Jesse Jackson Jr's Fundraiser Wants Immunity

It sounds like Jesse Jackson Jr and one of his fundraisers mentioned in the Blagojevich complaint are going after each other.

Does Bob Nardelli Work for Cerberus or Chrysler?

Who is paying Bob Nardelli's salary? And to do what? And is it possible that he was left out of negotiations on the bridge loan, even while Chrysler will own the responsibility for paying it back?

The No-Fail Business Model Fails

Remember how Bob Corker and Richard Shelby told you that GM had a failed business model, as compared to Toyota's tremendously successful model? Then why is Toyota losing money?

Cerberus Still Seeking to Privatize Profit, Pass on Risk?

Cerberus appears to be seeking to capitalize on the woes of the auto industry to do two things: first help its Republican buddies break the UAW, and after doing so, pawn off its unwanted "investment" in Chrysler onto the same union. I'm not sure I understand all the steps in this process, yet, but here are three data points. Cerberus Protects Client Retirees But Not Chrysler Retirees Let's start with Cerberus' statement

"And while you're indicting Alberto Gonzales for lying to Congress..."

"...why not add another charge too?" That seems to be the immediate message of Henry Waxman's memo exposing Administration lies about the claim that Iraq was seeking uranium in Niger. Alberto Gonzales appears to have lied for Condi, to hide the insistence with which the Administration refused to heed warnings against using the Niger uranium claim.

Trash Talk - Prime Time Edition

The penultimate week to the regular season schedule in the National Favre League is upon us and, as many of you have already discovered, the hostesses team is playing the janitor's team. Yep, bmaz's Arizona Cardinals (I don't really claim the losers, but they are my home team) are visiting Marcy's gridiron heroes, the Patriots.

Rahm and "that 5th CD Thing"

The Sun-Times has a story about unexpectedly quiet Rahm is being about his Congressional replacement. They attribute his silence to the discussions about the Senate seat. But I think it much more likely that he's being silent because of his discussions--real or not--about his own seat.

Republican Bad Faith Negotiation, Again

Bob Corker and his Republican buddies are pissed that the President just implemented what amounts to their very own "compromise" auto relief bill. I guess we have yet further proof they were never negotiating in good faith.

Blagojevich Presser Live-Blog

Blago gave a VERY BRIEF and uninformative press conference denying any wrong-doing.

Don't Be So Fast to Refer to Palin's "Son-in-Law"

Some people are saying that Palin's son-in-law's mother got busted for drugs yesterday. But don't so fast on that "in-law" part.

President Bush: Employees of American Companies Must Get Paid Less than Employees of Foreign Companies!

The President of the United States just dictated that American corporations pay their employees significantly less than the employees of foreign owned manufacturers. And/or, he dictated that American corporations pick the pocket of their senior retirees. That's what we've come to--in Bush's last major act as President. A country which penalizes workers for working for American-owned companies.

Liveblog of the Dan Quayle Bailout

Word is George Bush is going to give money to GM and Chrysler. He is expected to put the money through their credit arms: GMAC and Chrysler Finance. In other words, Cerberus (otherwish known as Dan Quayle and John Snow and a bunch of other wired Republicans) will get some benefit out of this.
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Rick Warren and Invoking Teh Inauguration

As you may have noticed, a small war has erupted at the mothership over the nature of the invocation at Obama's inauguration on January 20, 2009. Specifically, whether or not it is appropriate for Obama to have Rick Warren participate. The general FDL position is that it is not appropriate to have Warren participate because he is a discriminatory bigot, to the LGBT community and others. I agree with this, but why is any of this - Warren, Lowery, or any other religious figure - an official part of the inauguration?
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Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet

In the previous post, Marcy described how Bill Ford schooled Larry King on the truth about Ford Motor Company and the backup credit line they wish to have available should it be necessary. Well, now I am here do a little edifying about General Motors.

Chrysler Closes ALL Its Plants

Chrysler will shut ALL manufacturing plants for a month.
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The Holder Delay, the OLC Delay, the SJC Delay

Not only is Bush withholding OLC opinions from Obama, he's still not fulfilling obligations to share opinions with Congress.

Criminalizing Politics? Or Reading a Complaint?

Here's my non-lawyer's reading of what evidence against Blago Fitz has shown us. Guess what? Those complaining he doesn't have the evidence are looking in the wrong places.

Gold Bars Luskin: Turdblossom Is Wearing Nothing But a Fig Leaf

Golly. Both Karl Rove and his defense attorney are beating up on Obama because he acceded to Patrick Fitzgerald's request that he hold off a week so as to give Fitzgerald time to move the investigation forward. But Rove himself refuses to talk about his role in this corruption ring. So do you think Rove is trying to give Obama some unsolicited political advice? Or trying to scuttle the investigation?

Jesse Jackson Jr's Cooperation with Fitz

Multiple stories--several explicitly sourced to Jesse Jackson Jr's allies--report that Jesse Jackson has cooperated with Fitz in the past. Here are some data points on JJJ's cooperation and other involvement. He apparently told Fitz earlier this year that in 2003, Blago conditioned a position for JJJ's wife on a $25,000 donation. Jackson has been in regular contact with the feds and has told the government that in 2003 Blagojevich denied the congressman's wife