“They Spoke Often:” It Took the Fash-Friendly FBI Over Two Months to Document the Lies Their Informant, Joe Biggs, Told them

The most telling detail released in DOJ’s sentencing package for Joe Biggs is this — the first 302 from after he led an attack on the nation’s Capitol, memorializing an interview done on January 8, one day after the first Proud Boy, Nicholas Ochs, was arrested.

DOJ included it — and excerpts from a second recorded interview from January 18 — to substantiate a 2-point obstruction enhancement to his sentence.

Biggs denied being with anyone he knew while he was inside the Capitol. Id. at 19:50 et. seq. (Q: “were you with anybody?” A: “No. I was lost. Like I didn’t know where to fucking go. I was by myself and I was scared shitless.”).

Biggs was asked again later in the interview whether there was anyone else with him. Biggs again claimed that he was separated and didn’t see anyone else he knew until after he left the Capitol. Id. at 25:45 et. seq. (Q: “Was there anyone else in your group that was in the Capitol?” A: [Pause] “Um, I mean, there had to have been.” Q: “You said you got separated, right?” A: “Yeah. I got separated. I didn’t see people until afterwards. I finally found people scraggling [sic] around running, you know, looking for people like me.”)

After initially denying breaking anything, Biggs was asked again whether there was anything else that was “worth sharing.” Twenty-four minutes into the interview, Biggs acknowledged “shaking” a black metal fence, but he claimed that he was only doing it because people were getting “pinned [] against it.” Id. at 24:25 et. seq. (Biggs: “I was shaking [the fence] at one point to get it loose so people could move and wouldn’t get pinned up against it” Biggs: “There was one guy who was pinned up against the fence like literally screaming; the pole was dug into his belly, and there was so much force from all the people around him, he couldn’t even breath . . . I thought that dude was gonna get hurt bad.”)

The sentencing memo suggests that Biggs victimized the FBI with these lies.

But there’s a backstory, one Biggs himself told over two years ago, in a filing submitted on March 29, 2021, in a bid to stay out of pre-trial detention.

As Biggs told the story then — two days before this 302 was finalized — Biggs would routinely reach out to cops before the Proud Boys would stage an operation, much as Enrique Tarrio did with Shane LaMond, a DC cop now being prosecuted for giving Tarrio inside tips about the investigation into him.

The same year, 2018, after the move to Florida, Biggs became active as an organizer, event planner and thought leader in the Proud Boys. He used his platform as a radio and social media personality to promote Proud Boy events and ideas. In particular, he personally planned two major events: rallies in Portland, Oregon in both 2019 and 2020 designed as counterdemonstrations against Antifa, which had been active in and around Portland for over two decades. See generally, MARK BRAY, ANTIFA: THE ANTI-FACIST HANDBOOK (August 2017) (history of Antifa networks in the Americas and Europe by social historian and Dartmouth College lecturer); L. Magelson, “Letter from Portland: In the Streets with Anitfa,” The New Yorker (Nov. 2, 2020 issue). As part of the planning, Biggs would regularly speak with by phone and in person to both local and federal law enforcement personnel stationed in Portland, including the FBI’s Portland Field Office. These talks were intended both to inform law enforcement about Proud Boy activities in Portland on a courtesy basis but also to ask for advice on planned marches or demonstrations, i.e., what march routes to take on Portland streets, where to go, where not to go. Similar conversations were held regularly with local police and FBI personnel for less major events in other cities.

As Biggs described it, rather than cracking down on the right wing group that would go on to lead an attack on the Capitol, the cops could give him “cautionary” phone calls.

By late 2018, Biggs also started to get “cautionary” phone calls from FBI agents located in Jacksonville and Daytona Beach inquiring about what Biggs meant by something politically or culturally provocative he had said on the air or on social media concerning a national issue, political parties, the Proud Boys, Antifa or other groups. Biggs regularly satisfied FBI personnel with his answers. He also stayed in touch with a number of FBI agents in and out of Florida.

As Biggs described it, he “regularly satisfied FBI personnel” with his explanations for stoking violence.

He did so even though — as his sentencing memo describes — he was openly calling for violence and attacks on the government.

Perhaps more than any other defendant, Biggs promoted the use of force against the government. Beginning in the days after the election, Biggs declared that the country could face “civil war” because the “left” was “radicalizing people by stealing th[e] election.” Ex. 603-1 and 2. Biggs told his followers that it was “time for fucking War if they steal this shit.” Ex. 603-4. Biggs steadily escalated his calls for political violence. During an episode of the “Warboys” podcast with Tarrio and Nordean in late November, Biggs demonized the “party” that was telling the public to accept the result of the election. Biggs closed his diatribe by saying that “they are evil scum and they all deserve to die a traitor’s death.” Biggs Ex. 1. Biggs’s comment prompted Nordean to calmly lean toward his microphone and say, “the day of the rope.” Id.

Biggs’s calls for political violence escalated throughout the fall, and he consistently called for war while characterizing his enemies (which included government actors such as the police) as traitors. The critical issue to Biggs was the stolen election, and he tied his calls to violence to the election. For example, in late November, in a post on his social media, Biggs warned officers in Michigan (a state won by Biden) that if they stopped electors from casting a vote for Trump, the people would “treat your thin[] blue line like we do antifa . . . get in our way and get walked over.” Ex. 603-33. Biggs declared that the officers would be “tried for treason” and that “[w]e aren[‘]t here to play games. This is war.” Id.

In fact, as Biggs further described it back in March 2021, long after he had become a key figure staging violent confrontations, five months before leading an attack on the peaceful transfer of power, an FBI Agent in Daytona Beach recruited Biggs to be an informant targeting Antifa.

In late July 2020, an FBI Special Agent out of the Daytona Beach area telephoned Biggs and asked Biggs to meet with him and another FBI agent at a local restaurant. Biggs agreed. Biggs learned after he travelled to the restaurant that the purpose of the meeting was to determine if Biggs could share information about Antifa networks operating in Florida and elsewhere. They wanted to know what Biggs was “seeing on the ground.” Biggs did have information about Antifa in Florida and Antifa networks in other parts of the United States. He agreed to share the information. The three met for approximately two hours. After the meeting, Biggs stayed in touch with the agent who had called him originally to set up the meeting. He answered follow-up questions in a series of several phone calls over the next few weeks. They spoke often.

So during the entire period when Biggs and his buddies were planning an attack on the nation’s Capitol, during the entire fall period when (prosecutors describe) Biggs was openly talking about attacking the government, he and this FBI agent?

“They spoke often.”

The FBI claims it had no notice of the terrorist attack on the nation’s Capitol, not even with an FBI agent “speaking often” with one of its leaders and an DC intelligence cop speaking often with the other one.

So now, DOJ wants to hold Joe Biggs accountable for the lies he told to the FBI agent who thought a key leader of the Proud Boys would make an appropriate informant targeting Antifa. But thus far, his handler has not been held accountable for missing the planning of a terrorist attack in DC when while speaking “often” with one of its key leaders.

Notably, the Daytona FBI office is the same one where, after fake whistleblower Stephen Friend refused to participate in a SWAT arrest of a Three Percenter known to own an assault rifle, his supervisor said “he wished I just ‘called in sick’ for this warrant,” before taking disciplinary action against him (though Friend didn’t start in Daytona Beach until after Biggs had already been arrested).

The second of these interviews (but not the first) interview was mentioned in Biggs’ arrest affidavit. It’s possible that investigating agents didn’t even know about what occurred in the first one.

Indeed, it’s really hard to credit the reliability of a 302 written two days after Biggs described his chummy relationship but not this interview in an attempt to stay out of jail.

This is why the FBI didn’t warn against January 6. Because these terrorists were the FBI’s people.

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81 replies
  1. Ebenezer Scrooge says:

    I don’t want to look like I’m defending the FBI here, but I think that the Proud Boys were something out of their experience. They’re both ordinary street criminals and politically motivated, at the same time. That’s different than the Oath Keepers: a group whose motivations, as far as I can tell, were political and whose crimes were all in furtherance of their political goals. Political street thugs like the Proud Boys might be unusual in America, and a category confusion for the FBI. We’re great at murdering each other, but we don’t have soccer hooligans or the like. At least before the Proud Boys.

    • emptywheel says:

      Enrique Tarrio and three other Proud Boys had worked with Roger Stone to threaten a federal judge in advance of this.

      There is NO excuse for treating them as anything but a gang threat.

      • Savage Librarian says:

        Happy Ratification of the 19th Amendment Day, especially to all the ratfuckers and chauvinists out there. Marcy, sometimes I can’t believe how bizarre and twisted everything is. But one thing I do believe is that it is important to keep plugging along. Thanks so much for all your hard work. It really does make a difference to many of us!


        “Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.”

      • BRUCE F COLE says:

        RICO is the right frame for this shit. This is Organized Crime — and cops, in fact, are often part of that genre (take your pick of relevant cases). These cases (including all the Trump erelated shit) happens to have a political component that makes legal assignment of responsibility also have one, and makes the prosecution of them trickier because of that — especially as we move higher up the Poison Tree.

        Now we’re getting a front row seat to see whether a RICO case of this kind is even logistically feasible, going forward in GA. I’m rooting for Willis even though she’s bit off a huge chunk. And I’m hoping some of the co-defendants are watching the biggs sentencing with significantly less relish than they watched Congress and Pence flee for their lives that day.

        • bmaz says:

          No, RICO is very much NOT the right frame. It is asinine bullshit. And, PLEASE note that the idiotic GA RICO provision is so over broad as to be nuts, and is nothing like the RICO that has been used against organized crime mobs. This is seriously stupid, please do not cheer this ludicrous overreach.

        • bmaz says:

          Not to my knowledge., but do not know. The federal statute has been, but the GA one is far beyond those, though m guess is is would survive appeal ni a state court.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      I think that gives the FBI more credit than it deserves here. They operate all over the world, not just in the US. They have catalogued to the nth degree the variety of criminals one might find and the range of their exhibited motives. But these white thugs were “their” people, so how could they be terrorists?

  2. sportingdog says:

    Thanks MW for all your work, very much appreciated.

    Thinking a leader of the PB would be a good informant about Antifa is a bit out there but I can see the thought process. What I struggle with is how Biggs could be chosen when FBI folks were calling him up to have him “explain” his rhetoric used online which seemed to denigrate the government (allowed speech) but tilted meaningfully towards violent actions. Who authorized bringing this wildcat into the house, will there be consequences?

    • hippiebullsht says:

      Lol to me your name provides the perfect analogy to this setup.
      It is a joke to have Pb heads inform on Antifa, but who else could? Antifa isnt a real org, just a varying ethos. Pb s are fundamentalist gangers, over-organized, over-defined, conformist shitfuckers holding hands and hiding behind innocents cuz shadow punx in te dark!
      So the FBI signed em up as hunting dogs to sniff out the Antifas, but the Pb s are afraid of a real hunt, rightfully and just go sniff each others butts and go smash n crash n munch n punch wherever the doggie fash treats are…
      Two gangs hunted by 1 dog. Real threat kept in contact with and setup to perjure and imprisonment or flip and flop. Pb s leaders had every chance to not do the insurrecting bromoerotic beatdown bliss but they sealed their infamy and evidence all the way to MagaCult head indictment and precedent at the Fed court.

      • David F. Snyder says:

        Thanks for saying ” … Pb heads …”, as Pb is the chemical symbol for lead. Perhaps it was intentional but in any event very appropriate.

        • hippiebullsht says:

          yep got my B.S. in biochem and was a star osteopathic student but my school and their shysty shitfux lawyers thought gaming me would be fun and I refused to game up so stay at home dad it is.

          Pb=Pablum=Prod boyz

      • Artzen Frankengueuze says:

        Bromoerotic, oh my, what a great a t new word.
        And 5 syllables, haiku friendly.

        FBI, proud boys,
        Relationship described as

        So-so, not my best work.

  3. oldtulsadude says:

    Who Do You Trust

    Say the magic word (antifa) and the FBI will duck responsibility and drop charges and give you a hundred dollars.

  4. Frank Probst says:

    [Insert my longstanding complaints about 302s here, and give credit to whoever made the decision to record the second interview.]

    Serious question: Does “Antifa” really have any sort of real organization as a group, beyond the deluded minds of a few (or maybe a lot more than a few) right-wingers? I feel like I’m not going to believe that they’re a real group, up until the point that I start getting junkmail (or at least a few junk texts) from them asking me for money.

      • Lisboeta says:

        “Antifa” doesn’t exist as an entity. It’s a blanket term used by white nationalists to describe any group that opposes them: civil rights advocates and the like. In effect, they’re declaring themselves pro-fascist. Yet many of their parents and grandparents had fought in world wars to defeat fascist leaders. How do they resolve this congnitive dissonance?

        • xxbronxx says:

          Re: “How do they resolve this cognitive dissonance?” I asked a young Russian friend whose parents came here as refuseniks in the 80s – How can there be Neo-Nazis in Russia when the Nazis killed 26 million Russians? He said their politics can be summed up in one word – HATE.
          I resisted the Walter Sobchak reply.

        • Matt___B says:

          How do they resolve this congnitive dissonance?

          They don’t. It’s the Trump double-down, triple-down method of brute force. And evangelical leaders telling their flocks that it’s a religious duty to “do the right thing” regardless of pushback, criticism, or resistance.

          There does have to be a breaking point to the tolerance of cognitive dissonance but they have pushed that bar really really high.

        • Beverley54 says:

          The collective “we” have known for years that there is no entity as Antifa, why would the FBI not have known this?

        • Just Some Guy says:

          From Wikipedia:

          The English word antifa is a loanword from the German Antifa, where it is a shortened form of the word antifaschistisch (“anti-fascist”) and a nickname of Antifaschistische Aktion (1932–1933), a short-lived group which inspired the wider antifa movement in Germany. The German word Antifa itself first appeared in 1930 and the long form antifaschistisch was borrowed from the original Italian anti-Fascisti (“anti-fascists”)

        • Rayne says:

          Thanks for that. I don’t know where that “a pseudo Arabic term mimicking “Intifada”” crap came from; on the face of it, it looks like racism.

        • Just Some Guy says:

          No problem. I found the intifada comment troubling too. I haven’t taken much more time to research it this morning but I highly doubt there’s any root linguistic relationship between the words.

    • Rayne says:

      The American Kennel Club has more organization and infrastructure than any several handfuls of folks who post stuff online under Antifa avatars. Some of the latter are honeypots and agents provocateurs.

      (For that matter, AKC is probably more organized than the Green Party, and the Green Party (which can’t get on the ballot in all 50 states) is more of an entity than Antifa. Think vaporware.)

        • David F. Snyder says:

          My dog (Bichon) is staring at me as I read this. She’s definitely against fascism too (been on many a march) and a tough b____ when she needs to be, but a whole lot cuter than me.

        • SteveBev says:

          My Bichon is instinctively an egalitarian socialist, with a profound belief in share and share alike; the only thing he is dogmatic about is that commands are treated as a basis for negotiation.

        • Rayne says:

          You know, if somebody organized a Pets of America (PoA) political party, ran a fairly progressive platform which framed rights in a way which benefited animals, drew on AKC and Cat Fanciers Association mailing lists, PoA candidates might actually win primaries and possibly elections.

        • Ginevra diBenci says:

          Rayne, I spent an hour this morning obsessing over James Ho’s “aesthetic injury” argument re: mifepristone. This led me to my own aesthetic injury argument regarding the “joy” evoked in my cat rescuing community by NOT seeing kittens born on the street with diptheria; my logical construction would thus require pet owners to spay/neuter and subsidize these operations.

          Ho’s “reasoning” boasts only a well-funded political machine over mine. (A supremely well-funded one. Alley Cat Allies can’t hold a candle to Leonard Leo.)

        • Fraud Guy says:

          I don’t know…my AKC registered Pekingnese is 15″ tall at the shoulder, with legs taller than his body, and no undercoat, just like my prior Japanese Chin.

        • Ginevra diBenci says:

          A number of putative Pekingese in recent years are up to half Pug. This is actually a good thing from a health perspective as it to a degree ameliorates the congenital issue of both breeds. And as someone who’s lived with a real Peke, I would argue it’s helpful temperamentally too.

      • hippiebullsht says:

        Antifa? think the irrepressible brotherhood of man! Not vaporwave jeez.
        Think good gleams brighter than bad shades…
        Think, tough nice stranger… think little stranger on the street that isnt going to let other strangers beat up a homeless dude so he uses his daughter’s purple parasol to freak them the fux out of my town…

        • Rayne says:

          Okay, where does this fash-killing machine meet? Who’s the leader? How do they finance operations?

          There is no Antifa. It’s an ideology, like that which drove our military against the Axis forces in WWII. You want antifa? Find a WWII vet.

          Really tired of this crap. Claiming there’s an actual organization even jokingly feeds the right-wing’s DARVO victimhood.

        • hippiebullsht says:

          ya cant find us if you dont look at the true angle, and it always changes. Antifa is always there. Just like electrons.
          Both my grndpas and 1 grandma were WWII vets. My grandma organized the shit out the south suburbs to get equality in housing going. My other grandpa swept mines on USS Revenge. They passed a lot of antifa knowledge as such. My grandma claims antifa.

          So binary and unscientific of a comeback…
          you probably worked at some time with DARVOS and they would have caused you shit but some Antifa took care of it first… have had them do it for me b4 i knew the score.

          hackers are real! and real decentralized and hacks matter and change the world.

        • Rayne says:

          I can’t argue with someone who appears incapable of escaping a wet paper bag. However they’ve now wasted far too much thread space with their meandering maundering.

    • Tech Support says:

      FWIW, there are small groups of wannabes in the PNW who have been inspired by the “black bloc” tactics employed in European May Day protests in the late 80s and 90s. The first highly publicized example of that is the ’99 WTO protests in Seattle. Ever since the “Battle of Seattle”, the city has seen an almost annual ritual of property violence in the downtown area during May Day protests, fueled by mostly white, mostly male, mostly young actors in black clothes and ski masks.

      My sense is the the Anitfa myth as it exists today is the product of conservatives taking progressives self-identifying as “antifa” ideologically, the isolated cases of armed & armored counter-protestors at white supremacy rallies, and the history of black bloc activity at (anti-globalism, not anti-fascist) protests, and mashing it all into one big sexy boogeyman.

      It’s worth noting that PB Ethan Nordean is also from the Pacific Northwest, and the PNW wing of the Proud Boys are especially interested in provoking violence in the liberal cities of the region (Seattle, Olympia, Portland, Eugene). This corner of the country co-founded by racists looking to create a white utopia, far away from the freed slaves. The wacko ideas considered typical on Xitter these days have littered rural billboards on I-5 for decades. The liberal turn of those four cities in the 60s and 70s has been a source of tension and animosity ever since. With the way things have metastasized on the Internet, I don’t think it’s random that conservatives who can’t find Portland on a map now consider it to be some sort of hell-on-earth reincarnation of Sodom and Gomorrah.

      • Just Some Guy says:

        Exactly right. With their Midwestern counterpart codeword cities being “Chicago” and “Detroit,” dog whistles for “what happened to minority-white rule.”

      • Ginevra diBenci says:

        Chris Rufo, architect of anti-CRT and anti-LGBTQ crusades and now DeSantis’s crusader to transform education in Florida, is also from Seattle. Rufo blames Seattle for his “conversion.”

    • wa_rickf says:

      With the rise of fascism and heavy nationalism in some parts of the conservative community – especially since America’s first black POTUS was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, previously low-profile antiFA (anti-FAcism) – a conglomerate of various pro-social groups – seek to organize protests and political action in response to the objectives of fascist groups such as Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and the KKK.

      Recently antiFA have been engaging in clashes with far-right groups – collective term for extreme rightwing (alt-right) individuals during demonstrations and protests and counter-demonstrations and counter-protests.

      Not organized to the extent that many of the alt-right are (Proud Boys or The Oath Keepers), antiFA is a leaderless collective supportive of ideals to promote equality, justice, and to end discrimination for the poor, people of color, and other minorities once and for all.

      Many in the alt-right community are taught that antiFA are fascists and simply do not understand that the literal meaning of antiFA means anti-fascism. Even the reality that fascism is a rightwing political philosophy is lost on the alt-right. Many on the far-right are also confused by the term NAZIism – another rightwing political philosophy.

      In 1920s and 1930s Europe, many Germans at the time, particularly rightwing Germans, associated their values with a Bismarckian rightwing policy that had been called “Socialism,” in the sense that state provided goods and services. To take political advantage of this feeling, the NSDAP named itself “National Socialist.” This confusion by the alt-right stems from the literal word “socialism” in the definitions of Nazism. NAZIs are no more democratic socialist than North Korea is a “democratic people’s republic.” The NSDAP did not hope for workers’ to control as socialism would dictate, nor for the abolition of capitalism.

      Capitalism is key to the understanding of what NAZIs wanted – and it was not socialism. The fact that 1930s Germany used corporate capitalism as an economic engine clearly is indicative of rightwing political thought.

      Additionally, nazism and fascism are pro-hierarchy. Rightwing politics are those generally associated with some sort of hierarchy. That there are those on top, and those on bottom, and this is the desirable state of society for the rightwing thinking. In this sense, Nazi Germany was absolutely 100% pro-hierarchy in that it saw a certain groups of people as superior to others in society, as well as having a strong government class. Leftwing politics are those associated with equality – an idea of which fascism and nazism find abhorrent. There is no hierarchy or structure to antifA.

      This is a layman’s explanation of antiFA, for what it’s worth.

      • Rayne says:

        Bah. All of this gives the right-wing’s conflation of anarchism with anti-fascism something they can use as a target, something at which they can aim their FBI-embedded friendlies.

    • CPtight617 says:

      No. Not only is it not a real organization like the Klan or the Federalist Society, it’s not even a movement like Black Lives Matter. Having lived in 3 of the most liberal places in the country for 50 years, and as someone in a very “liberal” field, I have never once met anyone, personally or professionally, who said they supported Antifa’s so-called ethos, was ever invited to attend any Antifa event or knew anyone who was.

      How does Big Bad Antifa get people to fight Poor Little Proud Boys when they don’t even bother to solicit in the very place(s) where they’d find the most new “members?” Because Antifa in the US is a bunch of white nationalists pretending to be “violent leftists” (a laughable concept), so they have a pretext to cause mayhem, beat and terrorize ordinary people, and kick some intramural ass without having the cops blame them entirely. Its no coincidence that most of the arson and cop shootings during BLM protests that were initially blamed on Antifa or BLM turned out to be white nationalists/Trump supporters hiding behind the convenient attire/disguise of the Antifa burka.

  5. JVOJVOJVO says:

    Makes me wonder which of the PB or OK were the Secret Service in touch with prior to and on J6! We placed those text messages around here somewhere – just can’t find them right now! ffs

    • HikaakiH says:

      I’ve wondered since Jan.6 whether Pence’s SS detail decided themselves to evacuate Pence from the Capitol, or were they given an instruction to do so? If so, who gave that instruction and who had they been talking to leading up to Jan.6? (Did the Jan.6 Commission answer this?)

      • BriceFNC says:

        And I wonder what communicationled to drooling dotard Chuck Grassley putting out a message I’d of invite on January 5 indicating he would be filling in for Pence during the EV counting process. Grassley went further in that message stating he would be open to considering alternate slates of electors. My understanding is that earlier on the morning of Jan 5 Pence adamantly informed Trump he would not go along with Eastman’s crazy plan.

  6. Wapiti_EW says:

    This seems to be a recurring problem with the FBI. Sometimes it seems that they’re being used by their informants more than they’re using the informants (see: Whitey Bulger, etc.). One would think law enforcement would have systems in place to ensure handlers don’t start thinking their criminal/hoodlum informants are good people.

    (Second post with this name; previously posted as Wapiti, I believe.)’

    [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]

    • BRUCE F COLE says:

      The name McGonigal springs to mind.

      Now OT, related to “Wapiti:”
      Back in the late ’60s I was attending a BIO 101 class at Washington State, and the Prof was pretty good at auditorium teaching. He had some games he played with us, like the time he came into class wearing a necklace that looked like it was made of strung-together chestnuts. He said he’d give whichever student could first identify the beads in the necklace the equivalent of an A on a test, and started giving clues each day. The final clue was “Wapiti implemented.” They were, of course, dried elk turds.

  7. Jim Luther says:

    The “news” that there is a significant portion of law enforcement, military, and national security personnel who actively support a shift to authoritarian rule really shouldn’t surprise anyone.

    • bgThenNow says:

      This is what I think of when our city police call 3%ers or PBs or OKs “armed friendlies.” We have only recently escaped the “growth industry” of Consent Decree profiteers. Meanwhile at a demonstration after a peaceful gathering on City property where APD was stationed (I believe) where a demonstrator was shot in front of his parents and a lot of other people, and the “armed friendlies” stood over the shooter to protect him from the crowd? Anyway, our police have just finally after 10 long years of James Ginger’s operation on “compliance” and the like, use of force was something it took 10 years to get to 95% compliance. We have been on the front lines for a long time. This incident happened before COVID and still has not come to trial. We are Not dead yet.

    • hippiebullsht says:

      make it yrself, defend it yrself, value yourself and be yourself.
      Yourself and others are counting on you

  8. John B. says:

    You know what I’d like the FBI do? Solve the mystery of who or whom planted the bombs that morning of the Insurrection. They’re usually pretty good about that kind of thing, so good it makes me wonder why it hasn’t been solved…

    • Shadowalker says:

      They probably don’t have enough info. I think typically bomb makers build similar devices both in design and materials used even into any machining marks. They most likely haven’t run into any other bombs that would give them a lead where to look. It’s also likely that it is a lone wolf actor not affiliated with any of the groups, complicating it even more.

      • HikaakiH says:

        “It’s also likely that it is a lone wolf actor not affiliated with any of the groups, complicating it even more.”
        That’s an assumption that doesn’t need to be made. Just as easily, or more so, the timing suggests they do have some connection to the groups involved in organizing the Jan.6 event. If those bombs had gone off, it would have been a significant step towards a situation where Trump would have cover for invoking the Insurrection Act. (That’s my guess as to the intention.)

        • Shadowalker says:

          They would have found a connection when they were investigating and prosecuting both the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys for Seditious Conspiracy. One thing about conspiracies, the larger the group is, the more likely details of the plan are to be found, because someone cracks under pressure and starts singing.

  9. Benoit Roux says:

    A lingering question, perhaps related to this post, is whether Roger Stone is currently under investigation by DOJ or the FBI or Smith, and if not then WHY?

  10. bidrec-gap says:

    In upstate NY there was an alleged kidnapping. When they seized the perps phone it was discovered that he spent about two hours a day talking to the Rochester office of the FBI.

    The FBI had no comment.

    Subsequently, “Authorities this year dropped the kidnapping charge against Todd, and he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in strange telephone calls he made to agents.”

  11. Untimely says:

    There is no AntiFa per se as an organization. Anyone who opposes Facsism is AntiFa which would include most Americans.

    The Portland area always had a known group of anarchists


    “Although many anarchists are law-abiding, there is a history in the Pacific Northwest of some anarchists participating in property destruction and other criminal activity in support of their political philosophy,”

    Suddenly anarchists have morphed into AntiFa

    anarchists want no government overseeing society and often clashed with Leftist in Portland.

    There is a huge difference btw the groups. I know I was an ex-LEO in riot control against the anarchists

    It’s politically expedient for the RW to mistepresent all those opposed to facsism and their fascist dictator nominee

    Facrts Matter

    • OleHippieChick says:

      Almost 75 and I’m antifa because my gramps and my pop were soldiers in WWs I and II, respectively. That sacrifice is their long-term legacy to me.
      “I am antifa” should become the “I am Spartacus” attitude for all Americans.

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