New Emails: Taylor, Griffin Gone, and McNulty Testifying Again

Just a super quick comment about the new emails released today. These are all, AFAIK from a quick scan, emails listed on the list of documents not turned over. This trend has actually been true for a while--that DOJ has dribbled out documents that they said, no way, no how, they weren't going to release.

Michael Horowitz Issues a Threat

I wanted to call attention to the Michael Horowitz letter in support of leniency for Libby. Horowitz issues a thinly-veiled threat to retaliate if Libby has to do jail time. Disposition of the Libby case will have much to do with whether…

Inventory of the Scooter Libby Letters

I've read them, all of them. (Big PDF Part One; Big PDF Part Two; Excel file of all the letters) What a depressing way to spend a weekend day. You see, I believe all those people when they describe how loving Libby is with his kids. And I believe all those people who describe what a great mentor Libby has been to young professionals.