Palin's Concession Speech

Did you notice that Fox announced the speech that the McCain campaign refused to let her give on Tuesday night?

The Waxman Challenge to Dingell

I've got mixed feelings about Henry Waxman's challenge to John Dingell.
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Why Janet Napolitano Is Right For Attorney General

The election is nigh 24 hours in the bank, and the rumor wires and scuttlebutt are exploding with discussion of the makeup of President-elect Barack Obama's cabinet and staff to be. Attorney General is a critical post in any administration; but perhaps at no time in history of the United States as important as this moment. Janet Napolitano is the complete package. President Obama, make her your Attorney General. It will be one of the smartest decisions you ever make, and here is why.

Palin and the Presidential

Palin was devastating for McCain's presidential race. But I'm not sure she was as bad as people are saying.

Speaking as the Owner of a Perfect Storm Cap

I'm glad Howard Dean didn't let Chuck and Rahm claim all the credit for a big victory again, like they did in 2006. This has been a truly historic, transformational election. Tonight, our country chose hope over fear, the future over the past, unity over division. This election also reflects the passing of the torch to a new generation.

Schadenfreude 2006, the Sequel

George Allen race-mongers. And loses. McCain's campaign fear-mongers. And loses.

Schadenfreude Four

Pete Domenici gets a US Attorney fired because he won't help Republicans cheat their way to victories. Democrats get their revenge. And then some.

Schadenfreude Three

2004. 2008. Though Fox called it for Obama, then un-called it, so we may not be out of the woods yet. (Graphic by twolf.)

The Lay Of The Land

The vote plugs along all across the nation. My wife and I have cancelled out John and Cindy McCain’s votes, so we got that going for us. Take that Grumpy John. Barack Obama, irrespective of the policy specifics that we may each agree or disagree with, is a leader. He is a motivator. He brings hope. Today the switch is flipped. Get fired up! Get ready to go! Let's rock and roll folks!

Obama's Acceptance Speech

If all goes well, someone will be relieving me at the precinct I've been working at in Detroit. In the meantime, I hear this fellow gives a good speech.

Yes We Can

I'm in Detroit making sure everyone gets to vote. Chat among yourselves.

Obama Announces His Presidential Bid

I'll be in Detroit all day doing voter protection and bmaz will be in and out. But you can chat among yourselves about this fellow.

Obama's 2004 DNC Keynote

I'll be in Detroit all day doing voter protection and bmaz will be in and out. But you can chat among yourselves about this fellow.