Entries by emptywheel

Let’s Do The Time Warp Again!

Put a fork in ’em. John Sidney McCain III and the Republican Grand Old Party have nothing left in the tank except for tired platitudes, creaky rhetoric, moldy and discredited policies, racism and anger. They have absolutely nothing positive or helpful to offer up to the American people in these troubled times. Just four years ago, the right wing GOP was full of hubris and bellowing of their dominion over American politics; now they are just a collective freak show caught in a time warp.

Get Them Elected!

As Rachel Maddow would say, Marcy has “talked me down”. I am resigned to the fact that senator Obama will not be coming to Arizona. Now, what I can do, and what you all can do as well, is work hard, donate, call, talk to neighbors – anything, everything, between now and the close of the polls on Tuesday to keep the progressive and Obama wave alive and rolling. The finish line is in sight; no time for coasting – peddle to the metal baby!

Obama Campaign’s Take: We’re Doing What We Need To

I’m listening to an Obama campaign conference call on the state of the race. Some of the eye-popping details:

Sporadic and First-Time Voters Are Voting Early

I’ve been focusing on the early voting numbers, though the McCain team has questioned whether or not the high Democratic turnout really just amounts to voters who would have voted anyway coming out early.


The Obama campaign is quite confident that at least one fifth of these early
