Girlz Out Loud

Just so you know, I'm still watching the Sunday show line-ups to see whether all the smart girlz who were on during the election still get invited back. And FWIW, we've got two girlz of significance this week: Laura Bush (well, I'm not going to tune in, but she is a girl and she'll be on before pickling hour),  and Claire McCaskill.

Still in Turkey Coma Open Thread

I should say "back in turkey coma" since I just had a hot turkey sandwich and feel a giant nap coming on. The turkey, btw, was absolutely superb--those crazies who think turkey doesn't taste good are like Sunday school teachers who poo poo sex because, well, let's just say they were never really credible experts.
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Obama's Success: Must Have Been The Shoes Before Him

America, indeed humanity, stands on the verge of a seminal moment in history. A turning point that inalienably alters our existence in so many ways, writ large and small, that it is hard to grasp. We are about to to inaugurate a black man, Barack Obama, President of the United States; a job that is still, despite all, the singularly most important and powerful position in the world. How did we get to this moment?

Pisco Sours: As Easy as Falling Off a Bike the Wagon

Earlier in the week, the blogosphere buzzed over this photo of Bush drinking Peru's national drink, a Pisco Sour. There was a lot of discussion about whether Bush had falled off the wagon or not--but the discussions of what a pisco sour is fell short, I felt, of what my good friend Jeff had taught me in grad school (Jeff, who is Peruvian, whined for a year straight that he couldn't get proper Peruvian, as opposed to Chilean, pisco in Ann Arbor).

Trash Talk - Thanksgiving Stuff Yer Face Edition

It's Turkey Day!!! Time to get fat and happy people. And then, when you cannot have one more round of food, you simply must have one more wafer thin mint! Hey, is anybody out there having the John Madden specialty of Turducken instead of turkey? Okay, this is a short trash talk for the Thursday Thanksgiving Day games only.

In Defense of Turkey

Why are Big Media Matt and the Great Orange Vegetarian Satan attacking turkey, when they apparently don't even know about heritage birds?

Obama and the Guvs

In an exceedingly well-timed meeting, Obama will get together with the nation's governors to get their support for his massive stimulus program.

The Hatfill Search

Aside from the fact that Stephen Hatfill's girlfriend kept her own bottle of Cipro hidden inside a Mason Jar full of coffee, the most interesting part of the searches conducted on Stephen Hatfill in 2002 is his Florida storage locker. It appears to be a collection of Hatfill's toys left over from his days in Zimbabwe and elsewhere.Soldier of Fortune magazineFlight computerA confidentially marked document titled "Presentation Exercise Urban Guerilla Warfare"

GM the "Failed Business Model" Pays Its Retiree Pensions; Exxon Doesn't

You know how Richard Shelby thinks GM has a failed business model? Well, apparently it's way ahead of corporate giant Exxon in honoring its obligation to retirees.
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Time waits for no one, and it won't wait for President-Elect Barack Obama. Poor man doesn't even have his cabinet fleshed out and people are already musing over who his Supreme Court nominees might be. You think maybe some of the robed ones might be saying "But I'm not dead yet!"? No matter; speculate we must on who they might be.

Pragmatism v. Ideology: International Relations

Glenn Greenwald and Daniel De Groot caricature pragmatism in foreign policy. Here's my attempt to sort out what it means in Obama's case.

About that Hillary as Secretary of State Thing

Everyone is wondering about why Obama would put Hillary in such a powerful position as Secretary of State. But few are wondering whether she'll have all that much power after all.

Breaking the Consumption Addiction

Economics Professor Atrios notices that the housing industry is--predictably--asking for its share of the bailout and points out that it's probably not a good idea to try to reinflate the housing bubble. Department Of Really Bad Ideas While I've been more than a little skeptical about Treasury and Fed shotgunning trillions to their rich friends, there are at least germs of arguments here and there for

Saving Citi But Not GM

I don't know which is more insulting to Detroit, as Congress makes the automakers grovel for a bailout. That in one night, with no oversight from Congress, Treasury just risked $300 billion of support for Citigroup. Or that, on top of that, Citi got $20 billion in funds from TARP--more for just one company than any one of the Big Two and a Half had requested?
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Richard Shelby Wants To Place US Government In Bankruptcy And Eliminate Military Pensions And Benefits

Seriously. He must be saying that, right?Let me draw an analogy that will drive people nuts. What about military pensions and benefits after retirement? Well, come on what about it blowhards that are so quick to call for trashing the pensions and benefits of the auto workers, are you also arguing to trash and burn the same for those in the military???Because, there is a lot of yammering about how the

Forty Five Years

Where were you forty five years ago today? If you were old enough to remember at all, then you undoubtedly remember where you were on Friday November 22, 1963 at 12:30 pm central standard time.
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Trash Talk - Clash Of The Titans Edition

It's trash talk time again. And this week as a great slate of games, so let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Oh, and happy trails to Annika Sorenstam, who has played her last round of competitive golf.

Homework Assignment for the Big Two and a Half: Solve Retirement and Health Care

Nancy and Harry just gave the Big Two and a Half a big homework assignment for the next ten days: solve retirement and health care.