Did Troy Eid Also Bypass the Vetting Process?

My first thought, after reading Carol Leonnig's article on how DOJ is letting select candidates bypass normal screening processes, was of Troy Eid, Colorado's USA. After all, Troy Eid wrote a letter trying to persuade Gale Norton to make judgments in favor of an Abramoff client, the Mashpee tribe, yet he didn't register as a lobbyist for the tribe.

Sampson Tries to Convert Yang, and then He Tries to Oust Her

I've been meaning to write this post for a while. But now that Adam Cohen has revealed more details about Harriet Miers' close attention to the departure of Debra Wong Yang, I'm going to do it now--mostly from memory (all my USA Purge documents are on my computer at home, and though this thread is on TPM, it doesn't include the whole thread).