FBI Searches the Home of the Guy Who Said, “I want to see thousands of normies burn that city to ash” on January 6

I want to see thousands of normies burn that city to ash today — Telegram text from person described as UCC-1, January 6, 2021

According to NYT’s Alan Feuer, the person who participated in the Proud Boy leadership Telegram chat planning for January 6 who was described as “Unindicted Co-Conspirator 1” (UCC-1) in the Proud Boy Leaders indictment is Aaron Whallon-Wolkind, the Vice President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Proud Boys.

As described in the indictment, in Telegram chats obtained from Nordean’s phone, UCC-1 made a comment on January 4 reflecting an existing plan. And he played a key role in setting up the radio communications that would be used on the day of the riot.

41. On January 4, 2021, at 8:20 p.m., an unindicted co-conspirator (“UCC-1”) posted to New MOSD channel: “We had originally planned on breaking the guys into teams. Let’s start divying them up and getting baofeng channels picked out.”1

42. On January 5, 2021, at 1:23 p.m., a new encrypted messaging channel entitled “Boots on the Ground” was created for communications by Proud Boys members in Washington, DC. In total, over sixty users participated in the Boots on the Ground channel, including D.C. NORDEAN, BIGGS, REHL, DONOHOE, and UCC-1. Shortly after the channel’s creation, BIGGS posted a message to the channel that read: “We are trying to avoid getting into any shit tonight. Tomorrow’s the day” and then “I’m here with rufio and a good group[.]”


47. UCC-1 the At 9:09 p.m., broadcast a message to New MOSD and Boots Ground channels that read: “Stand by for the shared baofeng channel and shared zello channel, no Colors, be decentralized and use good judgement until further orders” UCC-1 also wrote, “Rufio is in charge, cops are the primary threat, don’t get caught by them or BLM, don’t get drunk until off the street.” UCC-1 then provided a specific radio frequency of 477.985.

UCC-1 also warned the others not to write their criminal plans in Telegram texts.

Specifically, the person identified in the Superseding Indictment as Unindicted Co-Conspirator (“UCC-1”) advised that participants “[s]houldn’t be typing plans to commit felonies into your phone.” UCC-1 later directed that, “if you’re talkin[g] about playing Minecraft2 you just make sure you don’t use your phone at all or even have it anywhere around you.”

2 Minecraft is a video game. Based on information provided by the FBI, the government understands that it is common for persons discussing criminal activity online to refer to such activity as occurring “in Minecraft” to conceal the true nature of the activity.

The full context of UCC-1’s comment about burning DC to ash includes a comment reflecting his belief that “the state is the enemy of the people” and a response from Person 2 describing that “normiecons” have no adrenaline control, a recognition that shows up elsewhere that the Proud Boys could and did inflame non-Proud Boy members.

DONOHOE: Are you here?

UCC-1: No I started a new job, don’t want to fuck it up yet

DONOHOE: Well fuck man

UCC-1: There will be plenty more I’m sure lol

UCC-1: I want to see thousands of normies burn that city to ash today

Person-2: Would be epic

UCC-1: The state is the enemy of the people

Person-2: We are the people

UCC-1: Fuck yea

Person-3: God let it happen . . . I will settle with seeing them smash some pigs to dust

Person-2: Fuck these commie traitors

Person-3 It’s going to happen. These normiecons have no adrenaline control . . . They are like a pack of wild dogs

DONOHOE: I’m leaving with a crew of about 15 at 0830 to hoof it to the monument no colors

Person-2 Fuck it let them loose

Person-3 I agree . . . They went too far when the [sic] arrested Henry as a scare tactic

A detention memo for Ethan Nordean revealed that UCC-1 was monitoring livestreams and using other methods to track the riot (I’ve written about how useful former Army Captain Gabriel Garcia’s live streams would have been for that purpose; given Whallon-Wolkind’s role in setting the channel for the Baofengs, it’s likely he tracked that too).

When the Defendant, his co-Defendants, and the Proud Boys under the Defendant’s command did, in fact, storm the Capitol grounds, messages on Telegram immediately reflected the event. PERSON-2 announced, “Storming the capital building right now!!” and then “Get there.” UCC-1 immediately followed by posting the message, “Storming the capital building right now!!” four consecutive times.6 These messages reflect that the men involved in the planning understood that the plan included storming the Capitol grounds. This shared understanding of the plan is further reflected in co-Defendant Biggs’ real-time descriptions that “we’ve just taken the Capitol” and “we just stormed the fucking Capitol.”

6 UCC-1 and PERSON-2 are not believed to have been present on the Capitol grounds, but rather indicated that they were monitoring events remotely using livestreams and other methods.

The centrality of UCC-1 in the indictment against the Proud Boy leaders — along with Aram Rostom’s reporting on Whallon-Wolkind’s past efforts to share information on Antifa with the FBI — fed conspiracies about the FBI seeding the entire January 6 riot.

In January 2019, a member of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys who called himself “Aaron PB” was on a Telegram chat with fellow members to gather information about Antifa, according to leaked chat screenshots whose authenticity was confirmed by a source familiar with the Proud Boys and by a lawyer for Aaron PB. Aaron PB said in a chat that he was gathering “info we want to send our FBI contact.”

A source close to the federal investigation told Reuters that “Aaron PB” is a Philadelphia Proud Boy leader named Aaron Whallon-Wolkind.

Whallon-Wolkind did not respond to phone calls or questions sent via text. Reached by a Reuters reporter, he hung up.

Patrick Trainor, a New Jersey lawyer for Whallon-Wolkind in an unrelated lawsuit, said Whallon-Wolkind and other Philadelphia Proud Boys had talked about inconsequential matters with the FBI over the years. Those contacts did not amount to anything substantive, Trainor said. Trainor represents other Proud Boys as well.

“They’ve all been approached at different times at different rallies in the city of Philadelphia,” he said. “Plainclothes FBI guys wanted to talk to them. You know: ‘We heard this happened. This happened so let’s talk about it.’”

Trainor acknowledged Whallon-Wolkind made the comments about “our FBI contact” on the Telegram chat, but believes they were not meant to be taken seriously. “I think he was just breaking balls,” Trainor said. “I think there was no contact with the FBI.”

In a May Motion for a Bill of Particulars, Ethan Nordean’s attorneys professed to need the identity of UCC-1 because key allegations in the conspiracy were attributed to him.

The government uses the statements of a person identified as “UCC-1” in the FSI to detain Nordean and to establish a conspiracy. The government has not produced evidence identifying this individual.


The FSI cites a “UCC-1” who allegedly makes various conspiratorial remarks. FSI, ¶¶ 41, 42, 47. The government has not produced evidence identifying this individual.

But by July 15 (not long before Enrique Tarrio called Zach Rehl’s wife to sound out whether Rehl was flipping), when Judge Tim Kelly asked whether Nordean lawyer Nick Smith still wanted that identity, Smith instead emphasized a greater need for evidence linking Dominic Pezzola to his client. Smith did complain that the Proud Boys were left speculating on the identity of the person, ridiculously suggesting that his client didn’t know the identities of the around six other people with whom he was in a leadership Telegram channel. Smith then noted that there was public information (Rostom’s reporting) that UCC-1 had been a government informant. Prosecutor Luke Jones then confirmed that UCC-1 was not a CHS — that is, a paid informant of the sort that FBI might use to entrap others.

Nevertheless, in July, it appeared that prosecutors had a cooperating witness who could attest to an advance plan to storm the Capitol.

On Friday, according to a filing purporting to argue that Zach Rehl should be released on bail, FBI agents raided Whallon-Wolkind’s home.

Rehl’s attorney, Jonathon Moseley, claimed that because (he said), “Aaron Whallon-Wollkind did not join the events in the District of Columbia on January 6, 2021, whether the peaceful demonstrations or the violent attacks by a very, very few against U.S. Capitol Police … the Government has no basis for investigating or charging Whallon-Wollkind other than his connection to Zachary Rehl” [all three forms of emphasis Moseley’s], which in turn Moseley claimed was proof that the government still did not have any evidence against Rehl.

It’s a colossally stupid argument, almost as stupid as Moseley’s last two filings, in which he admitted that the Proud Boys “‘circle[d]’ (in a rectangle) the region around the Capitol to monitor the risk from counter-demonstrators,” an encirclement plan that had been publicly tied to obstructing the vote count in advance, and then argued that because Ali Alexander, a brown person who took credit for organizing the Stop the Steal rallies, had not been arrested yet, his [white] client should not have been either.

In the guise of arguing that a warrant that Judge Kelly likely knew about — if not authorized — in advance did not substantiate probable cause, Moseley laid out anything a co-conspirator might want to know about the raid of one of another co-conspirator, including the date of the search, the items listed in the warrant, the crimes under investigation, the items seized, and Whallon-Wolkind’s [wise] refusal to answer questions without an attorney present.

Before dawn on the morning of Friday, October 8, 2021, approximately 20 law enforcement agents heavily armed and wearing riot police gear, raided the home rented by Aaron Whallon-Wollkind near the Pennsylvania border. Aaron was awakened to threats, commands, and intimidation from an extremely loud loud-speaker (far more powerful than a hand-held bullhorn) ordering him to come out of his rural house with his hands up. He walked out of the door to find his girlfriend already handcuffed outdoors without any pants being guarded by the riot-gear wearing FBI agents.

On his lawn he found an armored personnel carrier which he understands to be a “Bear Cat.” The tank-like armored personnel carrier and other vehicles had torn up his lawn. There was also a roughly 15 foot long battering ram mounted on a vehicle. They were apparently all agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or at least led by the FBI with supporting officers.


In the pre-dawn of Friday, October 8, 2021, Whallon-Wollkind was also handcuffed and held outside while the agents ransacked his house along with his half-naked girlfriend. After some of the roughly 20 agents had searched his house inside, some of the agents brought Whallon-Wollkind back inside where they had moved a single chair in the middle of a room like an interrogation scene from a war movie. They sat him down and began to interrogate him. He told them that he refused to say anything without the advice of an attorney.

The FBI took all of his computer and computer devices and phones, including an old broken phone.

However, Whallon-Wollkind was not arrested or charged.


They had staked out his house and taken photographs. The only thing they did not already have is evidence of Zachary Rehl planning, organizing, or leading a poorly-defined “Stop the Steal protest” which Ari [sic] Alexander takes credit for being the National Organizer of. Counsel has reviewed the search warrant and documents given to Whallon-Wollkind yesterday morning, which was sent by text message from his girlfriend.

Counsel understands that when freely given to Wollkind and his girlfriend, the documents lost their sealed character. The paperwork was freely provided to Wollkind and his girlfriend at their house, with no instructions that any restrictions applied to them. There is nothing in the search warrant that orders anything with regard to the person whose property is being searched. We are not talking about the underlying affidavit, which was not provided and remains under seal. But the deprivation of Zachary Rehl’s liberty, being incarcerated for months of his life he will never get back, for things he did not do, outweighs any interest of the Government in continuing to perpetuate a baseless conspiracy theory against Zachary Rehl.

The search warrant is authorized to be executed by October 14, 2021, corresponding to the motions schedule for the next hearing of this Court.

The search warrant was issued on either October 1, 2021, or October 4, 2021 (the text message version is blurry).


The SUBJECT OFFENSES are the same criminal charges for which Zachary Rehl was indicted in the First Superseding Indictment. The items to be searched and seized include:

a. Clothing items associating AARON WOLKIND with the Proud Boys organization, as described in the affidavit in support of the search warrant application.

* * *

d. Records and information relating to the identification of persons who either (i) collaborated, conspired or assisted (knowingly or unknowingly) the commission of the SUBJECT OFFENSES; or (ii) communicated about matters relating to the SUBJECT OFFENSES, including records that help reveal their whereabouts.

* * *

f. Records and information … any efforts to or questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 Presidential election, the certification process of the 2020 Presidential Election, or otherwise influence the policy or composition of the United States government by intimidation or coercion.

* * *

h. Records and information relating to the state of mind of the subjects and/or co-conspirators, e.g. intent, absence of mistake….

Moseley makes much of the fact that the FBI had correctly identified in which judicial district Whallon-Wolkind’s house is located, which he says is in a rural area close to the PA border, as well as that the FBI had a serial number and type for Whallon-Wolkind’s smart phone.

Indeed, while counsel is not revealing the judicial district where the search warrant was issued, where Wollkind resides, and where the search warrant was executed, the FBI would have to already know everything imaginable about Wollkind in order to apply to the correct judicial district, which is not what one would expect, and to include (thankfully, to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes) three photographs of Wollkind’s rented house. Thus, the FBI did not need to learn about Wollkind. They wanted to scrounge around for evidence against Rehl that they still do not have. The FBI already knew the precise type and serial number of the smart phone used by Wollkind.

It’s as if this attorney has never seen a probable cause warrant affidavit before, which describe both these things to establish probable cause for the warrant.

Moseley’s conspiracy theory is that the FBI obtained this warrant between the time Rehl first renewed his bid for pretrial release and days before the time there’ll be a status hearing exclusively to obtain evidence to use to prove what the DC Circuit Court has already said is adequate basis to detain Rehl’s co-conspirators.

Perhaps the most interesting detail in this filing, however, is a stray sentence that seems to indicate that Whallon-Wolkind may have traveled to DC in January after the riot.

Aaron Whallon-Wollkind never travelled to the District of Columbia until after the protests were over.

Whatever else Moseley argues, this filing comes after months in which his client’s alleged co-conspirators have suggested that Whallon-Wolkind either was cued by the FBI to incite the entire riot with really incriminating statements (which Jones effectively denied) or had only avoided charges for those far more damning statements because he was cooperating. That is, for months, other Proud Boys have argued that Whallon-Wolkind’s statements were badly incriminating. Now Moseley wants the judge who has been hearing that for months (Moseley repeatedly states that this investigation has been going on ten months rather than nine) to believe there’s nothing incriminating about Whallon-Wolkind’s actions leading up to and during the riot.

If Whallon-Wolkind had been cooperating before — presumably under a proffer agreement that would have prohibited the government from using his statements against him so long as they were honest — it appears that cooperation has ceased. Or perhaps the government has gotten more useful cooperators who’ve implicated Whallon-Wolkind more deeply in the planning for that day.

Whatever the reason, the FBI has recently shifted its focus to the guy who expressed his desire on the morning of the insurrection that there would be an insurrection.

99 replies
  1. gulageten says:

    “Whallon-Wollkind was also handcuffed and held outside while the agents ransacked his house along with his half-naked girlfriend.”

    Ugh this grammar (and ugh if she was not afforded some cover.)

    • Yargelsnogger says:

      I just read it as the also ransacked his half-naked girlfriend, not that she was outside half-naked. Either way, however, they could have phrased that much better. :)

      • gulageten says:

        Yes or that she helped the agents ransack the house. We all know what it means to say, of course, which again, I think people should be entitled to dress. And not have their dogs shot, etc.

      • LeeNLP says:

        … or perhaps the half naked girlfriend aided the agents in ransacking the house. Several readings are possible.

    • Ginevra diBenci says:

      I was going there too–the ransacking of the half-naked girlfriend. This is written so carelessly it’s hard to take any of it seriously.

      • Badger Robert says:

        It read as if the attorney knew it was BS, but repeated it so if his client goes down, the attorney can just say, I repeated what you told me.
        What would you do if you thought the client was lying to you and had lied to FBI?

      • Nord Dakota says:

        In the grand tradition of the piano being sold by a lady with curved legs, definitely I would read as the half-naked girlfriend being ransacked.
        But isn’t it chilly in the mornings by now in Pennsylvania?

    • Gerard Plourde says:

      Given the source of the statement, I’d hold back on giving too much credence to the accuracy of the description of the girlfriend’s condition. The use of the term “half-naked” is being deliberately used by counsel to inflame.

  2. Badger Robert says:

    Is the DoJ looking for evidence that UCC-1 has not been truthful? And, are theylooking for alternative sources for information they already have in order to deal with some type of suppresion motion? The guy lawyered up. I suspect he knows he has been telling tall tales.

    • harpie says:

      The quotes get mixed up when you copy and paste…when I tried, it ended up exactly like yours. I had to rearrange it to get it back to original; for example:

      41. On January 4, 2021, at 8:20 p.m., an unindicted co-conspirator (“UCC-1”) posted to New MOSD channel: “We had originally planned on breaking the guys into teams. Let’s start divying them up and getting baofeng channels picked out.”1

    • harpie says:

      This is the next piece, if you want to use it:

      42. On January 5, 2021, at 1:23 p.m., a new encrypted messaging channel entitled “Boots on the Ground” was created for communications by Proud Boys members in Washington, DC. In total, over sixty users participated in the Boots on the Ground channel, including D.C. NORDEAN, BIGGS, REHL, DONOHOE, and UCC-1. Shortly after the channel’s creation, BIGGS posted a message to the channel that read: “We are trying to avoid getting into any shit tonight. Tomorrow’s the day” and then “I’m here with rufio and a good group[.]”

  3. OldTulsaDude says:

    The military structure makes me wonder if any ex-commissioned are near the top or is this bunch of ex-enlisted still playing soldier?

    • LaNita Jones says:

      Definitely sounds as though Person 3 has a pretty firm grasp of the political economy of normieconomics.

        • LaNita Jones says:

          Maybe there is even a super duper declassified version by Hillsong of the end for the evangelical theosophy crowd.

          Thanks, Mr. Anagram.

        • dwfreeman says:

          The Doors. From its La Woman album, 1971, the last one recorded with lead singer Jim Morrison. The above lyrics taken from Riders on the Storm. A perfect title for 1/6 insurrectionists. And while these words fit their mood and Capitol ransacking activity a more revealing stanza of that day is echoed in the second stanza of that song when Morrison intones these lines:

          There’s a killer on the road/HIs brain is squirmin’ like a toad/Take a long holiday/ Let your children play/ If you give this man a ride/ Sweet family will die/ Killer on the road, yeah.

          Trump in the White House watched with gleeful expectation as his acting militia and supporters carried out his stop the steal mission backed by acting officials in every DC law enforcement planning and civil authority to stand down on 1/6 for his selfish benefit no matter the cost to country, people and democracy. Like a dog without a bone, riders on his storm.

        • LaNita Jones says:

          No doubt many of the planners would have taken great pride in getting kicked out of Whisky a Go Go.

      • LaNita Jones says:

        This Person 3 sounds like he knows about BSCT. Surprised he just didn’t call them Seligman Dingos.

    • P J Evans says:

      There might be a few ex-commissioned involved. I’d expect more sergeants than commissioned, though: people who look down on officers and think they know more than enough to run operations without them.

    • G2Geek says:

      Re. MASINT (Measurement And Signatures INTel)

      What specifically, and how so?

      Cellphone unique identifiers, possibly whole tasty herds of them, or something else?

        • LaNita Jones says:

          Adding the MASINT component with “targeted energy” would have already left many brains in the rabbit hole well before they were invited to an event that would be wild. Some probably even had dogs named Cid and would just laugh and laugh for they knew it really meant cruel inhuman and degrading. DIA is a quarter or more of the Daily Brief. President was well versed in “the energy of memes” by the time he got to office. Components about “turn up the volume” were going on even in the 2016 primaries (as was stop the steal) before the general. So many high pitched dog whistles.

  4. Rugger9 says:


    This is the guy trying to muzzle the investigation in GA by DoJ. He’s a burrowed Trumpie, which makes it even more imperative to extirpate these clowns out of government service. They are rabid true believers until proven otherwise, especially ones like this guy who was brought in by Sessions and placed in his current role by Barr. Given how loyalty to DJT was the sole vetting point when he was hired, it follows that these moles will stick shivs in whenever they get the chance.

    Note that the press reports that it is Biden’s DoJ that is interfering.

    • LaNita Jones says:

      Oh before I go. Yes, speaking of, there is no way Trump did not know who Bossert was when he nominated him for Environmental like the Eastman memo seeded.

      That was the entire regime of deregulation. Every freaking deregulation deregulation deregulation speech and E.O. Somewhere way back I saw where things got changed with the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. Maybe one of ours in California someone or some entity wanted.

      Clark seemed more than able to serve a second round in the office of Climate Change Denial he started. They really needed that third term to clinch the whole deal of environmental civil injustice. No way he and Trump had never been introduced before.

      At least the Biden Admin is getting back to the restoration of some of NEPA last week.

      • LaNita Jones says:

        So sorry. Did not mean to conflate Queensberry Eastman with Queensberry School of Law in Senate report.

  5. LaNita Jones says:

    Remember when DNI came out to introduce Russia Iran Russia Iran Russia Iran in Oct 2020. Then it switched real fast to China China China after destabilization operation Capitol?

    No way Eastman wrote that portion of the memo. Executive Order 13848 of 2018 portion.

    See you Wednesday, Old Tulsa . It should be a good hearing.

    Robbie Robertson “Broken Arrow”. Such a good song.

    • LaNita Jones says:

      Acadian Driftwood (Remastered 2000) · The Band
      Apr 18, 2017

      The Band
      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

      A way old one, Tulsa Dude.

  6. subtropolis says:

    “DONOHOE: I’m leaving with a crew of about 15 at 0830 to hoof it to the monument no colors”

    After the recent revelation, courtesy of CREW, this line now makes some sense. It was the Washington Monument, apparently. According to Park Police on the ground there, it was estimated that there were 300 people by about 9am. It seems that Donohoe was among them.


    I suppose that the fact that no video of that encounter has surfaced is because there were few to no “normies” in the crowd at that early hour. The DoJ must have a bunch of security cam video, though.

    • subtropolis says:

      I’ve just had a quick look on google images but found only a couple of photos which appear to have been taken later in the day. It seems that there were some rally attendees who’d drifted over to the monument and were watching the insurrection from afar. One photographer was Carolyn Kaster, of the Associated Press. She’s @CKaster on Twitter should anyone care to ask her whether she was there earlier that morning. (I’m not on Twitter.)

  7. Eureka says:

    Yeah I wondered what you’d make of that statement — which Moseley was sure to repeat (from p.2 to p.6 IIRC) — about the post-event travel.

    The way it’s structurally set-off from the text about the [content (he chooses to share) and (his rhetoric re) focus of the] search warrant suggests that it’s serious business, real talk.

    Did the SW include the melted remains of a pyre of burned radios? E-waste-sniffing dogs? /sarcasm, sarcasm

  8. Troutwaxer says:

    The paragraph starting with “They had staked out his house and taken photographs. The only thing they did not already have is evidence of Zachary Rehl planning, organizing, or leading a poorly-defined “Stop the Steal protest”” and the three paragraphs following don’t seem related to the rest of the documents. The article starts by discussing Whallon-Wolkind and the raid on his house. Are we to understand that Whallon-Wolkind revealed an upcoming search of Zachary Rehl’s house (10/14/2021) after somehow getting notice that it was to happen, notice which did not include anything resembling a gag-order? Or am I misunderstanding something?

  9. Rugger9 says:

    OT: I see in the news that a nuclear engineer (a submariner aka “bubblehead”) with his wife was busted passing information to “Country1” about the power plant. There is a lot of speculation in the press about whether France is Country1, but I seriously doubt it. The propulsion plant while important is not as important as how quiet a sub is, and while there are elements of the plant that can definitely affect the ability to run silently, there are other things that can be done to make the sub undetectable.

    So, while much attention has been focused on the “wine” comment, I think that is a red herring, and my 2 cents says Country1 is the People’s Republic of China since they are the ones with an active interest in being able to get our subs before our subs send their amphibs to the bottom in the coming Taiwan invasion.

    If this is the case, no punishment is too strict for our rat because the enemy exploiting those kinds of secrets will kill hundreds of sailors every time a sub is lost.

  10. harpie says:

    A MISTAKE I’ve been making about Joe BIGGS movements on J6:
    I’m making a CORRECTION on something I’ve probably posted a few times, as I did yesterday, here:

    Between 2:19 PM and 2:44 PM PROUD BOY BIGGS exits the Capitol on the EAST side. [carriage door?] BIGGS and several PROUD BOYS pose for a photo at the top of the steps.

    We had a conversation about that error here:

    • harpie says:

      With that said, here is a 12 minute VIDEO compilation [via Benny Bryant] which shows BIGGS’ movements throughout the day:

      [10:09] 2:14 PM Biggs enters Capitol northwest side
      [10:36] 2:17 PM BIGGS is standing outside the NW breach point [10:44]
      then [11:03] BIGGS goes back into arched area where breach point is.

      Here’s the original tweet BRYANT linked to:
      7:32 PM · Apr 10, 2021

      #JoeBiggs timeline [VIDEO] starting around 10:30 am at the Washington monument and ending at 3:37 pm on the East side of the capitol where he poses for a lovely photo opp [short video and link]

      • harpie says:

        There is a timestamp break in this BIGGS VIDEO footage from 2:17 PM when he RE-enters the breached NW Door until 2:40 PM when he is walking up some stairs inside the CAPITOL with red-checked-shirt-man in tow.

        • harpie says:

          Also at around 2:40 PM:

          At around 2:40, they [Rae, Jackman, BIGGS] entered the East door.

          At almost exactly the same time, Jason Dolan and Kenneth Harrelson entered the door along with the Oath Keeper stack led by Kelly Meggs (this is believed to be a picture Harrelson took of Dolan filming the entry; if you watch the video you can see both signs visible in the Biggs photo, making it clear that the people kitted out with helmets in that picture are the Stack).

          People like the Getsingers — who were brought there by Alex Jones — pushed through around the same time.

        • harpie says:

          And Alex JONES was on camera at the EAST PLAZA:

          JONES [10:08] 2:40 PM-2:42 PM
          JONES: […] But, some people did take the scaffolding and tried to force their way into the building. I saw some of the first footage, looked like meth head, leftist, uh Antifa dressed up like us, wearing masks. […] Now it could be patriots wearing masks, very, very rare, but it looks like leftists. The whole covid thing…wear their masks and commit their crime. This is all symbolic and implematic of the election fraud, of the covid hoaxes, of the lockdowns, martial law, we’ve entered into where everything is fraud for the democrats. So, that is going to conjure [end]

        • harpie says:

          Also around 2:40 PM,
          the TUNNEL FIGHT begins, and lasts until about 5:04 PM:

          Attack on the Tunnel Entrance at the Lower West Terrace,
          from David JUDD J6 case:

          [pdf 4/15] [[…] 13. […] To enter the United States Capitol through the Lower West Terrace, one must walk through a short tunnel with a series of glass doorways. Around 2:40 p.m., a group of officers were maintaining a line at the second set of glass doors inside the tunnel. Officers reporting to the scene rushed to the tunnel from within the building while protesters outside of the tunnel continued to summon more men to push their way through the tunnel.

        • harpie says:

          I DON’T KNOW BIGGS re-entered the door.
          I DO know he walked into the archway TOWARD the breached NW Door.

          Is there VIDEO of BIGGS outside the CAPITOL from 2:17 to 2:40 PM?

        • harpie says:

          1] [0:38] 10:28 AM The guy with reddish blond shoulder length hair, a black face mask, a black pea-cap[?] and black or navy jacket and jeans walking in the front row [2nd from right] with leadership away from Washington Monument.

          2] I think he’s the guy at 0:19 on this “you stole a riot shield?” VIDEO just AFTER PEZZOLA and DONOHOE walk by with the riot shield. He stops to talk to someone who’s not visible.
          [POSSIBLE conversation: what are you guys trying to do? …went all the way around. Yeah? Awesome. Go around. It’s open.]

          3] AND I think he’s the same guy that’s in the alcove just above BIGGS, walking towards the breached NW Door just as BIGGS is also climbing the steps toward that NW Door, at [11:00] 2:17 PM, which he just flamboyantly went INTO at 2:14 PM [pulling down his gaitor to show his face: “it’s awesome!”]

          NOTE: …In general, I could use some help identifying locations and people, and figuring out what people are saying…if anyone has time and inclination…

          I really think we should evaluate the comings and goings in the into and out of that alcove at that time.

        • Eureka says:

          Hi Harpie — #s 1 & 2 are same guy. I think #3 — Alcove Guy — is different (longer thinner lighter ‘hair’; and where did the plaid come from, etc.. Despite remarkably similar profiles of hat). On a quick look.

          While you are reviewing video, keep your eye out:

          I still want to know relationship/path of Big Carhartt Guy who appears to be carrying some type of ? weapon/stun device ? as he circles Capitol with Rehl, Nordean, Biggs:


          He’s walking with leadership in most of the marching-type video.

          Haven’t had time to watch whole Biggs Movie — where does this clip fit there (assuming it is included)?

        • Eureka says:

          Scratch that re Alcove Guy — pulled up the other video and I think you’re right: the blur I called “plaid” might be his mask to the side and he may have pulled his hair into a low ponytail or otherwise have it to the side (such that it looks ‘longer’ in the alcove).

          # harpie hat trick — what should be the prize?

        • harpie says:

          Hi Eureka! Thanks for the feedback!

          There’s a schematic of the NW Door breach at 2:16 of the WaPo VIDEO report, which I’ll be studying today, if I get a chance:

          I don’t know anything about Big Carhartt Sweatshirt Guy…am still not sure which one he is…could you give me anymore info?

        • harpie says:

          I’m still working on the WaPo Video [from so long ago, uggg], but want to get this here before the comments close:

          In The JOE BIGGS MOVIE, at 2:40 PM, when we see BIGGS on video again for the first time since 2:17 PM, walking up some stairs inside the CAPITOL with red-checked-shirt-man in tow, [WHERE ARE THESE STAIRS?] this is what’s on the WaPo report:

          [10:51] Lawmakers and Congressional staff on the House Floor are evacuating by the Speakers Lobby at 2:41 [2:41 PM] [Split screen / Schematic Floor 2], just as rioters reach the Lobby and come within approximately 60 feet of the lawmakers. Members of Congress file down narrow, rarely-used staircases to a secure location.

          [The HOUSE is on the SOUTH end of the building]

          [11:14] As the last lawmakers from the House Floor leave at 2:42 p.m. [2:42 PM], the number of rioters grows around the House Chamber. Some Representatives remain in the House Gallery. [Representative Daniel Kildee, D-MI, speaks]
          [END BLOCKQUOTE]

        • harpie says:

          A BIGG ADDITION:

          2:39 PM BIGGS is shown near the top of the stairs by the EAST COLUMBUS DOORS as they are breached, with red-checked shirt man in tow.

          So, the break in timestamps is between 2:17 and 2:39 PM

          Also, those narrow stairs they’re ascending together at 2:40 PM must be between the second and third floors. He ends up at the Senate Gallery, so they’re probably on the Senate side.

      • harpie says:

        2:41 PM RHODES posts another photograph showing the SOUTHEAST side of the Capitol with the caption: “South side of US Capitol. Patriots pounding on doors[.]”
        2:43 PM People are smashing glass in the doors to the House chamber. Police have guns drawn and aimed at the door.
        2:44 PM Attempted Breach at Speaker’s Lobby. Ashli Babbitt is shot.
        2:44 PM Senate Chamber breached
        2:44 PM BIGGS with other PROUD BOYS and OTHERS forcibly re-enter the Capitol through the Columbus Doors on the EAST and enter the Capitol directly in front of a group [“stack”] of individuals affiliated with the OATH KEEPERS.
        2:47 PM NYT:

        Mr. Stone’s [OK] security team is spotted at the Capitol. One of them, Guard 6, [MINUTA] can be seen taunting Capitol Police officers in riot gear, who are trying to protect the building. [VIDEO] [Looks like EAST side, CARRIAGE ENTRANCE area]

        2:47 PM PROUD BOY REHL et al: “You guys wanna go in?” [WEST side]
        2:48 PM OATH KEEPER CALDWELL, on the WEST side of the Capitol [FB]
        “We are surging forward. Doors breached.”
        2:53 PM REHL enters the Capitol through the same door first entered by BIGGS on the WEST side of the building

  11. Phil Sadd says:

    This sounds like a fake article by a guy and his lackee. UCC-1 is Aaron. His father was a weather underground communist.

    Aaron is untrustworthy and this article is more than likely a fake on a fake news website. Let me know when an actual legitimate media source carries the story. This is a fake attempt by Arron Wholkind and Rodrigo Wallace aka RoD of the Philadelphia PB. Total farce. Don’t believe it until you see it on multiple sources.

  12. KP says:

    I would go back to the early influence of Ayn Rand and the Objectivist’s hatred for the draft, beginning a decade (at least?) before Nixon pushed the all-volunteer forces idea and the ending of the draft. Whatever Dick thought about any philosophies or legal understandings about the draft, and ‘personal liberty,’ he saw the problems within the Army having middleclass, educated men in the ranks, who understood the fallacy of our reasons for being in Vietnam, and predictably rejected and resisted, while still within bounds of military purview. Nixon and his ilk did not want an army that might have enlisted men and women that would think for themselves, even while doing what was called for by their superiors. An all-volunteer force would be, and we have seen this now for over 40 years, complacent. Middleclass, college-educated men and women are not the typical volunteer, and I’m sure statistics would reflect very few such enlist to the ‘ranks.’ Too, the retirement of the officers and NCOs with the hard earned lessons from Vietnam are long long gone. So now we have the ‘cowboy’ mentality. *sighs*

    • LaNita Jones says:

      I believe sergeant in arms in these cases means something else entirely. They were middle class even in ancient days. They desperately needed to see themselves not to be normies even way back then least they be thrown to the arsonist and adrenal-lacking dogs they were disparaging.

      • LaNita Jones says:

        Meaning cover for Trump’s Congressmen ramped up even more after Toomey voted to impeach. Glad to see he is still helping to clean up these national security issues.

        “Through the Bicameral Congressional Trade Authority Act, we can restore Congress’ authority by once again requiring tariffs imposed for so-called ‘national security’ purposes to be approved by Congress, including those previously enacted on steel and aluminum in 2018.”

    • Mojo Risin' says:

      The transition to the all-volunteer army occurs parallel with many other libertarian-proximate and significant cold war events, 1972-1975, gold/b-w dumped, Savimbi flipped from Mao to CIA, Casey prepares pseudo-exile, Jackson-Vanick, the emergence of FedSoc and Likud.

  13. harpie says:

    Marcy has a little new information and thoughts about it:

    5:31 PM · Oct 11, 2021

    According to this, the super secret location Jonathon Moseley (who this piece says is ALSO representing Aaron Whallon-Wolkind, in addition to Zach Rehl), his secret rural location close to the PA border is in Newark, DE. [Phila Inquirer. Link]

    Newark isn’t that far from Baltimore, where Enrique Tarrio went after he was released post-arrest. [MAP]

    According to filings, Wolkind (AWW), issued orders as if speaking from a hierarchy and monitored what was going on from various live reports.

    • Mojo Risin' says:

      Newark DE isn’t just a two hour drive from Baltimore, it is also roughly that to Doug Mastriano’s PA district AND a little less than that to the beach towns of Kav’s hijinks and the Squee hideout. Delaware isn’t just the money-laundering mailbox state for cultural reasons, it’s a natural base for crooks that don’t quite want to be in MD DC PA NJ, but want to get to them in a reasonable drive.

  14. VinnieGambone says:

    Suprised radio channels were able to be activated effectively since it seems they all had a their dick in their hands the whole time they were trying to pull this off .

  15. harpie says:

    Some things that were happening at the CAPITOL between 2:16 PM and 2:40 PM

    2:16 PM JONES entourage climbs the EAST steps.
    [There’s Alex, right there. Yup.] [chanting: We will fight. We will not fall. Where we go one, we go all!]
    2:17 PM BOEBERT: We were locked in the House Chambers.
    2:18 PM BOEBERT: The Speaker has been removed from the chambers.
    2:18 PM 7th Republican to speak is @RepGosar.
    2:19 PM PROUDBOY “Boots on the Ground” channel member posts: “We just stormed the capitol.”
    2:20 PM JONES speaks at the top of the East Steps
    2:24 PM TRUMP tweets:

    Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth! [Twitter: This claim about election fraud is disputed]

    2:24 PM K MEGGS to RHODES; Call :02
    2:25 PM Kaitlan Collins tweets:

    I’ve asked the White House for a comment from President Trump on the chaos unfolding on Capitol Hill right now by a mob wearing MAGA sweatshirts and waving Trump flags. No response yet.

    2:25 PM The EAST SIDE COLUMBUS DOORS are BREACHED for the FIRST time for about 3 minutes with help from intruders INSIDE

    • harpie says:

      2:28 PM Attacking the House Chamber doors
      2:28 PM West Plaza fully breached
      2:29 PM Visitor Center security doors adjacent Crypt blocked & breached
      2:30 PM JAMES and MINUTA begin Grand Theft Golf Cart
      2:31 PM PERSON TEN to RHODES; Call 5:25
      2:32 PM RHODES and MEGGS; Call 1:37
      2:33 PM MINUTA and JAMES end Grand Theft Golf Cart near NW corner of CAPITOL Grounds
      2:33 PM MINUTA to PERSON TEN; Call :49
      2:33 PM MINUTA taunts police at NORTHEAST corner [carriage door?]
      2:35 PM OATH KEEPER stack forms on EAST Steps
      2:35 PM WEST DOOR breached
      2:35 PM Rep. Mo BROOKS [AL] tweets:

      Tear gas dispersed in Capitol Rotunda. Congressmen ordered to grab gas masks under chairs in case have to leave in haste!

      2:36 PM OATH KEEPERS stack climbs EAST Steps
      2:37 PM [Man on phone]Can I speak to Pelosi? Yeah, we’re coming bitch! Oh, Mike Pence, we’re coming for you too fucking traitor.
      2:38 PM TRUMP tweets [VIDEO]

      Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!

      2:38 PM UNKNOWN to LEADERS; Signal
      “QRF standing by at hotel. Just say the word…”
      2:39 PM CENTER EAST DOOR breached for the SECOND time.
      2:39 PM Rep. Mo BROOKS [AL] tweets:

      At least #Socialist #Democrats have NOT defunded Capitol police.
      Evacuating chamber.

      2:40 PM RHODES to LEADERS; Signal
      “Trump better do his damn duty”
      2:40 PM UNKNOWN to LEADERS; Signal
      “SWAAT should stand down and abide by their oath”
      2:40 PM UNKOWN to LEADERS; Signal
      “Hopefully anyone inside the capitol is barricading themselves in and continually reinforce their positions for the long haul”


    • harpie says:

      NEW, between 2:16 PM and 2:40 PM:

      Via #SeditionHunters:
      12:21 PM · Oct 13, 2021

      Here, with synched up video, is how the breach of the upper west terrace unfolded.

      Doors were opened by exiting protesters, and incoming rioters made their move. Police were quickly overwhelmed by the numbers.

      This was roughly 25 minutes after the building was first breached. [VIDEO]

      [2:20 minute synched clips begin at 2:33 PM and end at 2:35 PM]

    • harpie says:

      WaPo VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibWJO02nNsY
      I have a bare bones outline of the WaPo VIDEO, and want to add a couple things here [WaPo narration and descriptions of visuals]:

      [4:38] 2:15 PM [Floor 1 schematic] As the crowd grows, the mob fills the halls of the Capitol and police struggle to gain control.
      [4:48] 2:15 PM The rioters splinter off into different factions throughout the building.
      [5:25] 2:15 PM [split screen VIDEO/ Floor 1 Schematic showing CRYPT] A groups of rioters move toward the NORTHEAST side of the Capitol where officers attempt to push them out of the building. [Floor 1 schematic NORTHEAST]

      […] [2:17 PM Joe BIGGS walks back into that alcove toward the NW Door breach]

      [6:37] 2:25 PM By 2:25 [VIDEO] the size of the mob swells in the crypt, the room right under the Capitol Rotunda, and violent rioters crush the police.
      [6:49] 2:25 PM At the same time, [2:25 PM] on the floor above [ROTUNDA], another lone Capitol Police officer fights to keep an entrance to the Rotunda closed, but is overpowered by the mob. [EAST COLUMBUS DOORS] Rioters stream through the now open main doors on the east side of the building.
      [This is the FIRST BREACH of those doors]

  16. harpie says:


    [0:00] 10:27 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS at Washington Monument. NORDEAN giving directions.
    [0:26] 10:28 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS begin to walk away from Washington Monument.
    [0:59] 10:28 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS seem to be approaching sidewalk. Some are flashing PB hand signal.
    [1:03] 10:28 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS crossing road; “Fuck Antifa” chant [“Fuck Biden” sign]
    [1:18] 10:29 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS walking on grassy slope. “Fuck Antifa” chant;
    [1:33] 10:29 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS walking on grassy relatively level surface
    [1:39] 10:29 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS crossing road onto grassy surface
    [1:47] 10:29 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS walking on grass, chanting [what???]
    [1:55] 10:29 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS walking on grass; “Fuck Antifa” chant [[2:03] Capitol is straight ahead] [SIRENS to their right]
    [2:07] 10:29 AM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL, OTHERS walking on grass [Capitol straight ahead]

    [Next timestamp is unknown; guessing about 10:40 AM? SEE: [2:07] 10:29 AM How long does it take to walk that far?]

    [2:19] XX:XX AM? [Standing near the Capitol] NORDEAN to BIGGS:
    “You know, I haven’t seen BRANDON, yet. I don’t know where BRANDON’s at.”
    [DONOHOE is there]
    [2:40] XX:XX AM? MAN: Open up both of ‘em.
    MAN with a tan coat: He would love GAVIN’s number. Yeah, I’m not gonna give GAVIN’s number out. Oh and if any, was anybody watching earlier when I got to meet a , a Alex JONES? If you watch the video from earlier, Alex JONES was …You can’t take my wallet. There’s nothing in there. Hahaha I’m a broke ass cowboy.
    Mustache Man: You’re a poor boy.
    MAN with a tan coat: Speaking of that, where’s the whiskey. We gotta pour some whiskey. Alex [unintelligible] he already left. He was there earlier.
    [ALL this time BIGGS is speaking with NORDEAN, gesturing towards their left. REHL and DONOHOE are there.]
    [3:27] XX:XX AM? BIGGS to NORDEAN, REHL, DONOHOE: [gesturing to his left] …go around the side…we have to go all the way…

    • harpie says:

      [3:37] 12:47 PM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL walking on pavement, parked POLICE K-9 Unit car with flashing lights to their left, barricades blocking grassy area to their right.] [Man talking about a dog?]
      BIGGS [gesturing] [sounds like]: …through the park MAN says yup.
      [3:53] 12:47 PM BIGGS and OTHERS say WHOA! [He’s stretching his arms out.] They’re walking together in a row [l-r] NORDEAN, DONOHOE, BIGGS, REHL They look to the left and back.
      [4:21] 12:48 PM One of the men talks on the phone. Someone says: Ukrainian Proud Boys. [?] Someone with a blue rolled up flag/pole comes to talk to NORDEAN
      [4:43] Someone yells something like Hoo-Roo! And others respond by yelling that.
      [4:46] Someone yells: All right, let’s go folks. They begin walking down the middle of the road. [double yellow lines]
      [4:49] 12:48 PM [split screen] The whole group is walking, chanting something. BIGGS in front walking backwards, gesturing with arms extended. “Where’s Antifa?”
      [5:11] 12:50 PM USA! Chants; they seem to be near the WEST Lawn/ Peace Monument area?
      [5:20] 12:50 PM BIGGS, NORDEAN, REHL and CROWD nearing CAPITOL
      [5:36] BIGGS [megaphone] Everybody right now!
      1] Where’s Antifa? Call/response
      2] Fuck Antifa! Call/response
      3] We want Trump!
      4] We love Trump!
      [6:41] 12:51 PM BIGGS [megaphone]:
      5] Who’s house?/Our House! Call/response
      6] 1776!
      [6:52] 12:51 PM [At the Peace Monument?]
      1776! Call/response
      MAN: Let’s go boys! Revolution!
      [7:15] MAN: I got a feeling they believe there’s five officers in the stocks [??]
      [7:21] 12:52 PM MAN: This means war! 1776!
      [7:45] 12:55 PM BIGGS/NORDEAN [at stairs/walkway/breach?]
      [7:58] 12:59 PM BIGGS at WEST PLAZA[?]
      [8:03] 1:00 PM WEST Front at scaffolding

      [Approximately one hour BREAK in timestamps]

      [8:09] 2:06 PM[lower terrace?]
      [8:50] 2:10 PM BIGGS, CROWD breaches scaffolding
      [8:59] 2:11 PM BIGGS up the stairs
      MAN: Go, go go; This is war, baby!
      [9:22] 2:12 PM BIGGS [upper terrace?]
      [9:57] 2:13 PM BIGGS walking toward NW doorway breach
      [10:02] 2:13 PM MAN: Holy fucking shit, it’s going down!
      [10:09] 2:14 PM Biggs enters Capitol NORTHWEST side
      CROWD: Who’s house? Our house!
      [10:36] 2:17 PM BIGGS standing outside the NW breach point [10:44] then [11:03] BIGGS goes back into arched area where breach point is.

      [There is a timestamp break in this BIGGS VIDEO footage from 2:17 PM when he enters NW Door until 2:40 PM when he is walking up some stairs inside the CAPITOL with red-checked-shirt-man in tow.]

      [11:35] 2:40 PM BIGGS [with red check shirt behind, hand on shoulder] [walking up some stairs inside the CAPITOL.]
      [11:41] 2:45 PM BIGGS in SENATE GALLERY
      [11:49] 3:09 PM BIGGS walking away from CAPITOL [Northeast?]
      [12:01] 3:37 PM PHOTO, Biggs, NORDEAN, 6 OTHERS [grassy area, Southeast?]

      • harpie says:


        2:39 PM BIGGS is shown near the top stairs by the EAST COLUMBUS DOORS as they are breached, with red-checked shirt man in tow.

        So, the break in timestamps is between 2:17 and 2:39 PM

        Also, those narrow stairs they’re ascending together at 2:40 PM must be between the second and third floors. He ends up at the Senate Gallery, so they’re probably on the Senate side.

  17. LaNita Jones says:

    Oh speaking of. Does not sound like Charles Brandon Record was at the riots. Lot’s of Brandons in this bunch. Stunt man directors don’t have to be there to walk dogs. He probably had a drag show to get to on the west coast.

        • bmaz says:

          Hi there. I do not give a flying fuck what your “roots” are. You have appeared out of the ether attempting to control, if not own, our threads though relentless commentary, often in response to yourself.

          That is not going to work here today, nor any other day. You are parked for now, and may soon just be banished.

  18. LaNita Jones says:

    Oh. Reminder for Hearing on Veterans Joining Extremist Groups tomorrow.

    House Veterans’ Affairs Committee holds a hearing on the recruitment of veterans to violent extremist groups.


  19. harpie says:

    3:34 AM · Oct 13, 2021

    Heather Shaner, defense attorney for Jack GRIFFITH:

    What occurred on January 6, 2021 was not a naturally developed protest. It was, I believe, a coup attempt- – fomented intentionally by right wing actors who used data mining and psychological manipulation. Vulnerable individuals were identified and persuaded through the internet that it was their patriotic duty to come to Washington to support Trump. In Washington, they were emboldened and ushered down the avenue to “Stop the Steal” and to storm the Capitol.


  20. harpie says:

    Inside the U.S. Capitol at the height of the siege
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibWJO02nNsY Jan 16, 2021
    [WaPo narration and descriptions of visuals]:

    [0:08] [Trump speaks]: “We’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I love Pennsylvania Avenue. And we’re going to the Capitol…[video of people walking] We’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
    [027] Introduction
    [1:50] 2:12 PM RIOTERS ENTER [Floor 2 schematic] Lawmakers in both the House and Senate Chambers are meeting to certify electoral votes for President-elect Joe Biden. [split screen] Outside, a man uses a police shield to smash a window. He was seen earlier that day with members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group with a history of violence. [2:11 PEZZOLA highlighted] A group from the crowd enters the Capitol a floor below where the Senate is in session.
    [2:22] 2:13 PM A minute later, at 2:13, Pence is ushered off the Senate Floor to a nearby office. [Senator ?? speaking] Senate President pro-temp Charles E. Grassley begins presiding, but almost immediately calls a recess. Grassley is escorted out of the Senate Chamber.
    [3:00] 2:13 PM [Floor 1 Northeast schematic] At that moment, one floor below the Senate Chamber, rioters enter and begin pursuing a lone Capitol Police officer, Eugene Goodman, up a staircase to the second floor. They are nearing the Chamber, which is filled with lawmakers. [3:34] [Floor 2 Northeast schematic] The rioters at one point pass within 100 feet of where Pence is huddled with his family. Goodman leads the mob away from a nearby entrance to the Chamber toward a line of police. [see schematic at 3:53]
    [4:12] 2:15 PM Around 2:15, the doors to the Senate Chamber are locked. [Video from WEST Front]
    [4:34] 2:15 PM The Lockdowns
    [4:38] 2:15 PM [Floor 1 schematic] As the crowd grows, the mob fills the halls of the Capitol and police struggle to gain control.
    [4:43] [split screen VIDEO with schematic] [4:46 Floor 2 NORTHEAST closeup schematic] [4:47 LE Officer with long gun-what kind of patch is that?]
    [4:48] The rioters splinter off into different factions throughout the building.
    [4:52] The House is still in session. Senators wait in the chamber. [Senator Tina Smith speaks]
    [Texts with family: 2:20 PM: If you are watching the news…I’m safe in the Senate Chamber.
    2:22 PM The protesters have gotten inside the building.]
    [5:25] [split screen VIDEO/ Floor 1 Schematic showing CRYPT] A group of rioters move toward the NORTHEAST side of the Capitol where officers attempt to push them out of the building. [Floor 1 schematic NORTHEAST]
    [5:38] 2:16 PM On the South side, the House continues proceedings even as the Senate is locked down. Representative Paul Gosar has the floor, but members are restless.
    [6:07] Police announce the attack on their radio channels. House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer, is escorted out of the chamber and the House goes into recess. House speaker Nancy Pelosi has already been evacuated.
    [6:28] 2:19 PM At 2:19, Capitol police issue an alert on a quote “security threat inside the building.” [documents]
    [6:37] 2:25 PM By 2:25 [VIDEO] the size of the mob swells in the crypt, the room right under the Capitol Rotunda, and violent rioters crush the police.
    [6:49] 2:25 PM At the same time, on the floor above [ROTUNDA], another lone Capitol Police officer fights to keep an entrance to the Rotunda closed, but is overpowered by the mob. [EAST COLUMBUS DOORS] Rioters stream through the now open main doors on the east side of the building.
    [This is the FIRST BREACH of those doors]
    [7:13] 2:26 PM They flood through the Rotunda and into Statuary Hall, moving toward the House chamber, [LEFT turn] where, as of 2:26 Representatives have resumed session. [Representative Jayapal speaks]
    [7:39] 2:28 PM Rioters enter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s suite. Members of Pelosi’s staff hide under a table in a conference room.
    [Voice of Pelosi staffer: “They’re with …we need Capitol Police come into the hallway. They’re pounding on doors trying to find her.”]
    [7:57] 2:28 PM Rioters gather near the House Chamber entrance.
    [8:13] House and Senate Floor Evacuations
    [8:17] 2:29 PM [Floor 2 schematic] The House recesses again at 2:29.
    [x:xx] 2:30 PM The Senate is evacuated at 2:30. [Floor 2 schematic NORTHEAST] Over the next several minutes, Senators move out of the Chamber to a nearby staircase.
    [8:27] [Split screen / full Floor 1 schematic] [not showing specific routs for security reasons], but they pass within yards of rioters, separated only by a handful of outnumbered police. [Sen Mike Lee speaks]
    [9:06] Rioters chanting “We want Trump” in front of line of officers outside House Chamber.
    [9:12] 2:33 PM At 2:33, a request for assistance is announced over police radio [AUDIO]
    [9:45] House Chamber Entrance [Floor 2 schematic] Rioters flood the hallways and look for an entrance to the barricaded House Chamber, while members of Congress remain on the FLOOR and in the GALLERY, one floor above. [Floor 3 schematic]
    [9:58] [Rep Peter Welch (D-Vt. Speaks]
    [10:12] 2:37 PM Over the next few minutes, security attempts to block the Chamber Doors as lawmakers and staff evacuate. [Rep.???-R-Fl speaking] [Rep Robin Kelly D-ILL speaking]
    [10:41] Plain clothes law enforcement officers on the House Floor draw their firearms and aim toward the doors as rioters break windows and push against the barricade.
    [10:51] 2:41 PM Lawmakers and Congressional staff on the House Floor are evacuating by the Speakers Lobby at 2:41 [Split screen / Floor 2 schematic], just as rioters reach the Lobby and come within approximately 60 feet of the lawmakers. Members of Congress file down narrow, rarely used staircases to a secure location.
    [11:14] 2:42 PM As the last lawmakers from the House Floor leave at 2:42 p.m., the number of rioters grows around the House Chamber. Some Representatives remain in the House Gallery. [Representative Daniel Kildee, D-MI, speaks]
    [11:51] 2:44 PM Officers move aside as a tactical unit is arriving, but the mob starts smashing the windows with flagpoles and helmets.
    [12:07] 2:44 PM On the other side of the building, rioters have entered the Senate Chamber. [Split screen zip-tie guy and his mother / Floor 3 schematic, Senate]
    [12:11] [Floor 2 schematic]
    [12:12] [split screen Floor 3 schematic House] In the House Chamber, members crouch in the upstairs Gallery. They are unable to leave, locked in by the Capitol Police to prevent rioters from entering.
    [12:20] 2:44 PM Ashli BABBITT, a Trump supporter and Air Force veteran, tries to climb through the shattered door window. An officer fires a single shot. The shot was audible inside the House Chamber, where members are soon concerned their lapel pins might identify them. Babbitt later dies of her injuries.
    [12:59] 2:49 PM At 2:49, the Members in the House Gallery are being evacuated by Capitol Police. [Rep Ro Khanna[sp?] speaks]
    [5[?] rioters face down, spreadeagle on floor in the hall, with a large gun pointed at them.]
    [13:17] 2:53 PM The Members make their way to safety. The last of the large groups of lawmakers to do so, descending down a staircase in this photograph at 2:53.
    [13:26] Over the next several hours, police worked to secure the building – – dispersing the crowd using stun grenades and other riot-control tactics. The Governors of Maryland and Virginia dispatched National Guard troops. At one point, Trump in a video message urged his followers to go home, telling them he loved them, and calling them very special.
    [x:xx] 8:06 PM The Senate gaveled back into session at 8:06, to confirm Joe Biden as President-elect.
    [13:56] [Pence speaks] The House impeached President Trump for “incitement of insurrection” one week later on Jan. 13. [END]

    #J6TL [added w/follow-on comment deleted to streamline thread. :-) /~Rayne]

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