Emptywheel's Trash Talk - Debate With The Dishonorable Geezer Edition

There are a bunch of games. Half the mopes will lose. Teams from Phoenix will be among them; but with the USC burb Thursday night, it is a little easier to take. This done on the fly, so additional fun discussion will have to follow later. I am thinking you guys know how to rip the joint up without a bunch of mumbo jumbo anyway.
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Gonzo Sings! Justice In The Department At Last?

Murray Waas is just out with a major article in The Atlantic describing how Alberto Gonzales is cooperating with authorities in an effort to minimize and/or escape criminal prosecution and punishment for his acts during service to the Bush Administration. What began as investigations narrowly focused on Gonzales’s conduct could easily morph into broader investigations leading into the White House, and possibly leading to the appointment of a special prosecutor.

The March 10, 2004 Hospital Confrontation, A Timeline

This timeline is incomplete. But since these events have been in the news again, I thought I'd throw it up.

Time to Revisit McCain's Love of Craps

I guess McCain's staffers ultimately failed in their attempts to keep McCain away from the craps table through the whole election season, huh?

I Guess Keeping Haley Barbour Happy...

I think John McCain bagged on this threat to blow off the debate tonight because he thought risking Haley Barbour's ire was more dangerous than total economic collapse.

McCain Out-Hoovers Hoover

Herbert Hoover, as President fucked up a response to a financial crisis. McCain's done him one better: fucked up a response to a financial crisis even before he became President.

Why the Bankruptcy Change is Important

Why are Democrats pushing to include the bankruptcy revisions in the bailout bill? Let’s see what happens to a troubled mortgage in a Chapter 13.

Charlie Keating Helps Sarah Palin With Couric's Tough Questions

When Katie Couric's questions turn you into quivering Jello, you have a problem. Houston, Sarah Palin has a problem. Palin was so at a loss of answers to softball questions last night she had to tell Couric she would have to get back to her with them. Today, Charlie Keating arrives to help Sarah Palin get the answers she promised to Katie.

Bush's Speech Fails with Most Important Audience

I think we're entering into the phase where the federal government starts printing wheelbarrows full of cash.

Did McCain Blow Off Letterman to Pre-Empt Sarah and Katie?

McCain just pre-empted his own running mate's second interview with a straight reporter. You think maybe he believes the Palin-Couric interview didn't go well?

Bush Failure > Obama Leadership > McCain Stunt

This financial crisis is bringing out the true sides of those purportedly in charge: Bush's failed leadership, Obama's assumption of that leadership position, and McCain's cynical gamemanship.


Obama takes 9 point lead in national poll and Palin gimmick has worn off entirely. ... ... What? You thought I was announcing that McCain is suspending his campaign to go back to his day job?

Operation "The Surge Is a Success--Bury the Afghanistan NIE"

The Bush Administration isn't going to tell us what they know about the grim status of Afghanistan. And why should they? After all, if we knew how bad Afghanistan was, we would be able to show the costs of the Iraq surge and other failed Bush policies.

We're Asking the Wrong Guys Trying to Solve the Economic Crisis

Why are we having two guys whose jobs it is to ensure the health of our financial system in charge of solving a problem that arises from structural weaknesses in our entire economic system?
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Conyers Cranky Over Oil Fraud; Drills DOJ With Letter

You knew this was coming, and since I simply can't stomach any more Lurch Paulson discussion today, I bring it to you. Remember Marcy's Drill, Baby, Drill post on sex, lies and oil at the Minerals Management Agency? Clearly, John Conyers found it as titillating as we did. He wants to hear more.

Bush Mouthpiece Admits: They've Been Sitting on this Plan

It turns out, the Bush Administration has been sitting on this bailout plan for "weeks and months."

Who Told the TrooperGate Witnesses to Ignore the Subpoenas?

No one wants to 'fess up to having told the Palin-friendly TrooperGate witnesses to blow off their subpoenas. I wonder why?
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Sarah Palin: Gibberish We Can Believe In?

Energy is supposed to be Sarah Palin's strong point, right? After all, she is the Governor of Alaska, and more to the point, was the chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, the agency that is supposed to "protect the public interest in exploration and development of oil and gas resources, while ensuring conservation practices, enhancing resource recovery, and protecting the health, safety, environment, and property rights of Alaskans." But when she was asked about ensuring that the fruits of domestic oil drilling would go to the domestic market, her answer was complete gibberish.

Oh, THAT Kind of Financial Incentive

I asked a while back what the TrooperGate investigator, Stephen Branchflower, might have meant when he said a key witness--whom he believes lied to him in an interview--had a "financial incentive" to do so. It appears that Murlene Wilkes, who handles the state's workers comp claims, was pressured by the governor's office to deny a claim from Trooper Wooten.