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1482 search results for: new york times


The Ghorbanifar Meetings

September 9. 2001: Condi demands an investigation into a leak that ended up in NYT story; the leak would lead to AIPAC investigation Before November 7, 2001: Ledeen calls Rodman; Rodman says no to Rome meeting Before November 7, 2001: Ledeen calls Hadley, claims Iranians want to defect November 7, 2001: Hadley calls Wolfowitz, who […]


9/11: A Story of Attacks, Horror, Victims, Heroes and Jingoistic Shame

September 11, 2001 is now 15 years in the mirror of life. Like the two Kennedy assassinations, the Moonshot and a few other events in life, it is one of those “yeah I remember where I was when…” moments. Personally, being on west coast time, I was just waking up thinking all I had was […]


Monday: Build That Wall

Poor Ireland. Poor Inishturk. To be forced to consider the onslaught of refugees fleeing political upheaval should one loud-mouthed, bigoted, multi-bankrupt idiot with bad hair win the U.S. presidency. I’m amused at how the Irish in this short film mirror the U.S. albeit in a more placid way. There are some who are ardently against […]


Friday: Smells Like

With the lights out, it’s less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto, an Albino A mosquito, my libido, yeah — excerpt, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana Been a rough week so I’m indulging myself with some double bass — and […]


What Price Victory?

Virtually the entire political class has now united to defeat Donald Trump, with Morning Joe today staging a Michael Hayden appearance that served largely to allow Scarborough to tell the story of Trump asking three times in a foreign policy briefing why the US couldn’t use its nukes. As Dan Drezner pointed out on Twitter, […]


Friday: The End of the World

I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why ev’rything is the same as it was I can’t understand, no, I can’t understand How life goes on the way it does — excerpt, The End of the World, written by Arthur Kent and Sylvia Dee Jazz version of this song first released by Skeeter […]


Thursday: Bad Girls

One thing before I go any further…look just above these words, below this post’s title and to the right of the date of publication. See the name ‘Rayne’? That’s me, that’s my byline. Please note there are multiple contributors here at emptywheel. The entire site is eponymously named for its owner, Marcy Wheeler, whose online […]


Friday: How It Begins

I was half way through a post yesterday when a friend in the UK told me a member of Parliament had been killed by a fascist. An assassination, I thought at that moment, unable to write another word for my post. How many times has an assassination kicked off a horrible chain of events? I […]


Monday Morning: Calm, You Need It

Another manic Monday? Then you need some of Morcheeba’s Big Calm combining Skye Edward’s mellow voice with the Godfrey brothers’ mellifluous artistry. Apple’s Friday-filed response to USDOJ: Nah, son You can read here Apple’s response to the government’s brief filed after Judge James Orenstein’s order regarding drug dealer Jun Feng’s iPhone. In a nutshell, Apple […]


Hillary Is Now Picking and Choosing Which Obama Accomplishments to Take Credit For

According to Hillary Clinton’s latest campaign ploy, she deserves credit for domestic policies passed under Obama — notably, ObamaCare — but not issues — in this case, trade deals — she negotiated as Secretary of State. She rolled out former Governor and erstwhile Michigan resident Jennifer Granholm (when this story hit, some local folks were […]