Powerline Blog Leads SJC's Republicans Trolling through Parks, Public-Assistance Agencies, and Liquor Stores

Why do the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee give treat Powerilne Blog as more credible than Republican Governors Charlie Crist and Tim Pawlenty?

The Auto Bridge Plan

Here's what Barney Frank's Financial Services Committee is proposing to bail out the US auto manufacturers, using money from TARP.Short-term Operating Plan – The automaker must submit a short-term operating plan that describes the intended use of the loans, including the commitment of resources to develop a long-term restructuring plan and repayment of the

We Get to See the Hatfill Warrant

Judge Lamberth just ordered the government to unseal its search warrant application pertaining to Stephen Hatfill.

The Auto Bailout: Who Is In Favor of What

In this post, I described the three different proposed funds for the auto industry. Now, I'd like to lay out which politicians are advocating what. I'll update this as we go forward. Pro-Bailout Carl Levin (and Jennifer Granholm and the rest of the MI delegation, both Democrat and Republican): Particularly given John Dingell's current focus on retaining his Chairmanship, Levin has taken the lead on championing a bailout for the auto industry.
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T. Boone or not T. Boone

We have had quite the go lately here at the FDL Borg Hive over the automaker bailout and, more specifically, the most pressing of which is GM. For the moment though, I want to touch on a corollary to the future of the American auto industry, and that is the transition to clean and green that needs to occur for long term sustainability of Deetroit wheels.

Proposed Funds to the Auto Industry

A review of the three different potential sources of funding for the auto industry.

We Are All Flint, MI Now

Here's one bad case scenario for a GM bankruptcy I've been thinking about: SAIC buys big parts of it, and uses it to start selling Chinese-built cars in the US.

Greg Craig as White House Counsel

Obama just named the guy who helped him cave on FISA as his own White House Counsel.

No Girlz Aloud

All of a sudden, now that we've no longer got a girl on a presidential ticket, we no longer have girlz on the Sunday shows.

What the AP Left Out about the UAW

For some reason, the AP left out all the sacrifices the UAW has already made to make the US manufacturers more efficient.

"I Told You So"

Eliot Spitzer finally breaks his silence to talk about the changes we need to fix the financial crisis.
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Trash Talk - Post Throwdown Action

Okay, we shot our wad a little early this week with the special Thursday Throw Down. But man, what a game. J - E - T - S Jets, Jets, Jets! Okay, enough of that; the Pats will be back, and the Jets have to deal with masaccio's Titans next week, so it is a temporary euphoria. Lots of good games left this weekend, both college and pro.

Clinton to State? Is Mid-East Peace Back On The Table?

There has been a lot of chatter the last 48 hours or so about Obama considering Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State. The chatter practically exploded this afternoon with the report that the President-Elect had formally offered the job to her and she was considering the offer.Most all of the discussion to date as to why Barack Obama might be so motivated has centered on the "Team of Rivals" aspect

Reid to McConnell: Don't Be a Scrooge! Pass Auto Stimulus

Thousands of the Minority Leader's constituents will be idled during the Christmas season. Which might have something to do with Harry Reid's insistence on trying to pass an auto bailout during the lame duck session.

Putin Logic

Another good reason to hold Bush and Cheney accountable: to keep Vladimir Putin in check.

No Wonder the Siegelman Prosecutor Didn't Want an Investigation of the Juror Emails

One of the key grounds for appeal in the Don Siegelman case is that there was evidence of juror misconduct--two jurors plotting how to get a conviction--that the prosecution had the US postal inspectors investigate even while insisting any investigation would taint the jury process. At issue is a series of e-mails that arose in 2006 suggesting that two jurors had outside influence as they decided Siegelman's bribery conviction.

Joe and Dick: Looks Like Everything Went Swimmingly

I get the feeling Dick Cheney has a lot of sympathy for the woman who refused trick or treaters candy if their parents were voting for Obama.