizzard, This Week’s Hell

Did you know there was a blizzard last week? I’ll admit I didn’t. Never saw a peep about it across several Twitter and internet news feeds until today. Between 28 and 60 inches of snow fell across parts of South Dakota late last week in a freakishly early snow storm, the white stuff accumulating rapidly […]

Stupid Smartphones and Their Lying Lies

If you value emptywheel’s insights, donate the equivalent of a couple beers—and thanks for your readership and support. My Twitter timelines across multiple accounts are buzzing with Apple iPhone 5s announcement news. Pardon me if I can’t get excited about the marvel that is iPhone’s new fingerprint-based biometric security. Let’s reset all the hype: There is […]

Not-So-Trusted Computing: German Government Worried About Windows 8 Risks

Microsoft’s “trusted computing platform.” Microsoft’s “secure boot” technology. The doublespeak almost writes itself these days. Whose “trusted computing”? Whose “platform”? And whose “secure boot”? At least one government has expressed concerns in internal documents, buttressed by an unusual public statement in response to reports about the leaked documents. According to German news outlet Die Zeit, […]

NSA’s PRISM and the Oddity of PalTalk

Remember this presentation slide on PRISM from last month’s blockbuster report by the Guardian-UK? Remember the one outlier right smack in the middle of the slide — the company name most folks don’t recognize? PalTalk. Very few news outlets tackled PalTalk, explaining what the business is and asking why it was included in the program. […]

The Shell Game: What is Microsoft Doing?

What is this so-called tech company doing? Microsoft sees itself as going head-to-head with Apple and Google. The 10-year chart above comparing Microsoft, Apple, and Google stock tells us this has been a delusional perception. It also sees itself in competition with IBM. Yet IBM surpassed it in market value two years ago, even after […]

Failing Our Hoodies

Some of you may have been at Netroots Nation this summer, along with Team Emptywheel. I couldn’t go this year. I stayed home because my teen son needs more parental guidance right now. My once-sunny 15-and-a-half year-old who carried As and Bs all through grades K-8 suddenly became a difficult student. He failed a class […]